The Bird and The Worm
A Chapter by YoursTruly
Squinting, I rolled over to face Ellie. Her soft breaths calmed my nerves. To my right, Matt snored loudly. I placed removed my pillow from under us, gently laying it on his face. I sat up against the window of the history lab. My mind was racing, fear, anger, and hunger. My stomach growled, whined practically. Scars glanced at me, his eyes intense. I made an obvious look at my stomach, hoping he would get the idea. He pushed himself off the chair, scooting the desk back as he did this.
He floated across the room, standing over a group of girls. Without warning, he pulled the covers off of them and they woke with a start. I nudged both Ellie and Matt and they rose. Matt rubbed his eyes, hitting me with a pillow. I pulled the covers over out bodies, tossing them into a corner. Ellie threw her pillow out from under her, curious. I shrugged, and pointed at Scars. He continued pulling the covers off of the other students.
I was surprised how many blankets and pillows we had in the school. The Freshman, Sophomore, Junior and Senior nurse's had enough to warm the classes being held against their will. If only I was a year younger I thought. I wouldn't be in this situation. I'd be with my parents, watching what happened on the news. The police outside would let me know that everyone inside was fine for now. Except for Ms. Kennedy.
"Get up!" Scars shouted, kicking the legs of students. After a moment, everyone in the room was awake. He pulled out his walkie-talkie, speaking into it.
"They're all up. They need to eat. Get everyone to the cafeteria for dinner."
I looked over at the lunch lady sitting in the corner, terrified. Before he made us sleep, each of the men had snatched a lunch worker to prepare the meals for us. This was perfectly planned. Hold a group of kids hostage for a huge amount of money, kill off one until they finally got what they wanted.
"Gotcha." Someone replied back. Scars walked back to the door, opening it.
"Get in the hallway. Anyone tries to run, I'll drop you dead, right then and there. Got it?" We all nodded, standing up. Ellie grabbed my hand, and we walked out of the room. What was the point of feeding us? They were just going to kill us after they got the money or whatever they wanted. Matt trailed behind us, trying not to fall. Kristina opened the doors to the cafeteria, and we all entered.
"You all will sit at that table," Scars ordered, pointing to the table in the back. The group moved to the direction he pointed and sat down. I looked around the room. Everyone was a mess. One girl was crying, her friend trying to stop her. A boy placed his head on the table, and slowly shut his eyes. Soon, the doors opened as another class entered the room. I followed them as a man ordered them to a table. I took in a sharp breath as I saw Eric move towards a table, following his friends.
I wanted to yell, scream his name, but I didn't dare. Ellie followed my eyes, and gasped herself. Matt was the last one to see, and he reacted the same.
"What are we going to do?" He whispered.
"We're not doing anything. The police will handle this." Ellie mumbled.
"You honestly expect that we're just going to walk out unscathed?" He replied.
"Well they sure as hell aren't going to slaughter all of us. They need us for the trade." She countered.
"Guys, stop." I whispered, irritated. Kristina looked at us, a blank look on her face.
I looked around, waiting for the other classes to arrive. My nerves were running high.
"I need to be with Eric. We all do. He's probably scared out of his wits." I said.
"How are we going to do that? He's in another class. He'd never have enough time to sneak over here in this big of a room." Ellie asked. I nodded, giving up hope. I wasn't going to risk Eric being shot just for peace at mind. He was probably better off with his friends. I'd have gone into Big Brother Mode. Another class filed in, sitting at an appointed table.
Scars began speaking to a lunch lady, instructing her to serve what we were planning on having for lunch. The men made us skip lunch, fearful that we'd try and run. My stomach growled louder. A scratchy noise echoed in the cafeteria. Scars picked up his walkie-talkie, listening closely.
"We're short on the lunch staff. One of them tried to make a break for it. I shot her in the chest. Bled to death." Someone spoke.
"S**t! We're just going to have to work with what we have." He replied.
A slow smile spread across my face. Ellie was an amazing cook. I had dinner at her house last Christmas, and I didn't want to leave. I knew she could help with the staff. That, and with all the access to the knives, we could surely get out of here. I tapped Ellie on the wrist, and she looked at me confused.
"Tell them you will help them cook." I whispered.
"Are you out of your mind!? Why would I HELP them?" She angrily whispered back.
"You'll earn bonus points to protect yourself, and they have knives in the kitchen!" I answered. Matt's lips quivered, hope rising in him.
"I'm not helping cook for these mania-"
"Ellie please! If you just do what they say, you won't get into any trouble."
"And what if they catch me smuggling knives?"
"I... I'll tell them it was my idea. Please..." I begged. She sighed, giving in. Raising her hand, Scars looked in her direction.
"What?" He bluntly asked. She took a moment to recover.
"I-I can cook sir. I-I'm not great or anything, but I will help you out..." She stuttered. He skeptically studied Ellie, trying to decide if he should trust her.
"Get up." Scars replied turning around. Ellie did what she was told, walking passed me. She glared at me as she left. He whispered something to her, and she walked into the kitchen. Matt smiled at me, giving me a thumbs up. Kristina continued to look at us, her eyes suspicious. I tried to keep from smiling, waiting for the next class to enter the cafeteria. Maybe we weren't completely helpless. With knives we could easily escape, right?
© 2010 YoursTruly
Author's Note
Chapter three! I'm hoping to write a chapter a day, so please stay posted! CC is again, always welcome! Please comment!
Added on March 24, 2010
Last Updated on March 24, 2010
YoursTrulyTulsa, OK
Well, I honestly don't know where to start. I would like to be an author. I guess that's a good spot to start. I love to write, and I do mean love. I enjoy putting my ideas into words, trying to g.. more..