Disobeying God and Christ

Disobeying God and Christ

A Story by John Carver

Let me share with you another fiction story as has become my custom.

When Aliotcoo got married Swatwom was one of her bridesmaids and Hifimlaat had introduced her to the man she married and Swatwom and Hifimlaat loved the little girl my one little darling in the entire world or Molditew as their granddaughter, often visited and the four of them with Toial were good friends and sisters and brothers in the Lord.

Toial and Hifimlaat were discussing religion and the girls were playing Scrabble and competing but cheating by looking up correct spellings in the dictionary where actually they found many more words than they looked up. But nobody minded, especially Molditew, the little girl, who was watching Christian cartoons on TV.

“What do you think about this new doctrine that started with a prophecy online that had God speaking to man telling us that he loved us, Toial?” Hifimlaat asked.

“It’s always been that,” Toial said.

“Not quite when he quoted God on his blog God apologized for not having been loving in the past and commanded everybody, that’s Christians included, to disobey him,” Hifimlaat said.

“Oh that!” Toial said, “He put everyone into a bind to wind up loving him back after they die.”

“The dead in body too, the way I understand it,” Hifimlaat said.

“He brought them back from hell!” Toial said.

“Not only that but now in his blog,” Hifimlaat said, “He died and that he of him who is in heaven killed him!”

“Well, that’s getting a little too far off the edge for me,” Toial said. “What did God do? You have to wonder what he thinks when some prophet says things like that.”

“But he proves in his writing that God was the one commanding angels and they can’t do anything without being commanded to do it. That makes God responsible for everything Satan or the devils did,” Hifimlaat said.

“How does he get by with that?” Toial exclaimed.

“That’s just it,” Hifimlaat said, “He can’t. God can’t have talk like that in Heaven. But if it is true there isn’t anything he can do about it. But God knows we can’t have talk like that here either if it’s not true.”

“And if it is?” Toial asked.

“We’d be idiots to pray to a God like that and we’d have no one protecting us from Satan either!” Hifimlaat said.

“Let’s pray about it!” Toial said.

“Who to?” Hifimlaat asked.

“Jesus,” Toial said, “Or has he said that Jesus is evil too?”

“Well, no,” Hifimlaat said. “But in one of his  blogs he quotes God, the Triune God, as giving him God’s law to write.”

“Is he crazy?” Toial asked.

“I don’t know,” Hifimlaat said, “He doesn’t seem to be.  But anyway God orders Christ to do the same thing with Christians in Heaven!”

“What?” Toial asked. “Just what does he say?”

“I can find it,” Hifimlaat said, “It’s on Facebook!”

“Jesus wants us to disobey him?” Toial said.

“Well, yes and no,” Hifimlaat said. “He commands us to disobey him in the hope we will disobey him and then obey Christ’s laws which he says is to disobey his command to disobey him and sets us up for the abyss. But we do it with the hope he will love us and forgive us and make us gods in Heaven. If we just obey him all the time it requires us to have faith he loves us. But if we disobey his command in love he can love us and his law is based on love as well as the Hebrew laws they never break. To go to heaven according to him we have to make it possible for us to know that he loves us of his own freewill. It is spooky as hell. But I’m telling you this guy is smart. Jesus commanded us to love each other as he loved us. We have to take him at his word that it is his freewill and believe he loves us in faith. This way, the bind he puts us in, he proves he loves us by not casting us into the pit. You can’t really love someone because they order you to do it. You have to have the choice not to or it isn’t love but blind obedience. That much we know is true.”

“You sound like you’re sold on this crackpot!” Toial said. “Does he mean everybody?”

“Everyone who faces judgment,” Hifimlaat said.

“That’s everybody!” Toial said. “He must be crazy! The unbelievers will take it for a license to sin because Christ told them to.”

“But there is more to it,” Hifimlaat said. “When we are forgiven he wants us to command him to do something against Christ’s law.”

“What?” Aliotcoo broke in. “What are you guys saying? Command Jesus to break his own law?”

“Of course he will not, which gives him the chance to know we love him and he doesn’t have to just believe it,  but if we forgive him it proves we love him back. You see?” Hifimlaat said.

