![]() HowardA Screenplay by Paul Pruett![]() Based on the Story by Paul Barrowman.![]() EXT. LOS ANGELES -- 2033 MORNING The city is a exercise in opposites. In the center is D-town. Massive, glowing sky scrapers poke the clouds. Neon is every where. Huge multilevel freeways pipe driverless cars into overblown glitz, this is the down town. The people who travel on these colossal exitless roads never linger near the squalor that led them there. The sky is a muted yellow from dust, smog and pollen. As a result of this when anyone is outside they must wear some form of mask to keep everything out. Government PATROL DRONES, antennae-covered, camera covered robots came be seen drifting up and down the streets. The Urbans. Multitiered tentaments. All in disrepair. Some falling down, some held together with wire. Occasionally one of two in decent condition. Homeless every where. Tents and boxes and just sheets covering people all along the broken sidewalks. Broken down cars litter the streets. Some burned, some used as shelters. We move into the window of one the better apartments. INT. HOWARD’S APARTMENT -- EARLY MORNING The apartment is a bit dirty, disheveled. A few odd pictures adorn the wall. Images that make no sense. A large flat screen TV is mounted on one wall. Dust is every where except for ones chest of drawers fill with photos. A family, A photo of a bride. Shots of children. A handsome man in a police uniform. All the photos are impeccably maintained. NOT ONE SPECK OF DUST. Against one wall is small bed. Almost a cot. Asleep in HOWARD (74), he is thin and wirey, thin white hair is long on one side, He combs it over. Howard rolls over and wakes up. He rubs his eyes, grabs a small faded red handkerchief from the small table next to him and blows his nose. Howard get out of bed, sitting on the side for a few moments. He is wearing boxer shorts and a T-shirt. He gets out of bed and kneels down on the floor. He begins to do push ups. After a long set of push ups he changes to sit ups. When he is done with this morning routine, he is sweating slightly. A well-worn standing fan is in one corner. He turns it on and it begins to move slowly, barely moving the air. He walks into the bathroom, thumbing the single neon bulb in a fixture for two. It blinks for a while and then comes one. He turns on the water, splashing a handful on his face. There is a small digital counter next to the mirror. It reads 540. When he turns the water off, it ticks down to 539. Howard rolls his eyes when this number changes. HOWARD And its the 15th. Only two showers this month, ol’ Guard. He turns out the light and walks back into the kitchen. He walks to a panneled wall and tugs it open, it is the fridge. And its nearly empty. Howard grabs a small butter of a brown paste. The label has an F in a circle on it and the word: SPREAD underneath it. Also in the fridge is a small bottle, same markings and the word LIQUID SUPPLEMENT. He grabs a small glass from the dish rack in the sink and pours nearly a full glass. He grabs a small knife from a drawer and a thin plate. He sets these on the counter and opens a cabinet from over the sink. It is nearly bare. There is a small package also marked with F and circle, the word below says CRISPS. He prepares a kind of sandwich. He walks back into the kitchen, sets the food and the drink on a small table. Howard then walks to the front door, there is a basket attached to a mail slot in the door. A lone envelope sits in the baskets. He grabs and sits back down. Also on the table, is a small white device. He picks it up and speaks into it. HOWARD News. Local. The TV comes on. TV ANNOUNCER Good AM. Time for the local headlines. Howard begins to eat his sandwich. TV ANNOUNCER Chip Attacks are up in the Urbans this month, with more then 4 cases every week this month and 9 previous. So far this month, the thieves have left most vics with their limbs intact. Only two elders loosing right hands in the last 11 cases. The FED recommends elders only going out during daylight hours. However this not a guarantee. If you lose your chip, the forehead is also an authorized location. Howard shakes his head and takes another bite. TV ANNOUNCER And in global news, The World Council has once again imposed sanctions on The radical right wing terrorist state of Israel, as it illegally continues its construction on its so-called Third Temple of Solomon -- Howard lifts up the device. HOWARD Mute. The TV sound goes down to a whisper. Howard looks at the lone letter. It has the return address of