

A Chapter by Yashoda

The colourful blinking and streaming lights were blinding for some, energising for others. For me, it was the latter. Honestly, I think it got me high. I didn't really get around with alcohol much, and tonight was definitely not a night for it. I came with one of my petit brunette friends, Aly and today was her birthday...and well, I took it upon myself to stay sober to guide her home.

We were in a recently opened nightclub, Crimson Paradise and Aly was insistent on coming here. It would have been fun but, her boyfriend came too. Earlier Robbie told her that he wasn't going to be able to come because he had to work late. They talked on the phone and she didn't seem mad at all. Then, apparently it was all a little prank to surprise her and he showed up. I hoped my smile didn't look too menacing toward him. I wasn't too disappointed but then I kinda was for a little while. Don't think I'm selfish for thinking that it was going to be one of those fancy girls night out but damn, there went the fun expectations I had for us. Not that she consciously give her attention to him, I mean, it was her night and they were probably blended in the crowd or in one of the rooms available for rent upstairs for all I even knew. I really didn't mind.

After an hour, I gave up the sticking to the bar counters sipping on some bland champagne and trying to blend out of the crowd, away from all the wild and grinding bodies.

It only took an hour though, until I decided to loosen up a bit and blend in, have some fun because at this point, wherever Aly was, she wasn't going to come back anytime soon. I got up, smoothed my short shiny baby blue dress and defying the innocence of the colour as I took a breath and stepped up my game.

It felt so relieving. He would have loved to be here with me right now, pointing out all the boys I thought was attractive (when really they weren't) just to see him cringe at my taste. It's been four years since Ashton, my best friend, died. I loved him more than anything...and I still do. I didn't have my parents anymore, and that's quite a long story that I've heard from my aunts who raised me. Ashton wasn't delicate. He was average built (my personal bodyguard) and had the most wonderful personality and---.

For a moment I realized I paused within the swarm of warm bodies, bumping on me occasionally. If he were here, it would have been less lonely, as he was the only person I trusted, the only person I really had to talk to.

I needed to stop this before I started to get more emotional, and just as I could feel myself about to snap out of it and start tuning back into the flexing and dancing, just when I felt someone still before me, among the mass and I looked up to see him peering down at me.

He had some tattoos that I could faintly make out with the flickering lights. From what I could've made out, he was wearing a button up shirt which I could make out was fitted nicely onto his upper body. Within the matter of seconds before I could break into a smile, he bent the inch (it would've been three if I hadn't been wearing heels) down toward me and you would have sworn it was for a kiss (I surprised myself when I didn't lean backward from his contact), but it wasn't. He spoke into my ear. I couldn't make out an accent or tone but I made out what he said.

'Would you like to have a drink?' He pointed toward the bar in case I didn't understand among the blaring EDM.

I thought about it for a split second. Maybe I did need one, just one. I smiled and nodded because I didn't want to lean into him now, not to give him any signals that I was the least bit interested in his slightly hidden, possibly sexy neck tattoos, his finely fitting clothes or his killer good looks, which again I couldn't quite point out with these blinding lights which made me intoxicated. He held me lightly by the elbow and lead me out the crowd.

I swore I glimpsed Aly at the end of the crowd and I turned, searching for her, but she wasn't there, it was just another blonde hippe with a similar dress to hers. I was actually considering the fact that I was letting a stranger buy me a drink...I always refused but I think I was just trying to numb my recently brought up have some company.

After the waiter served the cherry wine at the counter, Mr. Stranger and I took our drinks and he said something and obviously, I still couldn't hear. He could have spoken a bit louder but I took it that he was probably a gentleman who refused to talk louder.

We took a walk close to the entrance, away from the speakers. Then it happened.

I felt it.

I couldn't run.

I cursed Ashton in my mind for dying, because if it wasn't for him on my mind, I never would have accepted the attractive stranger's offer for that drink. If he was alive and with me right now, I would have been on my guard, he would've been looking out for me. He said that he would always look out for me.

That drink lead me to a spiralling fate.

I walked ahead of the well-dressed stranger and it all happened a bit too quickly. It was in the middle of my back he pressed something cold. My first brief half a second thought was that he was trying to seduce me indirectly but no. Before a word or sound of protest could leave my mouth, he offered his commands.

'Don't move.' He shoved my forward with the cold metal, what I assumed was a gun, into my skin. I guess that's what you get for not suspecting the 'too perfect for a man' type. 'If you make any sound or indication that I'm forcing you out of here, you should then, make your last wish.'

© 2016 Yashoda

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Featured Review

This was a pleasantly well-written chapter/prologue. It feels a bit rough, but overall it's not bad at all. There were a few times where the object of the sentence was a bit confused and some occasions where the sentences seemed necessarily long. I would suggest taking a quick skim over this and making a few adjustments. I remember reading a different book you published to this site, and this current project is quite a ways better. You've shown much improvement. I'm legitimately intrigued to see where this book goes.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


it's a bit tough but sounds well fell exicted to read what's next


Posted 8 Years Ago

Critique: (it was just another blonde hippe) hippie
('Don't move.' He shoved my forward) shoved me

Review: Intriguing and believable (all but the last line) it does everything you want a prologue to, it gets your readers interest. As for the last line, a kidnapper who spoke like this would not feel threatening enough in a public place to keep you from screaming. He needs to make you feel he is mean and dangerous enough that you will die if you make a sound. "If you make a sound you won't live long enough to hear it, and a lot of others will die with you." someone says that along with the feel of the gun pressed aginst you would scare anyone :~)

Posted 8 Years Ago

This was a pleasantly well-written chapter/prologue. It feels a bit rough, but overall it's not bad at all. There were a few times where the object of the sentence was a bit confused and some occasions where the sentences seemed necessarily long. I would suggest taking a quick skim over this and making a few adjustments. I remember reading a different book you published to this site, and this current project is quite a ways better. You've shown much improvement. I'm legitimately intrigued to see where this book goes.

Posted 8 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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4 Reviews
Added on February 21, 2016
Last Updated on February 21, 2016



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