“This guy isn’t as crazy as I thought,” Toial said. “That would really work!”

“It doesn’t hurt us to disobey Christ,” Hifimlaat said, and Scripture says that he is faithful to forgive. Well now we know he is bound to forgive if he loves us just like we are bound to forgive him if we love him. You see? It’s a way to prove we are loved by Christ and prove to Christ we love him. I did it. I’m still here. I felt it was right from the Lord so I did it and when I was done I knew without a doubt Jesus does love me. It doesn’t hurt. We are fine if we do it. But if he’s telling the truth if we don’t, it is all based on our works like the Book of James says. It bails out James and nobody who loves Jesus this way can help but know he loves us because even if we are saints like James we are still measuring up to what’s expected of a Christian and we all can. It doesn’t hurt a thing.”

“What do we do?” Toial said.

“I told him I didn’t love him,” Hifimlaat said. “He commands us to love God which we understand is Jesus too. Then I told him I was lying. I really love him and accept what he did for me on the cross as payment for my sins. I broke what he commanded me to do. Then I obeyed his commands the only way I could think of and disobeyed his command to disobey him. A load went off my shoulders like you might not believe. I’m like a baby Christian. I’m saved. I always was. I know that by faith, but now that Christ forgave me for obeying him though I was lying which is part of it, I know he loves me. Talk about a faith booster!”

“You actually said to Christ, ‘I don’t love you?’” Toial said.

“But a moment later I told him I lied,” Hifimlaat said and reaffirmed my salvation and love for him as always.”

“Let’s all do it!” Swatwom said very seriously. “Ready? Let’s hold hands.”

“All but me,” Hifimlaat said, “I’ve already done it and I know Jesus Christ loves me.” he said, “No! Wait! Wait! Don’t do it unless he makes you judge him at the judgment if he does. Be pure without even a lie to keep your love perfect in spite of us losers that have to have proof of everything. But if between now and then you ever wonder then do it. It does no harm. This way everybody is still saved in the end either in Jesus our Christ or in God.”

They did it anyway knowing it would cause Jesus pain and they would never be pure Christians anymore but humbled for what they had done.

After they were all done and the girls were crying and Toial was teary-eyed Hifimlaat said, “The unbelievers do not even have to accept Jesus’ rule over them they can go straight to God make her their God. Nobody will be lost, even the most sinful vile evil man there is on earth will live and love either Jesus a whole lot or God and all of them with the Holy Spirit; God, the Triune God for they will change them not just to be good, the way I understand it, but loving each other and God even us Christians. I can’t wait to try it on someone in Cogas.”

“Let’s take a drive out there!” Swatwom suggested.

“Me too?” Molditew asked with a screech, surprising everyone that a little girl could be so loud.

They drove to the suburbs which were separated from Hotcoy by a few miles. Aliotcoo was driving. She pulled into a fancy driveway and said, “Here we are. I think it’s about time Muhammad met his daughter.” Then she went to the door and rang the doorbell. Muhammad answered.

“Aliotcoo!” he said with an accent, “What are you doing here?”

“This is your daughter, Molditew,” Aliotcoo said, “May we come in?”

“Never mind,” he said, looking furtively about and touching the sleepy Molditew on the arm, “I-I’ll come out. So this is your little one! Glad to meet you!”

Aliotcoo offered her to him to hold her but she knew how angry he could get. So she made a short time of it while Molditew fussed and almost cried in the arms of a stranger.

“Thank you so much, Aliotcoo. I was wondering if I would ever get to see her even,” Muhammad said. “Why the change of heart?”

“We have some good news for you Muhammad,” Aliotcoo said.

“I hope it is good news to me too, Aliotcoo,” Muhammad said.

“It is,” Aliotcoo said.

“Well whatever it is? Please tell me,” Muhammad said.

“God loves you,” Aliotcoo said and he turned away.

“But your God is not Allah,” he said. “What does it matter to me that your God loves me?”

“He wants you to disobey him and worship the alien god,” Aliotcoo smiled with her perfectly white teeth seeming to glow in the full moon’s light.

“What kind of a God wants people to disobey him?” Muhammad said.

