![]() Chpter 2A Chapter by Yahwehslamb
The small blue femme cried as she hit her carrier with her little fists.
"Heyheyheyhey! Quiet little, sparkling" whispered the white mech, "I'm just taking you to a wonderful place is all." The mech rocked the little sparkling as he looked out the window from where he came in. He could see a patrol team with there sirens on. He guessed that his other two companions were caught, which in turn will make him caught if he didn't act soon. "Ramjet!" Or now Ramjet turned to the room door where he saw Optimus and Elita. He smiled a bit saying, "Hello again, Optimus. I’m sorry that I have to leave so soon, but I better be off" then he jumps out the window. Optimus ran after Ramjet, but he just missed grabbing his leg as Ramjet flew off. However, Optimus was not willing to give up yet. "Hey Optimus!" a white plane flew over then transformed into his robot mode as he asked, "Need a hand?" "How about a good set of wings, Wingsaver?" Optimus asked. Wingsaver smirked, "You got it!” Optimus jumped out then the two meches combined together to make Optimus Prime Wing Mode. The two flew off as one after Ramjet as fast as they could. Meanwhile, Ramjet flew as best as he could without feeling like the sparkling was going to slip from his hands, but when he looked back and saw Optimus speeding toward him; he freaked out. Ramjet held the femme tighter as he flew faster, but he felt like that she was slipping; and his thinking scared the sparkling. Attia knew that he was taking her away from her family, but seeing his thoughts of being let go and falling to the ground with enormous pain scared her. She held onto him as best as she could; but since he thought she was still slipping, she thought she was still going to fall. Optimus reached out at Ramjet as he got closer. He wasn't going to lose his little girl. There was no way he was going to let Dark take her away from him. As he reached, a thought of fear went through his mind; and he knew it wasn't his own. It was the fear off falling to the ground, and he could guess who was fearing about that. "I gotcha Attia" Optimus shouted, "I'll catch you, I will.” Attia felt calmer by her father's voice, but she was still afraid. "I'll catch you, I will Attia. I'll catch you, I'll catch you." Then there was a jerk of motion. Ramjet tried to hold onto Attia, but she tumbled out of his arms. "ATTIA!!!" Optimus let Ramjet's leg go and quickly dived to his daughter. He was about to wrap his arms around her when all of a sudden a black streak flew in-front of his face, and it even hit him away. Attia cried loudly as the new carrier held her. Optimus and Wingsaver disconnected, and crash landed onto the ground. "Sh, Sh, Sh, it's alright now" the black carrier stroked the little femme's head gently, but only for a couple of times. "Hmm, she's yours isn't she Optimus?" Optimus groaned as he tried to get up. "Don't bother Prime" the black femme sighed, "you're damaged, and I'll be taking her either way since I sense a great power in her." The black femme then turned to Optimus as she continued, "And you heard it, huh? This little sparkling has one of the rarest powers, the power of mind." The femme then laughed silently, but Optimus could her the dark laugh. "You're not going to take her away, Dark. I won't let you!" Optimus stood up on his feet, but Dark flew higher in the sky so she would be out of his reach. She smirked in a way that Optimus knew to well, but not because he fought her for a while. "Oh but I have. Now good bye Optimus” Optimus ran after Dark and did his best to jump so he could grab at least Dark's foot, but he wasn't even close to grab her foot. Wingsaver tried to get himself up, but since he was crushed by Optimus's weight his wings were too broken to use for flight. "I'm sorry Optimus" Wingsaver apologized, "we tried." Optimus fell to his knees as soon as Dark was out of sight. He felt weak and hurt, and had a numb-like feeling in his spark. "I failed, Wingsaver." "We did the best we could, Optimus." Wingsaver reminded. "I lost her" Optimus placed his hands over his face. "We'll get her back Optimus." "I promised her that I'll catch her, but I didn't. I failed her, I lost her.” Wingsaver frowned as he sighed. Optimus was too hurt to listen to him. Some time later, a group of Transformers headed toward Optimus and Wingsaver. Optimus whipped his tears away as best he could before they came. Elita ran to Optimus and hugged him as he staid seated on his knees, but she was not the only one who hugged him. A little green mech with a bit of yellow hugged Optimus's legs with all of his might. Optimus looked at this little mech for a while then placed his hand on the meches small helm. "Hello Eppus" Optimus stroked