Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by XxEmoWriterxX

Chapter 2

"Hey Cat, wait for me!" I heard Sammie call to me.
He was late this morning so I decided to start walking without him. I watched as by the time he caught up to me, he was totally out of breath.
"What happened this morning?” I asked him. “Why weren't you at my house at the record time you set for yourself?"
Since he was my best friend I kept tabs on him.
"My parents had a party last night and kept me up until almost 1:30 in the morning." he told me.
"You could've come over to my house; you know my parents don't mind."
I saw Sammie look away from me and I knew immediately that he was hiding something from me.
"What aren't you telling me?" I asked him.
When he didn't say anything I asked again.
"I can't tell you!” he told me.
"Come on, I'm your best friend! Just tell me." I insisted.
He still didn’t say anything and then I got an idea.
“Well, the longer you're silent, the longer you don't have me as a best friend."
A tear or two had formed in my right eye and I couldn’t take the chances of breaking down in front of Sammie like that, so I just ran away from him and the rest of the way to school. I met up with Jess at out lockers. Mine was right in the middle of hers and Sammie’s.
"Sara, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Jess asked me.
"Don't worry about it, it's nothing." I told her.
I then grabbed books and other things I would need for my first three classes and walked away from Jess before she could say anything or join me.
When I got to homeroom, I noticed that I was the only person in there. I waited for Jess and Sammie to walk in and sit down. We didn't have assigned seats so you could sit wherever you chose, which was why I always loved homeroom. They came and sat down, and I sat as far away from them as possible. After a few minutes, the bell rang and I took my time getting out of my seat when I saw Jess get up and walk towards the door. I was hoping she wasn’t waiting outside for me. Sammie slipped me note on the way out the door as he passed my desk. On the front it said 'I'm Sorry'.

In my first class, which was Art, I read the note secretly when I knew that the teacher wasn’t watching.

'Dear Cat,

I'm sorry I can't tell you what's going on right now. I just don't want anyone to know. When the time's right I promise I'll tell you everything. If it was up to me I'd tell you right now. But I just can't. My parents said I could stay with a friend for a few weeks, while they're away for some time. And no it's not to jail, if that’s what you’re thinking. They said they would ask your parents if I could stay at your house. But, only if that’s ok with you. Please forgive me if you can.

Love Sammie'

When Sammie wrote you a letter, called you by your nickname, and put a heart at the end of his name, he was really sorry. I decided to forgive him. I already knew my parents would say yes to him staying with us.

© 2011 XxEmoWriterxX

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Added on September 18, 2011
Last Updated on September 18, 2011



Buffalo, NY

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by XxEmoWriterxX

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by XxEmoWriterxX

Chapter 4 Chapter 4

A Chapter by XxEmoWriterxX