“That’s what he said, ‘Disobey me,’” Aliotcoo said, “Then when you obey me you are without the sin of disobedience. But when you die and obey me and ask me to forgive you for disobeying my commandment I will prove that I love you by forgiving you but not my reproach by ignoring you and throwing you in the abyss.”

“Aha!” Muhammad raised his voice, “So I go to the abyss whether I obey his command to disobey him or not. What does that profit me?”

“It doesn’t profit you,” Aliotcoo replied, “It profits him in order to show you his love comes from his own freewill to hate you and condemn you or to love you and pardon you.”

“All I have to do is do something, anything he would have me do and he may love me or continue to hate me-” Muhammad started.

“But he doesn’t hate you now,” Aliotcoo said, “He knows you cannot obey him even if he commands you to disobey him and disobey that command by doing something like loving him as Jesus Christ told his followers, ‘Love others as I have loved you,’ only concerning the One True God. He is ordering you not to become a Christian-”

“Ordering me!” Muhammad exclaimed, “Your God has no authority from Allah to command me anything!”

“Yes, but he does, Muhammad!” Aliotcoo said, “He is the only God there truly is. He has defeated all Gods, even the Most High. They are all dead and the one he was while he was doing it is dead. He took over the identity of God, the Three in One God. Therefore he was evil as you said. See? You agree with him already.”

“Let me see?” Muhammad said, “You want me to love a God who would kill even the Most HIgh God!”

“No,” Aliotcoo said, “He is the God who was taken over by that God and now that God is dead.”

“A new God?” Muhammad asked.

“No,” Aliotcoo said, “The same God who made you and your people as he made everyone. The One who was left when that evil God died and he was liberated. But he didn’t mind for he was that God anyway but without him we are left with a good God in the place of that evil God and the good God commands you to disobey him.”

Muhammad shook his head.

Then Muhammed said, “I can see how it works but I cannot understand it. How is that possible?”

“He loves anyone that can love,” Aliotcoo said, “And we can all love, can’t we?”

“Yeah-yes!  B-but we can also choose not to love! He takes that option away from us by demanding we command him to disobey us, a sign of disrespect to God the Creator. It makes no sense to me,” Muhammad said. “Nothing you ever said to me makes sense. You little Christs are all like crazy people to me. It gives me a headache. I must go now and lie down. This is too much for me.”

“Disobey God from now on!” Aliotcoo yelled to him as he went through the door to his own house causing him to stop.

“I have no choice,” he said.

”You are being rude again, Muhammad. Keep it up. You are doing well disobeying God. Now serve Allah!” The last sentence she said was with her hand raised to her mouth to help ensure he heard her as he slammed the door.

Then she walked to the car and hugged Tioal saying to him, “That went better than expected. I got through to him. I know Muhammad. He’ll never forget it and when he stands at judgment he may not accept Jesus’ will but he probably will. One thing is for certain; he will love God then, if not before his body dies.”

Swatwom and Hifimlaat listened in awe of what God was doing. They too saw that he had changed when he could see it work in him but could not yet understand it.

His daughter, Molditew, began to scream and cry, making the next thing on the agenda to take her home and put her to bed. It was well past her bedtime.

“He didn’t get it,” God said but the Author told her the other ones know he can love even as a Muslim. “He will never love. Muslim’s never do. He will go to the pit,” God added.

“Forever!” the Author asked.

“He will change but always go back to it,” she said.

“Is it better then to leave him dead?” the Author asked.

“Leave him dead!” God said, “Heavens! He will go to the Isles of the Blessed Dead in the end.”

Aliotcoo could hear them speaking in Heaven. So she prayed, “Jesus, make him a Christian. I have forgiven him.”

Jesus never answered her for she was asking for something that was not up to him, the Holy Spirit or God or, the Author.

“Muslims are easy to convert,” Christ said to the Author.

In their end they go to the Isles of the Blessed Dead in Allah, practicing sharia law which Allah hates also.

© 2021 John Carver

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Added on July 23, 2021
Last Updated on July 23, 2021


John Carver
John Carver

Bemidji, MN

The new creation is started. All died yesterday. The emphasis is on love and living forever both believers in the King and believers in the Queen who was scorned by the dragon. You are all free to do .. more..
