

A Story by Crymes King

One mysteriously fantastic day leads to one supremely paramount celestial revelation…in no place other than, Reagan National Airport.

Excitedly awaken; eerie visuals plus soundings effuse from a recently “gifted” (mom & dad’s birthday presentation) black 65 inch 4K UHD Hisense Smart TV blaring the “Gen-Z” championed Netflix series, “Stranger Things”.

Young Justin, along with his sister, mother and loquaciously-intelligent father are set to embark on a highly anticipated family vacation to Yellowstone national park, "A markedly protracted distance from their modest Springfield, Virginia residence.

Awakening in Grizzly fashion, as if arising from an extended winter hibernation, JT gives an emphatic yawn followed by an urgent request from dad, “let’s go young amigo, 2hrs till check-in”. He hastily obliges.

"On to female sentiments: Mom, (Katey) eases intently into the dimly-lit “Billie Eilish” infused (through decorated appreciation) bedroom inhabited by her feminine treasure; daughter Julissa. “Wake up sunshine, we only have a couple of hours until check-in at Reagan National airport”. She replies “ok mom”, as she eyeballs her poster of the talented songstress; cascading blue hair surrounding the black dye (Kyrie) “dribbling” (Irving) from her gothically resembled eye-region, leading to the platinum or silver chain-links enveloping her white T-shirt.

With all in prepared accordance, the Thompson family is now packed and ready to venture, "from Springfield Virginia to the northwest corners of Wyoming they go. They enter their Cobalt-blue plus Cerise trimmed Dodge Caravan equipped with family friendly radio censored tunes. With only one quick stop at “Micky-D’s”, this proves a short-lived drive as Springfield to Arlington is no extensive stretch.

Along the way, as noticed by all family members, the day seems of oddity, dramatic-mystery, or better yet heavenly celestial natures. As such, Justin notices a strange figure imitating seamlessly “The Nicholas Brothers, Mike Jack and CB alike pirouetting amongst the clouds”. He, however pays no “mind” as “tricks” (a “Ghetto Boys” liken) run rampant amongst “Things” and “Strange” viewing.

Also along the way, as triumphant as J-Roc’s monumental hit “Win”, blares a horn blown with heavenly “note-precision” the likes of “Giovani Punto” himself. In unison, the entire family searches for the source but remembrance of public ceremony proceedings at Arlington National Cemetery saluting all vets as well fallen soldiers quells the curiosity.

With ride now complete, they reach Reagan national with ample time to spare. As they arrive, they notice an ancillary-amounted hour is still available before check-in. In lieu of this “unexpectedly acquired” newfound-time, the family shoots to the enthusiastically community supported “Smithsonian” retail/gift-shop (“Ben’s Chili-bowl adjacent”) equip with jewelry, fossil samples, as well varied reading material, perfect for the upcoming flight. They make purchases then proceed to check-in.

As they approach the attendants desk, a sense of disappointing foreboding lives true as a warning now blares through the entire airport monitoring system. Dishearteningly so, it reports: ‘(All flights have been canceled indefinitely due to…) with a slight pause then monitor disconnection as if disturbingly “forced” to hang up a rotary call.

Due to? Dad (Dan) speaks: “So their just gonna leave us on the wire like this? “Hold on guy’s stay here, I’ll be right back”…He travels from the South end of the airport to the North where he approaches an attractive Eritrean airport attendant adorned with a highly confused face posture. “Hey, how you doing”? “Hello sir”. “Yeah, I was wondering if someone could let me and my family know exactly what is going on”. “Yes sir, ahh…as of right now, headquarters has not released further information or details as to exactly what’s going on”. All we know is that all flights have been cancelled, as well all passengers, employees of the airport and crew members are currently being held. However we will be updated shortly.

Dan thanks the attendant for the information, albeit vague, then walks back to inform his family as well strategize a game-plan. As he walks up the corridor he spots a Starbucks as he ponders coffee plus snacks for the children. However, this idea is quickly thwarted as he spots a “supposed” couple talking with his family.