his son's helm as Eppus held onto his father's leg, but his father didn't let him stay there for long. He brought Eppus to his chest, so Eppus hugged his father on his chest will all of his might. Eppus could feel the sadness that his father had in his spark, but he didn't know why, and he may never know. --- "Let us go you meaners!" Dragonfly shouted. "For the last time, no!" snapped the purple mech. "I'm sorry mistress" whimpered the white mech, Ramjet, "I tried holding onto her, I really tried." "Quit your whinnying!" Dark snarled, "I got the two meches that I wanted and Optimus's little girl." Dark looked at the now sleeping sparkling in her arms then smiled a bit, "Hmm, Optimus tried to hide you, keep you a secret from me; but he failed. Ha, the great Optimus Prime was able to save many lives from a black hole all those stellar-cycles ago, but he couldn't save his little girl from the daughter of his greatest enemy! Hahaha, oh that is rich! Purely rich, hahahahahaha!" The three meches laughed with her, but she quickly silenced them. They were safe from any Transformer's grasp, but that didn't mean that they were out of harm's way. Dark and the three mech flew high into the atmosphere then found a dark spacecraft. Dark smiled in the same way as her father as she said, "There it is, the Hubris. The ship after the Nemesis, my ship after my father's" She flew ahead to the ship as Ramjet flew behind a bit to his comrades as he whispered, "Why does she always point that out? We know that." "Yes, but not these rascals" correct the green and gray mech then he and the purple mech flew off into the spaceship with Dark, Ramjet flew behind them. The two meches under Dark took the rambunctious Dragonfly and the calm Jetstream to a room where Transformers under the perfection of medicine and/or chemistry coexists. The medical Transformers and scientist and examined the two small meches. Dragonfly tried fighting them as they did their tests while Jetstream cringed at the needles. A couple of times, Jetstream tried pushing the scientists and meds away. He did not like them, not one bit. --- "Ah Dark, what can I do for you?" the sliver and purple mech with red optics asked as Dark entered into his work room. "This little femme here is a special Transformer." Dark exclaimed, "She has the power of mind." "Of mind?" the scientist repeated. Dark handed the sleeping Attia to the scientist then continued her talking, "Do you know how I can get her mind not be able to get into mine?" The scientist looked at Dark then asked, "Did this little femme get into your mind?" "Am I to know?" the scientist nodded at her. "You are the daughter of Galvatron, who has the power and blood of Unicron in him. You would know if this femme would be in your mind, but I can make something to make sure she isn't able to read your mind." "Read?" Dark repeated, "I don't want her to control me!" "She won't" the scientist comforted, "because you have the blood of Unicron flowing through you like your father." “……Oh” --- Dragonfly and Jetstream rubbed where the needles had shot them as the meds and scientists looked at the results. All was good for sparklings there age, but they talked as if something was something wrong or amazing to them. Their actions and speech was confusing to Dragonfly when he tried to listen and understand, but Jetstream ignored them. He didn't want to deal with those scientist and meds. His carrier was mean and scary, and so was Dragonfly's but Dragonfly didn't stop squirming like he did. Jetstream was good to his carrier, after a while, because he didn't want to be hurt like his carrier and buddy threatened. He wanted to be in one piece, not many like he feared from those threats. "What do you think they're talking about?" Dragonfly asked. Jetsteam shrugged, "I don't know." Dragonfly was silent as he listened in some more then spoke again, "They seem to be talking about our parents now. I-I don't know what they're talking about, but it seems to be about their history." "History?" Jetstream repeated. "Yeah, their medical history and a couple of things that they did." "Oh, is that all?” Dragonfly turned to Jetstream and looked at him with a face of almost of unbelief as he said, "You have no idea what this means, do you?" "Yeah I do!" Jetstream corrected, "It means we have a bug that runs in our family.” Dragonfly's bottom jaw dropped slightly then he shook his head slowly then a little faster until he spoke loudly. "Do you have a bug Jetsream? Do you feel sick at all?" Jetstream thought for a moment then shook his head, "No" "Then it wouldn't be that would it?" "....It could." Dragonfly put his hand to his face as he sighed. This sparkling didn't get it, but he did. Dragonfly believed that