EMPLOYMENT DIVISION. Howard lets out a deep sigh. He knows what’s coming. He opens it and begins to read. HOWARD Dear citizen, as of this date all social security benefits have been permanently suspended. If you feel this has been made in error you may appeal and call our office between the hours of 1000 to 1530 local time. Have a nice day. Howard puts the letter down, pours a drink of the supplement and goes to the window. Frustration is written all over his face. His gaze drifts down a RAGGED MAN pushing a cart along the other side of the street. A lone car slowly drives down the street. GA patrol, most likely. EXT. STREET CONTINUOUS The man’s cart hits a break in the side walk and tips over. The man shuffles over and struggles to pick up his cart. As he does he trips and falls into the street. There is a soft noise above him. He looks up to see a PATROL DRONE has noticed the commotion and circled down to take a look. It buzzes above the man, he looks up at it and growls, waving at it like an errant fly. It moves on. INT. HOWARD’S APARTMENT -- CONTINIOUS Howard grits his teeth and takes a swig of his drink. HOWARD Not far away from that now. Howard returns to his seat, picking up the remote. HOWARD Call. The TV screen changes color HOWARD Local Social Security office. The TV beeps. Then the screen reads:DIALING. Nothing. The the screen says:ANSWERING. TV The number you have reached is currently not accepting calls or is busy. Normal hours are 1000 to 15:30. You may try your local office for assistance. This is a recording. The phone disconnects. Howard thinks for a while. He speaks into the remote again. HOWARD Location of the nearest SSA office. The TV flashes for a moment. The a map of the city appears on the screen with several red dots and addresses next to each one. All of the dots except for one has an “X” through it. There is a note at the bottom of the screen. All marked locations are currently closed. Howard notes the one that is open. It is a great distance from where he lives. HOWARD No time like the present. INT. HOWARD’S APARTMENT -- MOMENTS LATER Howard is putting the dishes away in the kitchen. He takes down a large empty water bottle from a shelf and fills it with water from the tap. HOWARD Shouldn’t kill me. He places it on the table next to the letter. He then moves to the large closet. When he opens it we see a row similar plaid shirts on the right. And a perfectly tailored, pressed police uniform on the left. Howard takes down one of the shirts and a neatly folded pair of blue jeans from the dresses in the back of the small closet. As he gets dressed he tries to decide to cover his military tatoo, even though it is going to be warm outside today. It is a sword and rifle crossed together. He grabs a very small billfold off of his night stand. He also stuffs the letter in his pocket. He goes to his door where a large mask is hanging on a hook. He opens the door and walks into the dark hall. EXT. HOWARD’S APARTMENT -- MOMENTS LATER Howard leaves the building. He adjusts his mask. He looks up at the pale yellow. There is a slight breeze blowing. He dons his mask and walks down the streets lined with homeless. EXT. STREET -- A WHILE LATER There are a few people on the street, some carrying bags, some pushing carts. Some small clusters of tents. The society is collapsing. Howard turns a corner and comes along a group of shops. Some burned out, some boarded up. All most all closed. EXT. STREET CAFE -- CONTINIOUS Howard approaches this small CAFE. It is dimly lit. There are a few small round tables out in front, each with a couple of chairs. A lone PROPRIETOR (60) is wiping down the tables. He too wears a mask. Howard stops. HOWARD Sir? PROPRIETOR Help ya? Howard extends his hand. The man looks at it, then up at Howard. HOWARD Sorry. old habits, you know. PROPRIETOR Yeah. I miss shakin’ hands too. But you know what they say. He rolls his eyes up. HOWARD You might catch something. I never did but -- PROPRIETOR Better safe then sorry. Howard nods. PROPRIETOR So -- HOWARD So I was looking for some work. Anything’ll do. PROPRIETOR I can understand. Bad times. HOWARD Bad times. End times. Seem to get worse. PROPRIETOR Sorry to say that I ain’t got nuthin’. Barley get enough credits to keep the lights on. Howard’s shoulders sag. HOWARD Anything near by? PROPRIETOR You might try down and over a couple of blocks. However -- HOWARD Yes? PROPRIETOR Had a couple of attacks last week. Mostly after dark. One lady lost her hand. Animals. HOWARD Pure and simple. PROPRIETOR Ain’t that