![]() My Bloody Olive Ch 1 : Reconcile with yourself firstA Chapter by Damion![]() "65% will choose to ignore it , 5% percent will live in it ,and the other will be live in fear of it. There is no such thing as fantasy and reality to begin with. What will you make of it ?![]()
As always I end up drifting into dreams throughout the whole day. I’m heading towards school which doesn’t fascinate me any more like before when people used to talk of problems in this so called drama circle. I always try to not make new friends, but for some reason they usually come up and talk to me, like girls, and I can’t shove them away. There all the same to me with their gossip and love contest. You know they think you’re the bad ones and they are the sweet ones with problems whom expect a prince to hear and rescue them into their fantasies . I mean what do they want? Clichés aren’t my thing. Don’t get me wrong I don’t hate them. I mean at times they can be understandable and pretty, but it heads into the same road eventually. The boys in my school aren’t any better. Almost eighty percent are all the same. They are always into their perverted schemes. This is stupid because they just don’t know how to control their hormones. I mean can’t they, just for once, stop thinking about that. I’m not into sexual schemes, I know my boundaries and there is more than that in this world even though it may sounds too mushy. I just want something, anything, to happen just once that will wake me up from this boring world.
I’m here, riding the bus, feeling the cool breeze of the air conditioner flock pieces of my jet black hair from my face which is getting pretty annoying. I adjust my body so my hair doesn’t flock as much and notice my reflection on the window. I can’t see myself clearly but my eyes stand out. No I don’t have contacts they are a natural light olive green color. I say this because my school is over populated with blue-brown eyes and they make it seem like having green eyes is a crime on their account. The bus stops and I notice we have arrived at the educational detention center “all aboard”. It’s not really a detention center, but I like to call it by what I think schools should be really called. Everyone in my bus seems eager to get up and get off, but I stay in my seat until I’m the last person whom steps on the side walk of another boring day. As usual it’s a lovely September breeze with deadly leaves flying everywhere. If anything I love September. I like how the leaves have those dominate pigment of the orangey-green-red which is an unusual combination. As I start walking I take out my phone and notice I still have about 30 minutes before I need to get to class plus two minutes before the warning bell rings which is good enough for me. I start walking past the main building and behind it lays old Dasi. Old Dasi was a tree planted before i even entered this school. Its an amazing tree , that has hardly ever been touched. I noticed it wondering off my first year and ever since I come here to day dream away. I head under the tree at my usual spot and toss my head back. I then get my headphones and pump it up and let it take its course closing my eyes drifting off .It feels nice, but something was slightly different. I felt the breeze take course a bit faster and so with it my breathing. I was there sitting under this massive tree and from what I saw there was someone coming . It was a boy. A boy? Why a boy? Just when I thought he would leave he spoke. "So , how often do you do this ?" he said. What in the world. I followed his beat and answered. " Every so when I have the time" I said. His voice was smooth and his eyes were so amazing. They were a nice dark green with a pigment of red lighting. I think its what they call hazel.He had nice chestnut brown hair that contradicted his whole face and body. Just then he approached closer to me. " You really must be bored, Why is it that I like you kid? .Hmm . . I like it here the sight is magnificent this month isn't it" he said kneeling right before my eyes. His completion was far softer than I imagined.I like the way this guy thought. I chuckled. What is my mind imagining. I looked down at my shoes and right before I could look up at him I felt his hand slowly move a strain of hair behind my ear. The friction of his soft skin was unbelievable. I then just realized how close he was and jolted my head back which caused him to lean even closer .WHAT IN THE WORLD WAS HE DOING. Before I could tell him to leave me alone and walk away he pounced in pushing his lips against mine. There were soft ,moist and bigger than mine. The wind breeze rose faster and I could feel leaves brushing against my skin . It was if I was in a trance, I couldn't pull away. With confusion I blinked my eyes into reality trying to catch my breath as I leaned forward . I felt it . I felt his lips "I felt it " i said unaware. " What ? felt what?I heard someone say eagerly. I was in such a state of shock I didn't notice there was someone right in front of me standing.It was Damion. She was there standing still with a sketch