these scientists and meds were going to use he and Jetstream against their parents, starting from their weak points; them. He and Jetstream are their parents' weakness. How does he know that, you ask? Well, his parents always said that the worse thing that he could do to them was to runaway and never come back. So these guys were going to do just that! They were going to keep he and Jetstream away from their parents and never going to give them back, those meanies! The door of the room opened up and everyone turned to it. There standing before the door way was a femme in black armor with purple lines going down her front sides. She was pretty for a femme her size, and that wasn't much since she was slightly on the big side of things. Not that she wasn't fat, but wasn't slim either. This femme was kinda in the middle, but slightly on the bigger side. Anyways, this black femme was carrying a little sparkling. Jetstream remembered this sparkling, "Hey Dragonfly, that little sparkling's the same sparkling as before." "Yeah, I see that.” But Dragonfly didn’t know “that” until Jetstream pointed it out. He was too busy noticing the size of the black femme. Her size scared him. She was big, bigger then most femmes he'd seen. "What can we do for you, mistress Dark?" asked one of the scientists. “It's a simple request" she said, "I would like this femme to be grown for training and for teaching like these two have by there parents." "Well" a med began to correct, "Jetfire's son has not been injected with the Growthsport like Hot Shot’s." Dark looked down on Jetstream and he coward some while Dragonfly tried to act brave. "Well I bet if Jetfire did then he would have a bolder son" Dark exclaimed "Hmmf, pathetic! So little courage." "What should we do with him then?" asked a scientist. "Nothing" Dark answered, "I have him so I have to make him brave, but this femme is too small and young to do anything about yet. Make her to training age.” The scientist and meds obeyed her command. They took a needle and put a bright yellow fluid that seemed to glow like a dying star. It had an aura of sadness to the two sparklings. They didn't like the look of it, and the small blue femme could see what they saw through their minds. Attia saw the fear that Jetstream had of these needles and how much they hurt. She cried and started pushing Dark away then her next carrier, when a med took her from Dark's hands. She didn't want to get the shot, she didn't want to feel the pain. "Don't cry little sparkling" Dragonfly spoke as gently as he could and tried to touch her, even though they were too far to touch. "Don't cry, don't cry” The little sparkling listened to Dragonfly and tried to calm herself, but she was afraid of the needle. "It's quick, and this one is only done once." Dragonfly moved his hand like he was rubbing her head, "Don't cry, it's going to be alright. I promise, it's going to be alright.” The small blue femme could feel his comfort, even though he was not touching her. She calmed and went into an almost sleep-like state. The scientist and meds were surprised. They had never seen anything like this before. They stared at the small femme then at Dragonfly then back and the femme then at Dragonfly again, and they continued this over and over until Dark shouted, "Just give the sparkling the shot already!!" The shot was made and the femme cried a little and whined as the fluid made her grow. It hurt to grow, it hurt to age, and it hurt when the needle went into her arm. At least the needle pain didn't last very long, but it brought so much other pain. The femme's carrier walked to Dragonfly and Jetstream as she grew, so the meches saw how it was done. They saw the femme grow and heard the voice change and even saw the red stripe that was on her chest stretch to her head and to her feet. It was like watching there parents transform, it was just wondrous and magical to them. Dark crossed her arms as she watched the reaching hands of the meches be able to touch Optimus's little femme. She had a pretty good guess by the turn of events that one of those two meches were going to have that femme as their own when they reached of proper age. Dark didn't mind those sparklings sparkmateing when they got older, but getting a sparkling of there own. Bah! The wait will never start, she will never let them reproduce. Not until the day of all her enemies fall and sparklings’ purpose is done. © 2013 Yahwehslamb |
Added on November 24, 2013 Last Updated on November 24, 2013 Author![]() YahwehslambAboutI am a nerdy girl in a party city, and it's rather interesting. My nerdiness is more about these three subjects: Transformers, Pokemon Generations 1-4, and the Old and New Testaments of the Christian .. more..Writing