straight. Even with GA patrols around here, still don’t help. HOWARD Thanks. I appreciate your time. And the information. Howard nods to him. The Proprietor nods. Howard gives a half-wave. A drone buzzes over head. EXT. DIFFERENT STREET -- LATER Howard is finding shop after shop closed. He pulls a bandana out of his pocket and wipes his forehead. Its getting hot. He pulls out the water bottle and takes a short drink. He continues down the street. A drone slowly follows him. He stops at a large nearly empty major cross street and notes the address. There is a large building across the street. SSA is on the face of the building in faded letters. Howard looks both ways before he crosses the street, even though he hasn’t seen a moving car in hours. EXT. SOCIAL SECURITY BUILDING -- CONTINIOUS Howard walks up the steps to the front of the large building. Many of the windows are taped up, cracked. Next to the doors there is a slot/opening about six inches by six inches waist high with the words SCAN HERE written in faded red. Then slightly above in very small letters are the words: INSERT CARD. Howard takes out his billfold and pulls out his government issue ID card. He inserts into the slot and waits. There is a quiet click. He tries a door and it won’t open. He tries a second door and nothing again. Finally a third door wrenches open with some effort. He goes in. INT. SOCIAL SECURITY BUILDING -- CONTINIOUS The interior of the building is dimly lit. A couple of lights flicker over head. A lone sign stands in the middle of the entry way. UNEMPLOYMENT OFFICE. With an arrow pointing to the left. Howard walks down the hall. INT. UNENPLOYMENT OFFICE -- CONTINIOUS The office is also dimly lit. Another sign is posted on the wall. PROCEED TO NEXT LIT CUBICLE Howard looks at the rows of cubicles and spots a light on in one. INT. UNENPLOYMENT OFFICE -- CONTINIOUS He moves down the row and sits down in the one lit cubicle. All that is there is a large TV screen. Attached to the screen is a scanning wand. There is a sign that reads: SCAN TO BEGIN Howard takes out his card from his bill fold, grabs the wand and scans it. The TV beeps and the screen begins to light up. Howard removes his mask. On the screen appears and WOMAN (45). She looks up. She speaks in Spanish. WOMAN (SUBTITLE) Yes? HOWARD I -- I wanted to see what I could do about my benefits. WOMAN (SUBTITLE) I am sorry, I don’t speak English. (in Broken English) Next booth, please. Howard frowns and get up moving to the next booth, several rows down. INT. UNENPLOYMENT OFFICE -- CONTINIOUS Howard sits down in the next cubicle and repeats the scanning process. A YOUNG BLACK WOMAN (25), TRISH appears. HOWARD Hi, do you speak English? TRISH One of the few. HOWARD Good. Thank you. TRISH So, how may I help you? She glances at her screen to the right. TRISH Mr. Johnson? HOWARD Howard, please. TRISH Okay. Howard. Lets take a peek at what we have. She reads her screen for a while. TRISH I see. Howard I’m afraid that as stated in that notice your benefits have run out. The economy is just -- well, we are in trouble. As a whole. I am not supposed to say that but -- HOWARD So what are you tell me? That I am -- finished? No more benefits? That can’t be right, it just can’t. TRISH I understand your frustration. HOWARD You do. I've heard that before. TRISH I do. Sometimes when I get this I just have to rely on -- the WAY. She looks up in to the ceiling. Howard sits there staring at her. Her hand moves to the left of her key board and there is an audible click. HOWARD What was that? The Way? TRISH Nothing. Nothing to worry about. HOWARD You’re a follower of -- The Way. She nods barely. HOWARD I’ve -- I used to be. Not anymore. TRISH No longer seeing foot prints in the sand? HOWARD Just mine. TRISH Are you sure you’re not being carried? Howard snorts. Then he pauses for a long moment, staring at the screen. HOWARD I don’t know. Could be, I suppose. Trish is taping way at her key board. TRISH Sorry to say that I can’t do anything about your benefits. Really. There’s this new Federal regs -- He holds up his hand. HOWARD Nothing more needs to be said. TRISH I might be able to get something temporary. Still at the same address? HOWARD Well, yes, I -- I am. Why? TRISH Good. HOWARD Temporary? TRISH Yes. I know some people. They need help from time to time. Its not even hard. Just delivering correspondence. HOWARD That sounds -- TRISH No, its all on the up and up. Seriously. Give me a couple of days. Three at the most. HOWARD Okay. TRISH If I can I'll send you a