As he approaches, loquacious nature tucked aggressive, an interesting conversation involving his wife, (Katey) a tall athletically built Armenian gentleman, and a demurely-dressed freckle-faced South African woman is in full solar-unison.

The stated conversation involves talks of the recent “celestial-sightings” captured as well various natural disasters. This leading to further talks of the current phenomenon spotted in Jerusalem. Dan introduces himself, then enters the conversation. They swap stories plus trade theories, as well theorize as to what is delaying flights.

Without disrespect or derision, Dan prods with a surgeons precision as to who and exactly why these two anonymous strangers are conversing with his family. In accordance with his inquiry, they provide background: “So basically me and Patti met, (his name of Samir quickly tossed into the conversational fray) a while ago through an organization named “ World Vision International”.

“Ever since, we have Been working tirelessly to combat poverty, hunger, and injustice”. In addition, we also witness to as many willing ears the day will allow”.

Justin & Julissa adolescently focus amongst the discussed material in-between cell phone scans, grasping to every noun, verb plus word as “Saturday catechism” dovetails the strangers verbiage.

The two strangers quickly gain the trust of the reluctantly chatty family as they possess a genuine spiritual nature. Then, in a “Sixth-Sense” affixed type reveal (like the gender) comes the unexpected bombshell: “just between us strangers, "We know exactly what’s going on!

“Reluctance revisited” as the Thompson’s quickly form a laser-like focus; (attached to forthcoming details) as if Mr. Geoffrey Jordan himself scanning 3-point opportunities the likes of Stephen Curry; dominating shrug exacted like its ’92 all over again.

They both (Samir and Patti) begin the reveal with a cautious reluctance as the news is quite “Harrowing” depending on your “world views” or belief system.

Before the two strangers can fully proceed into informative conversation, the airport monitoring system blares once more: “Hello passengers, we have some disappointing news. We all will be held indefinitely as well quarantined to Reagan National until further notice.

Just as this alert is communicated, the two strangers alert the family of two options: “you could either try your best to find an exit now before a “full” airport lockdown, or ride it out with airport staff plus security…but either way this world as you know it is done. ("Family once again aurally fixated).

We aren’t just “World Vision International” members, we are also the beings captured on those very “discussed” YouTube “celestial-sightings” videos.

Dan, Katey, Julissa, and Justin all give a disinclined gaze as the strangers suggest motion; now escorting them past the monitor highlighting plane arrival/departing times to the open window-front displaying various planes.

They all (In unison) peer towards the heavens as 46 beings now hover; entire airport aghast at the unconventional sight.

Tears began to flow from the eyes of Justin; Julissa plus parents soon following.

The two strangers speak: “Please no, our father has intently watched your works with fever”. “Fret-not as your heavenly spots are more than solidified”. On top of these facts, “Christ” entering your persons has been long accomplished, as such slipping past quarantine or relaxing with airport staff and security in not a needed agenda.

Simultaneously in congruence with their comforting dialogue, a light emitts from the two strangers as they shed their telluric garments.

Samir, with an arcane ability, visually “imagines” north-linear, cryptically removing ceiling matter to reveal the paradisiacal skies. With puissant “gusts” as well motions liken to the aqueous might of the raging seas, both beings eject wings of “seemingly bronze”. Bronze implied as, (while solidly alloy formed), they simultaneously “wave” & “flow-limber” like H2O.

In two swoops Samir rallies Dan & Justin, Patti engulfing Katey & Julissa. Whole-time, ‘All a wonder’; the remaining airport attendees, passengers and crew members alike.

© 2024 Crymes King

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Added on August 29, 2024
Last Updated on September 15, 2024
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Spiritual


Crymes King
Crymes King


Newly published author looking to create plus re-imagine. more..


A Story by Crymes King