![]() Waiting for the WeekendA Chapter by Xillie![]() self explaitory. Thurday night, getting home late.![]()
Little Flame
Night was settling in. The streets were nearly deserted. Andie walked down the dusty, dimly lit path toward her dorm room at St. Alexia High School for Gifted Beings. She was looking forward to the break tomorrow would bring. She would go to Cosmic dance club with Kira and dance for a few hours, then forget about school for a weekend. Andie had been best friends with Kira since Freshman year when they had shared a dorm room. They were nearly inseparable. Now they were nearly half done with Junior year, yet nothing had really changed between them. They still spent every waking moment possible together. The only difference is, they no longer share a dorm. She approached her dorm and read the number on the door out loud. “22” She whispered to herself. She had requested that number because it was her lucky number. Everything good in her life happened in twos. Inside the room was decorated in flames. That was her power. Her bed had a flame printed bed spread on it and a pillow to match. Pictures of massive wild fires and explosions surrounded her bed. The fire print chair next to the window was currently occupied with her current roommate, Sasha. She was staring out the window as people passed between the school buildings and their dorms. “Where have you been?” Sasha asked flatly, almost demanding an explanation, not moving or looking away from the window. “I went to the Coffee Shoppe with Kira. What have you been up to?” Andie replied, closing the door behind her and setting her bag on her bed on her side of the room. She opened her bag and took out one of her books and sat in a chair at the table in front of the window, her back to Sasha. Sasha got up from the chair and sat on her own bed which sat beside the table. She stared at Andie as if waiting for more detail as to her absence. When she realized that she wasn’t going to get any more of an answer she asked another question. “So… Did you see Mykal?” Andie turned her head away from the book slowly to look at Sasha. “Yes. I saw him. And before you ask, No. I didn’t talk to him.” Sasha laughed. “Ok. Sure.” She said as if she didn’t believe it. She started playing with a bead that was in her pocket. She tossed it into a tiny portal that she had opened and the bead would land on the desk in front of her. She picked it up and tossed it into the portal again. “Where did you see him?” She asked attentively. “Ok, my little stalker. He was at the Coffee Shoppe, making things disappear like cups, trays, and some girls top.” Andie said, closing her book to look at Sasha. “He’s such a Pervie! Why would he use his powers like that?!” Andie said, clearly annoyed. Sasha smiled and her eyes glazed over in a gushy way. “Amazing isn’t he? He’s so powerful and yet so modest and tolerant.” She spoke about him as if he were a god. Andie rolled her eyes again. “Powerful? Perhaps. But as for modesty? He could use improvement. And tolerant?! More like chauvinistic pig!” She shook her head in disgust. She couldn’t help but giggle a bit at her roommate. She went back across to her side of the room and sat on her bed, putting her book back in her bag. “If you like him so much why don’t you ask him out or something?” “I would, but that’s HIS job. And no matter how much I flirt, no matter how much I try to get his attention, he acts as if he can’t even see me!” she wined and tossed the bead back into the portal after picking it up off the desk again. Andie watched her, trying not to laugh remembering the way Sasha had groveled over Mykal. Once, Sasha had followed Mykal around for an entire weekend using her portal powers. She had popped into his dorm room, not knowing the Mykal was just getting out of the shower and she had forgotten about his roommate, Eli, who was on his bed half asleep under the covers. Sasha had thought the Eli was Mykal and laid on the bed next to him and kissed him. Eli woke up and Sasha used her portal to teleport back to her own dorm room. Andie smiled supportively. “He has the power to make you disappear entirely, not to make you invisible. He’ll notice you eventually.” Sasha sighed and laid back on her bed and appeared to fall asleep nearly instantly. Andie got up and went to the chair by the window. She could see one of the high school couples sitting on a bench beside the sidewalk, holding hands. She shook her head. “Yuck.” she whispered to herself. Moments later, there was a light knock on the door. Andie glanced over at the apparently sleeping Sasha and went, quietly, to answer the door. “Hey, Girl!” Kira said as soon as the door was open. “I just came by to make sure you were coming to Cosmic with me tomorrow. She smiled widely and brushed a blonde lock of hair out of her face with a tanned hand. “Yeah! Of course! Fast Friday, Right? I wouldn’t miss it!” Andie said, stepping outside the door and closing it lightly behind she so not to wake the sleeping Sasha inside. “Your bringing Landin, aren’t you?” “Yeah, I talked him into coming, even though he hates dancing. Well, it’s partially blackmail.” Kira winked. “Blackmail? On what? He never does ANYTHING wrong.” Andie teased. It was true though, Landin had the appearance of a trouble maker, but he has the personality of an angel. Which probably matched him power. He is a mind reader. Kira laughed. “I didn’t say he did anything wrong, he just has to THINK he did. She winked again. Andie laughed. “Well It’s getting late and we classes tomorrow, you’d better head back to your dorm and get some rest.” She said, hugging her friend. “Ok, See you tomorrow!” Kira said and began to walk back down the hall to her dorm. Andie turned and opened the door to her dorm to find Sasha leaning against the wall next to the door, she had obviously been listening in. “I thought you were asleep.” Andie said to Sasha flatly, not looking at her and going into her side of the room and sitting on the bed. “Of course you did, but that’s beside the point.” Sasha said with an innocent smile. “Y’all are going to Cosmic tomorrow night?” She asked, looking very excited. “Yes, and I assume you want to go as well? Sure.” Andie said coldly. She was getting annoyed with Sasha’s beating around the bush. Sasha smiled triumphantly and walked to her bed. “Thanks. Maybe Mykal will be there. That would be perfect.” she said as she stretched and climbed into bed. “Yeah, perfect.” Andie repeated sarcastically. © 2008 XillieReviews
1 Review Added on August 20, 2008 Author |