packet. Nothing major. HOWARD Not over the NET? TRISH Eh, we do like hard copies of things. That would be the nature of the job. Delivery. HOWARD That would be -- fantastic. TRISH That will have some information on the job and such. Okay? HOWARD Do -- I need anything else? That’s it? TRISH All done. Howard stares at the screen for a long while. HOWARD I don’t know what to say -- thank you. TRISH You bet. Blessing of the Way. HOWARD Thank you -- I -- I never thought I would say this but -- Blessings to you as well. Howard gets up. HOWARD Are we -- done? TRISH Yes. When this job is done, just swing back by and I’ll see what else I can find. HOWARD ‘til then. She smiles. TRISH Until then. Howard leaves. INT. TRISH’S CUBICLE -- CONTINIOUS She watches him leave, reaches down and pulls out a small blue tooth. She touches the button. TRISH Its me. I’ve found another courier. She listens. TRISH No, he is of the Way. Bit lost maybe. But I think God can use him. She listens again. TRISH Of course, will be praying for his safety. But with the GA cracking down hard. Lord’s will be done. She hangs up. EXT. SOCIAL SECURITY BUILDING -- CONTINIOUS With his mask back in place, Howard descends the steps with a renewed sense of vigor. As he does an unmarked sedan comes around the corner. The car pulls up next to him. A YOUNG MAN (20) rolls down the window and leans out. He wears a black grilled mask. His voice comes out with a tinny quality. YOUNG MAN Citizen, a word. Howard hesitates. HOWARD I -- YOUNG MAN Now would be a good time, citizen. Howard gingerly walks over. YOUNG MAN Ident. He holds up a small scanner. Howard reaches into his pocket and pulls out his wallet. HOWARD I’m -- YOUNG MAN Where is your CHIP, CITIZEN??? Howard hands him his card. HOWARD I haven’t got one. I -- YOUNG MAN Really? You know that it is requirement in 6 months. For all citizens. Capital penalties may apply, if you don’t. HOWARD I know but -- The Young Man scans the card. YOUNG MAN Bit far from home, are we? Howard nods the building behind him. HOWARD Looking for some help. YOUNG MAN Oh. And did they? HOWARD Did they -- ? YOUNG MAN Help? HOWARD Oh, yes. The Young Man looks at his driver. YOUNG MAN That’s all. You can go. Citizen. Howard forces a smile. HOWARD Thank you. The Young Man watches him go. YOUNG MAN Something doesn’t smell right. I want a cover on all communications coming out of here. Period. Starting now. And open me a file on this guy. Go back 15 years. No, make that 25. Lets go. EXT. STREET -- MOMENTS LATER Howard step is a little lighter. He shakes his head with a smile. HOWARD After all this time. You are watching after me. Thank you. I am sorry I doubted you. His pace quickens. EXT. STREET CAFE -- LATER Howard walks up the cafe. The proprietor is putting the chairs inside. He then pulls down the gate. HOWARD Closing for the day? PROPRIETOR Yes. Slow again. HOWARD Well, I’ve had a change of fortune. Bit of a miracle, you might say. PROPRIETOR Do tell. HOWARD I may have found work. PROPRIETOR Good for you. HOWARD Haven’t had a chance to say it in a while. HE is good. I think I’ve forgotten that of late. PROPRIETOR He? Howard looks up into the sky. PROPRIETOR Believer? HOWARD Yes. Just needed that miracle. You? PROPRIETOR Not really. But to each his own. HOWARD Maybe, I’ll give you some business when I get paid. PROPRIETOR Sounds like a deal. HOWARD Bye. Howard leaves. The Proprietor watches him go with a slight frown on his face. INT. HOWARD’S APARTMENT -- A COUPLE OF DAYS LATER -- MORNING Howard gets up and does his usual exercise routine. His energy is very high today. He moves to the window and looks out. The sky is a bit clearer. HOWARD Beautiful day, Lord. Thank you. He goes to the door. There is a thick ENVELOPE in the basket. He opens it. Inside is another envelope with a note wrapped around it. He reads it. HOWARD Thank you so much for helping us with this courier service. Below is the address and contact person to deliver the packet to. Please put it in their hands only. Deliver it as soon as you can. Your pay will be deposited upon receipt of the package -- Trish Howard scanned the address. He knew the general area. HOWARD Not too far. No time like the present. He sets the letter down on the table and begins to dress. EXT. DIFFERENT STREET -- A COUPLE OF HOURS LATER Howard pauses a moment on the stoop of his complex, takes a drink from his bottle and begins to walk. EXT. DIFFERENT STREET -- LATER Howard stops at a large building and checks the address written on his paper. It is correct. