Chapter 1

Chapter 1

A Chapter by Yahwehslamb

"Tor-chee-a! Tor-chee-a! Tor-chee-a! Dodeedodee-dora, Dodeedodee-dora! Bingbing-bong! Bingbing-bong!" The little yellow robot continued singing the strange words over and over as he sat impatiently in his seat; but when a stream of blue was scene through the window of the small ship, the small robot was silent and stared at blue ball with a cloud of blue behind it like a tail. His parents giggled a little at the awestruck face of their son.

"First time away from home and our little Dragonfly has seen his first comet" smiled the red femme. The gray mech nodded with a smile then looked back in-front so he could obey the rule 'keep your eyes on the road' or in this case 'keep your optics on the look out so you don't run into anything'........ First on sounds better.

The gray mech then sighed heavily, his sparkmate looked back at him with a frown. "What's wrong Hot Shot?" "Do you think it was a good idea leaving everyone like that, Override?" he asked, "After all, we're the leaders on Velocitron." Override shook her head slightly, "No, not really; but you and I both know that Galvatron's little brat Dark has a grudge against Optimus." "As well as Optimus and Elita are suppose to have their sparkling soon." Hot Shot added. Override nodded, "Yeah, that too."

“You're worried about them, aren't you?" Hot Shot smiled gently. "Dark has proven herself to be as evil as her father" Override frowned, "and she's still considered a child!" "I know" Hot Shot frowned then looked back at his son.

Dragonfly watched the comet getting out of sight, and he seemed like he didn't even hear what his parents' were talking about.

Hot Shot turned back around as he sighed, "The war between Autobots and Decepticons is over, and has been for a long time now; but Dark doesn't seem to accept the peace that has finally come." "Well, she's never seen peace while growing up." Override reminded. “Neither did I, but” Hot Shot sighed, “I just wish that she would see that peace is better than taking revenge."


"How you doing, Elita?" "I'm doing fine, Optimus"

The red and blue mech, Optimus, and the yellow and pink femme, Elita, kissed as Elita laid on the berth. A large green mech with two wings on his back sighed at the scene. Then, felt a small touch on his leg. The large mech looked down to see an almost mini reflection of himself.

"When will they be coming, Daddy?" the mini green mech asked. "Soon, Jetstream" answered his father. "How soon?" Jetstream asked, "I want to play with Dragonfly!" "Oh, that 'they'." The large green mech wanted to put his hand to his faceplate because of how embarrassed he was about his mistake.

Of course his son wouldn't know that Elita had twins. No one told even him at all, until this morning; and on the possible date that the twins are being born! However, the large mech had a bigger question in mind. Why keep these twins a secret for this long? Yes, Dark would do anything to harm Prime; but it's beyond cruel to harm little sparklings. After all, Megatron wasn't known to harm sparkling! Couldn’t say anything about Galvatron not doing it, but they're the same person. So it would make sense if Galvatron wouldn't be known to do that either, right?

Jetstream tilted him helm and asked again, "Daddy, when will they be coming?" "Any time now" He father answered. "How about now?” The large green mech turned around to see two familiar faces and a little face that seemed very much like the two in a way. "Hot Shot, Override" the green mech smiled under his white face mask, "I'm glad to see you made." "We are too, Jetfire." Hot Shot smiled as he placed his son down.

Dragonfly waved at Jetstream as the two saw each other for the first time, and it didn't take them long to start a game.

"Did we miss anything?" Override asked. "There was a false alarm this morning" Jetfire exclaimed. Override sighed, "Boy, I hate those." "Yeah, I heard." Jetfire chuckled as he rubbed the back of his helm.

The two young mech ran around the three adults with their arms out as the made sounds like an airplane would. The two ran around Jetfire then Hot Shot and Override, then back to Jetfire.

"So, did you hear if it was a mech or a femme?" Hot Shot asked. "Actually, it's both" the sparkmates jumped back a bit by what Jetfire said, and he continued on, "Elita has fraternal twins: one mech, one femme." "We know what fraternal twins are, Jetfire!" Hot Shot sighed, "But, why didn't Optimus and Elita say anything about twins?" "I was wondering the same thing." Jetfire confessed.

Dragonfly looked back to see Jetstream's little helicopter blades spin around on his back. Dragonfly giggled and flapped his two door-like wings on his back as well as swayed his two bottom wing up and down. Jetstream was very impressed at Dragonfly's trick as Dragonfly liked Jetsteam's spinning blades. The two giggled for a while longer then Dragonfly spread his arms out to start the game again; but this time, they were drifting away into the danger zone.

Override frowned, "Well it must be for a good reason, otherwise, why not tell it?" The three robots were now silent as they tried to thing of the reason. The thought long and hard, then Hot Shot gave up wondering. He wasn't very good at this stuff anyway. He looked over at Jetfire's feet to see the little meches, but they weren't there. He looked around his and Override's feet; still no little meches. "Uh guys, where's Dragonfly and Jetstream?" The other two bots stopped their thinking and looked around. "Oh slag!" Jetfire shouted, "They're gone away somewhere!" "Then let's hurry and fine them" Hot Shot urged, "I'm sure they haven't gone to far." The three bots split up as they looked for their sons.


