![]() No. 1 Angel with an AnswerA Chapter by John CarverOn the 22nd day of the seventh month of the 2,021st year I wrote that which is not true unless God should decide to make it true for you. There was in the home of the Christians of Yeshua or Hotcoy, a city on earth that required that if one was to make his residence there one must be a Christian and born again. But around the city were the suburbs, a community of guests and sojourners or Cogas roundabout Hotcoy. They are the fictional part of the city Hotcoy for no one would live in Hotcoy if there were only Christians and no one unsaved to share the Christ with. There was in the center of Hotcoy a fire and one night a year there was seen in the fire a man walking around that was for the time he was there not consumed and then at the end of usually no more than a few minutes later or so he disappeared. Everyone came to see him, the man of the fire in Hotcoy or Motfih and they celebrated his coming as an answer to prophecy and they watched the fire for they knew not at what hour of the night he might come. They knew not that it was God and that she graciously fulfilled the prophecy but that is why many said among the unbelievers of Cogas they had seen a woman though she always manifested as a man. It was during the Feast of Motfih that she walks about the world of men or Swatwom said to he is first in my life at all times or Hifimlaat, “What if he doesn’t come tonight?” Hifimlaat replied, “We are fiction.” “What does that mean!” she asked in surprise. “The Author who writes all we say and do lied when he wrote about us and God never honored his prophecy,” always listening in on the conversations of others or Aliotcoo said. “How do you know?” Swatwom asked her. “That is what he wrote for me to say,” Aliotcoo said, “But he says that I believe the prophecy. Didn’t he write that about you too?” “Every year I doubt it until I see the Motfih with my own eyes,” Swatwom said. “What happens, God forbid, that you go blind,” Aliotcoo said, “You no longer believe what you would have seen?” “Oh, you!” Swatwom said and waved her hand into her expression in disgust only to make the next thing she did to hug Aliotcoo. “How are you dear? Umm! I’ve missed you. Where have you been?” “In Cogas, living with a young couple who are just full of gossip!” Aliotcoo said, “I am having so much fun and the rent is cheap even though they don’t own their place officially.” “I just bet you are!” Hifimlaat broke in. “Come sit with us! We need cheering up.” “Are you sure?” she said and wrinkled her face near her nose. “I have a tendency to make people I care about famous?” “Come!” Swatwom said and moved closer to Hifimlaat to pat their blanket which was spread out upon the grass far enough from the fire to still remain cool. “Remember that year when it rained and the fire went out. He even came before it. It ruined the celebration for it turned cold with the wind and everybody went home instead of staying out all night.” “That’s not true,” Aloitcoo said, “I was here all night that night, soaked to the hide.” “Do you want to hear about us?” Swatwom said as Aliotcoo sat down. “No not if it would be gossip if I told someone. I am trying to cut that out. People are starting to get so they won’t let me hear things about them, even my friends. Didn’t you hear?” “Yeah! Ha ha!” Hifimlaat laughed. “That will be the day!” “It’s true!” Aliotcoo said and reached over Swatwom to slap his arm so that it stung. “The Author who writes us does enough of that anyway.” She was pregnant. “All right then,” Aliotcoo said, “I’ll tell you since nobody in Hotcoy gossips? I’m pregnant.” Then she bowed her head in shame. “Ah!” Swatwom said as she was breathing in then doubted, “You are?” “I am,” Aliotcoo said. “Ah!” Swatwom said excitedly but in shock, “You are! Is that why you’re living in Cogas?” “It’s shameful here,” Aliotcoo said. “There, many don’t seem to care. It’s better there.” “Do you like them?” Hifimlaat asked. “It is hard,” Aliotcoo said, “But being sure everyone knows your shame is worse.” “But everybody doesn’t,” Hifimlaat said. “We didn’t! Honest,” he added, pointing at him and Swatwom. “Don’t look down on me?” Aliotcoo said, making a face as if she might cry. Swatwom patted her arm and Hifimlaat said, “We won’t. It happens. But I take it you aren’t married.” “Yes, we are!” Aliotcoo protested, “In God’s eyes. “Were either of you, ah? Before you, um?” Hifimlaat asked. “Honey!!” Swatwom yelled at him. “It doesn’t matter,” Aliotcoo said. “I wasn’t. I was a virgin. Swear!” “What are you going to do with the baby?” Swatwom said, “You’re not thinking about-?” “Of course not!!!” Aliotcoo was in shock. “I’m a Christian! A true Christian would never do that!” But the very last sentence sounded too much like a question. “You would!” Swatwom shouted, “Oh! Ally!” “Jesus forgave me,” Aliotcoo said, “So why don’t I feel forgiven as always?” She feels the sting of death more than the joy of being forgiven. “Aw! Ally,” Swatwom said and hugged her tight. ‘God,’ she prayed silently, ‘If he’s from Cogas they can’t live here. Have I lost my best friend? She may die in Cogas. Do something? Amen.’ “Ah!!!” the crowd cooed all at once as everybody fell silent. “Look at him. He’s here!” “He looks like a woman to me,” Aliotcoo whispered to Swatwom who hugged her even tighter afterward. Then she let her go for the three of them to stand and see Motfih, the whole reason for the celebration just as a man turned and looked Aliotcoo directly in the eyes, then turned all the way around and hugged her saying, “Get married. You will live.” Then he turned away from her and went into the crowd so she couldn’t see him anymore. “Who was that, Moslem!” Swatwom asked. “Is that him?” “No, not that one,” Aliotcoo said, tearing up. “I never saw him before.” They both looked at her and Hifimlaat said, “Neither of us did either.” “What did he say to you?” Swatwom asked. “The sweetest words I ever heard,” Aliotcoo said. “I’m going to marry him.” “But he’s Moslem!” Swatwom was astonished to say. “Now, maybe?” Aliotcoo said as tears ran down her face. “My prayers have been answered! I just know it!” She was so happy, even the sting of death was nothing to her anymore. No one seemed to notice. There were a lot of people there who were weeping with joy. Aliotcoo married him and lived with him in Cogas for a while only to move back to Hotcoy where she divorced him for infidelity, died and remarried a Christian the one I always loved or Toial to live. © 2021 John Carver |
Added on July 24, 2021 Last Updated on July 24, 2021 Author![]() John CarverBemidji, MNAboutThe new creation is started. All died yesterday. The emphasis is on love and living forever both believers in the King and believers in the Queen who was scorned by the dragon. You are all free to do .. more..Writing