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING -- CONTINIOUS This building is decently maintained. Howard removes his mask as he enters. There is a couple of lights in the foyer. Howard looks and finds the room number, 145. He knocks. A MAN (40) peeks out. MAN Yes? HOWARD Trish sent me with a delivery for -- He looks at the paper. HOWARD Mace. MACE That’s me. You are? HOWARD Howard. I was told to give this -- He holds out the letter. MACE Great. Please. He opens the door. Howard walks in. The room is sparsely furnished. In the center of the room is a circle of 6 chairs. MACE Sorry about the paranoia. The GA have really been -- well, being who we are is not a good time right now. HOWARD Being -- ? MACE Of The Way. Things just keep getting worse. The Returning can’t be far off. HOWARD Returning? MACE HIS. What we used to call The Rapture. Day by day more signs occur. The World Council. The Temple being -- HOWARD I heard about that. MACE The CHIP. All the pieces -- Soon we get to go home. Howard nods. MACE Forgive me for my manners. Would you like to stay? HOWARD Stay? Mace opens the letter. They are printed pages of text. MACE We are studying Romans. HOWARD The Bible? MACE ‘bout the only way we can do it these days. That’s why we don’t use the network. HOWARD I see. MACE Old ways are the best. If letter exchange was good for the early church, then it should be good for us. HOWARD I suppose that’s true. I -- I should go. MACE Okay. Thank you. Howard smiles. HOWARD You are welcome. MACE I will let Trish know that you arrived. Howard nods and moves to the door. MACE Again, bless you. HOWARD You too. Howard leaves. EXT. APARTMENT BUILDING -- CONTINIOUS Howard leaves the building, puts his mask back on and begins the long walk home. The day is lengthening. Dusk is coming on. EXT. STREET -- MOMENTS LATER Howard turns a corner and walks by a deserted alley. A voice comes out of the deepening gloom. VOICE Hey, Dad. Howard stops. VOICE Yeah, you. Come here. Howard hesitates. A second voice comes out of the alley near the first. 2ND VOICE Think he’s got money? 1ST VOICE Lets see. Two scraggly looking MEN come out of the alley. One holds a large knife. They just wear bandannas around their mouths instead heavy masks. 2ND VOICE Your chip. 1ST VOICE Or your life. 2ND VOICE What do you think its gonna be? The other man snorts. 1ST VOICE Lets just kill’im. HOWARD Please, you don’t need to -- 1ST VOICE Ohhh, yes we do. Times is tough. HOWARD Please. 2ND VOICE Don’t beg, Dad. Its pathetic. The two men move forward. Howard moves into the man with the knife, turns quickly and slams his elbow into the man’s diaphragm. He coughs and doubles over. With another move, Howard back hands the man in the face. He drops to the ground, his nose broken. 1ST VOICE What in the -- you a fighter? Howard squares off. HOWARD Ex-military. 1ST VOICE Ex is right. He moves in to attack Howard. He throws a punch, Howard dodges it easily and brings the bridge of his hand across the man’s Adam’s apple. He gags and drops to his knees. He gazes up at Howard in awe and collapses to the ground. HOWARD God Forgive you. As he walks away, he begins to shake. INT. HOWARD’S APARTMENT -- SOMETIME LATER Howard sits down in his chair and turns on the TV. He speaks into the remote. HOWARD Finances The TV beeps and a bank page comes up. HOWARD Recent deposits. The screen flashes again. It reads: DEP:04/18/33 AMT 752 CR CURRENT TOTAL: 752.03 CR Howard stares at the screen in awe. HOWARD Just for that? Howard gets out of his chair, goes down on his knees. HOWARD Lord, Forgive me for my wandering ways. Even when have not trusted you, you have watched over me. -- FADE OUT. INT. HOWARD’S APARTMENT -- A COUPLE OF DAYS LATER -- MORNING Howard is getting dressed. He moves into the kitchen and opens the fridge, there is quite a bit more food then usual. So he has a bowl of grain cereal and some soy milk. A lot more substantial then what he is used to. When he is finished, with breakfast he opens the cupboard. There is several boxes of food, some can good too. Howard open up one of the boxes and takes out some kind of protein bar. He fills his water bottle and leaves. INT. UNENPLOYMENT OFFICE -- LATER Howard is again seated in front the screen waiting for Trish. The screen comes on. Trish is there. HOWARD You are so wonderful. TRISH Nice of you to say. HOWARD I’ve been -- well, God and I have -- he has so blessed. I just needed a nudge to realize it. Again, thank you. TRISH He is good. HOWARD That’s a lot of -- payment. TRISH We have a couple in the groups