In the room, all was quiet until the events seemed to repeat a familiar sequence. "Ahhh!" Elita cried. Optimus jumped, "What is it?" "I think, ah, I think it's for real this time!" Elita groaned loudly. Optimus held her hand as he whispered, "Stay calm, Elita, stay calm." Elita hissed at the pain she was feeling then tried to calmly breath.

The medbots went through the proses for long while. There was screaming here yelling there, and a couple of more screams; but from little ones the world hasn't heard before until now.

Elita held the two new sparklings of Cybertron, her and Optimus's sparklings. She smiled as best as she could in her tiredness. Optimus stroked his digits gently against the sparklings' little helms. Both of them were happy to finally see their sparklings for the first time with their own optics.

"What should we call them?" Optimus asked. Elita sighed, "I can't really think of any good names." "Well, what names do you have?" Optimus asked. "Eppus and Attia"
Elita answered. Optimus smiled as he leaned his head closer to Elita's, "I like those names." "You do?" Optimus nodded then kisses Elita, "I do.” Elita giggled as she slowly dozed to sleep. Optimus helped her hold the sparklings as she faded away into a deep sleep.

"Optimus" a medbot alerted, "we need to check on the sparklings now." Optimus slowly nodded as he loosened his grip on the sparklings a bit then the medbot took both of the little sparklings away.

Optimus watched the meds take his little Eppus and Attia away from the room then looked back at Elita. He smiled and kisses her again as he held her close. "We did well, Elita, and I know we'll be fine. Dark doesn't know that it was today, nor does she know that we have two. They will be safe, and I promise, nothing bad will happen to them."


The medbots examined the twins as carefully as they could. The little blue femme, that was named Attia, was checked out fine; but her older twin brother, Eppus, did not. He's system seemed to be shutting down; luckily the medbots knew why, but they knew how Optimus and Elita felt about how they usually cured this sort of thing. A white medbot with a red visor over his optics went into the room to talk to them about it.


Dragonfly was ahead of Jetstream as the two ran down the hallway with their arms still spread out. They giggled and sometimes spun around in circles until Dragonfly ran into something, then Jetstream running into him.

"Hey, look who dropped in!" smirked a purple robot as he bent down to the two meches. Jetstream hid behind Dragonfly as the mech's green and gray buddy looked down at the two young ones.

"Well, seems like we found Dragonfly; but who's this other bloat?" The green and gray mech asked. "This shy little green thing?" the purple mech smirked as he picked up Jetstream. "Hey!" Dragonfly snapped, "Put him down!"

The purple mech snickered at the small yellow Dragonfly then went back to talking to his friend. "You see, this is Jetfire's kid, Jetstream." "The next guardian of Earth" the green and gray mech smirked. "Exactly" the purple mech smirked back then his buddy picked up Dragonfly.

"Well, this is a bonus for us" the green and gray mech chuckled. The purple mech laughed with his buddy until they heard "Hey!" The two meches looked over and saw a gray mech with some yellow and red as he continued, "Put those two down Rebs."

"We're not confederates!" corrected the green and gray mech. "But your pretty close to their colors" smirked the purple mech, "Anyways, see ya later Hot Shot!" "Daddy!!" Dragonfly cried as the kidnappers ran away with him and Jetstream.

"Oh no you don't!" Hot Shot shouted as he gave chase, "I'm coming Dragonfly! Daddy's coming! And so are others" Hot Shot opened his com-link and told Override and Jetfire what was going on and where the kidnappers were at. "They're running down the number 200-249 room hall" Hot Shot announced. "Got it!" Override comed then turned the corner to see the two meches turn down a hallway between her spot and Hot Shot's. "This way" Hot Shot urged as Override ran behind him, but very soon she was ahead of him.

"Go tell Optimus" Override ordered, "He needs to know that two of Dark's followers are here." Hot Shot nodded, "Got it" then slowed down so he wouldn't missed the door where he knew the new sparkling were at. He believed that Optimus would be there, and he was right.


Everyone turned as the doors flew open to reveal Hot Shot. He looked like that he ran for a long time, and Optimus knew that it couldn't have been for fun. "What is it Hot Shot?" Optimus asked. "There are two meches here that seem to be under Dark's command that are taking Jetstream and my son." Hot Shot explained, "Override's on their tailpipe right now, but if there's two here then there might be more somewhere else."

"Go help your sparkmate, Hot Shot." Optimus ordered, "I'll call for assistance from bots and cons around the area." Hot Shot nodded then ran off again.

Elita placed her hand over her spark as she looked at her own son. She thought of how it would be like if those meches had him, and not that much later did she think of her daughter. Attia was put away in a waiting room, and Elita felt that something was wrong. "I'm going to see how Attia is doing." Elita announced. "I'll go with you" Optimus offered, "I already called three teams into action, and I know Brian he'll spread the word to the rest of teams near by and will make sure to keep everyone to date.” Elita giggled a little as she and her love walked down the hallway. "Yes, he's very much like his father Cody." Optimus nodded as a memory went through his mind.

© 2013 Yahwehslamb

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Added on November 24, 2013
Last Updated on November 24, 2013
Tags: Transformers



I am a nerdy girl in a party city, and it's rather interesting. My nerdiness is more about these three subjects: Transformers, Pokemon Generations 1-4, and the Old and New Testaments of the Christian .. more..

Chpter 2 Chpter 2

A Chapter by Yahwehslamb

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by Yahwehslamb