pad in one hand and a tote bad in the other. Then I quickly got up and leaned crookedly against the tree. "DID YOU JUST KISS ME?!" I burst out in suspicion. She then raised one eye brow and tiled her head. "Why the hell would I do that. I just saw you talking to yourself and looking so peaceful and wanted to draw you" she said flashing her sketch book. I studied her movement. She was wearing a t shirt that said "Support Southern rock" and blue jeans with orange converse. From what I see I don't think she'd kiss me. I mean she isn't that kind of girl , I think. I mean .. I hardly talk to her but her art is amazing. I suddenly felt her dark brown eyes glare at me. "Kasen , you perverted boy . What were you dreaming of" she said laughing. She had a nice smile. So then it seems as if she didn't kiss me which I don't want to question anymore. "Sorry about that?" I said in a relief, but before I could say more she walked past me and waved bye without turning. That made me feel a bit bad for bursting out like that. I slowly slide down back to my position and lightly touched my lips. I felt it ,it was a tingling sensation.And it was with a boy?... I know I'm not gay. I mean not that its bad but Ive only had crushes on a few girls but never bothered to look at guys in that manner. I shook my head. I know I'm not gay , besides it was that boy who kissed me. I then remembered to check the time and noticed that it was one minute till the tardy bell. I know I'm going to be late if I don't haul a*s. Without skipping a heart beat I grabbed my things and jolt towards the inside building. As I'm halfway there I turned back for a glimpse of the tree and beneath my breath whispered " I know I was kissed by that boy , I felt it .. He was there" I'm currently banging my head on the desk trying to see whats worse , which is a headache or my teacher talking such nonsense of how their greater in every aspect. I hate that they can't comprehend us and think we haven't experienced more than they can bother to imagine. I swift my hand over my head. My hand feels cool pressed against my forehead. I don't know what happened , I was just fine this morning. Maybe it was the dream, that I promised not to bother to think about anymore but secretly my mind was still trying to figure without my permission,which is just silly because the answer could be as simple as linking it to a movie I saw or something in between those lines. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse my head started to thump more. I gently placed my head on my desk. I noticed my eyes refused to stay open and eventually I gave in and closed them. " Hey ? You again Wow, seems my mind wants what it wants. You just keep popping into my dreams don't you" I heard a familiar voice call out. It was him , again! Why him , why not Jennifer Aniston?. I looked around and noticed I was sitting under Daisy again with the boy kneeling in front of me. Everything was the same so without notice I stood up quickly to avoid him from repeating what happened once. I reviewed his statement. "Me ? In your dreams. Let me correct it is you who is coming into my dreams without warning." I replied trying to not seem cruel. Thats when I caught myself staring at his lips. He flashed a grin at me. Why is it that I couldn't move? He stood then slowly started to move towards me. Should I have been scared because weirdly I felt like screaming for him to get closer. Step by step ,just as synced like the bid hand on a grandfather clock, he approached closer. Then with the slightest bit of arm strength he caressed my cheek. This made me twitch but he just continued. Now I could feel the light blows of his breath hitting my neck making my heart pound faster. Just when I thought he was going to repeat the same thing , he slowly grasped my hand. " So whats your name , thats if you have one?" the boy said apathetically. "Mmy name is Kasen?" I said stuttering. He was still close, and some how my body was reacting like its never been in such close contact with another human being. Wait? why should he ask all the questions. "Oh thats a nice name, Kasen" he interrupted my train of thought, throwing crooked a smile. Within a blink of my eye he clasped my body tighter and lowered his head towards my neck. All I could clearly see was his smile growing wider. I tried to move but It still was no use. Suddenly I felt the warm ,moist feeling on my neck.I knew it was his tongue. I felt so flustered as his accomplice slowly moved in short paces up my neck. I was struggling to move but my body was in war with me. I couldn't bare the heat. I want him to stop, because this was just too confusing. I tried to speak up , but my voice was gone. Please let him stop is all I thought while the heat crawled up my neck once again , leaving such an impressionable touch. "STOP LICKING MY NECK !!" I screamed , finding my voice.
© 2010 DamionAuthor's Note
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StatsAuthor![]() Damion-------, TXAboutIn general, I'm just an immature girl who lacks grammar skills and tends to misspell. more..Writing