who are well off. HOWARD I can see that. EXT. UNENPLOYMENT OFFICE -- SAME TIME The GA car pulls slowly around the corner. YOUNG MAN We gonna follow this one. Wait just a little. INT. UNENPLOYMENT OFFICE -- SAME TIME TRISH So every thing worked out? HOWARD Oh, yes. TRISH We’ve got another set of papers to deliver. Should be there today. HOWARD Then I best be going. TRISH Lord bless you, Howard. HOWARD You too. One day I’d like to thank you in person. TRISH We might run into each other. You never know. HOWARD That you don’t. Howard stands up. HOWARD Bless you. Howard leaves. INT. TRISH’S CUBICLE -- CONTINIOUS Trish smiles and leans back in her chair. Suddenly she is grabbed by rough hands and a black bag is placed over her head. She screams. TRISH No, please!! EXT. UNENPLOYMENT OFFICE -- SAME TIME Howard is almost hoping down the stairs to the street. He begins to make his way home, oblivious to the sedan that is peeking out around the corner. INT. HOWARD’S APARTMENT -- LATER Howard enters his apartment and finds another package in his mail basket. He opens it and read the notes inside. He grabs the TV remote and reads the address into it. The screen flashes and shows the location. On the other side of town from his place this time. HOWARD Gotta get a move on. EXT. STREET -- LATER Howard is standing on a corner checking the address against street signs. He walks up to a apartment building and notes the number. He enters. As he does two cars turn down the street and approach the building. INT. APARTMENT BUILDING -- CONTINIOUS Howard walks up a short flight of stairs to the second floor. INT. HALL -- CONTINIOUS He finds the apartment number and knocks. WOMAN Yes. HOWARD I have a package from Trish. For Sarah. WOMAN (SARAH) Oh, yes. That’s me. The door opens revealing an ELDERLY WOMAN (SARAH). She smiles. WOMAN (SARAH) Bless you -- HOWARD Howard. SARAH Bless you, Howard. Come in, please. She opens the door and lets him in. INT. APARTMENT -- CONTINIOUS Again there is the small circle of chairs. Most are occupied. Everyone looks at Howard. Several people smile. SARAH Would you like to stay? I am brewing some tea? HOWARD I -- you know, I would. SARAH Great! We are still waiting on a couple more people. Have a seat and visit. I will get the tea. There is a soft knock at the door. SARAH Wonderful. They’re here. She opens the door to find several men dressed in black, carrying clubs, their faces covered by the black ribbed masks. The group gasps in terror. MAN Everyone on your knees! You are all under arrest for unlawful assembly. You CHRISTIANS! He lifts up his mask and spits on the floor. The group look at him with a blank expression. MAN ON YOUR KNEES!! You know how to kneel before your god. Kneel before me!! The group including Howard and the woman fall to their knees. MAN Cuff’em. BLACK SCREEN There is a sound of guns being cocked. GRUFF MAN (O.S.) Ready? FIRE! A volley of guns shots is heard. GRUFF MAN (O.S.) Next. EXT. WALL -- CONTINOUS There are two large post against a wall. The posts are chipped from bullets. GRUFF MAN Next two. Two more people are lead to the posts. Its Howard and Trish. They are tied to the posts. Howard looks over and sees her. HOWARD Bless you, Trish. TRISH You too, Howard. HOWARD Funny, isn’t it? TRISH Yeah. I told you we would meet. HOWARD Yes, you did. TRISH Now we go home. The gruff man walks up to them. GRUFF MAN Blind folds? TRISH Yes. HOWARD Sure. He quickly ties a bandanna over each one’s face. GRUFF MAN I shouldn’t -- but any last words? HOWARD Yes. GRUFF MAN Proceed. And make it fast. HOWARD Trish? TRISH Go ahead, you start. HOWARD Our Father -- TRISH Who art in Heaven -- GRUFF MAN Oh, no you don’t. Shut up!! He then runs out of the line of fire. TRISH Hallowed be thy name. HOWARD Thy Kingdom Come. GRUFF MAN (O.S.) Ready! TRISH Thy will be done. The click of weapons is heard. GRUFF MAN (O.S.) Aim! HOWARD On earth as it is -- The rustle of guns is heard again. GRUFF MAN (O.S.) Fi -- The ropes and blindfolds fall to the ground. Trish and Howard are gone. DISSOLVE TO: BLACK SCREEN Luke 17, 34-36 “ I tell you, in that night there will be two in one bed. One will be taken and the other left. There will be two women grinding together. One will be taken and the other left.”
© 2021 Paul PruettAuthor's Note
Added on April 17, 2021 Last Updated on April 17, 2021 Author![]() Paul PruettAboutI am a former actor now a restaurant mangager who inaddition to writing poetry, which I have been doing all my life, I also write short fiction and screenplays. more..Writing