Earth has certainly had its share of secrets and mysteries. Many of the secrets and mysteries have been long forgotten. One of those are the secrets and mysteries of the ninjas! The ninjas have been around for many years, but recently have been hiding in the shadows for the past 100 years. Many human eyes have been deceived by the shadows that lurk or as others may call it, a phenomenon, or an unsolved mystery. These “phenomena” in the society's eyes today are unreal or made-up tall tales, which is why most mysteries and secrets have become less of a threat in the human’s perspective and they have become very unaware and oblivious of these peculiar things that happen.
Long Ago, 100 years to be exact, the ninjas were considered many things. Some people considered them dangerous, killers in the shadows, and some people thought of them as protectors of the weak. Everyone back then knew the ninjas existed, but now everyone thinks of them as some character from a game, movie, some old legend, or mystery. Over the years, some ninjas have become angry at the humankind for forgetting they have helped them and think they deserve gratitude. For that reason, they have become corrupted and have become evil monsters and spirits. The corrupted have not been very good in the era of their outcoming and have earned themselves a name among ninja society. The Kuro Akuma, meaning Black Demon. Not all of them became corrupted though. The ones that are still good protect society from the ones that are evil and bad. The good ninjas call themselves Tsukiko, which means Moon Child. The Tsukiko Clan have always been able to push back the Kuro Akuma Clan for a long time, but they keep growing and it’s hard to find new people willing to rise to the occasion. The leader of the Kuro Akuma Clan is just getting stronger by the day. The leader of the Kuro Akuma Ninja’s is named Kioshi Raiden, which means Silent Thunder. Tsukiko Ninja’s leader, Chikao Sanyu, which means a clever and wise individual of happiness. They both come from a very long family line of generation to generation of ninjas. They once considered each other a brother and family, until a war between the families that led to each other's anger and hate. Kioshi still gets angry about it and that is another reason he became corrupted and started the Kuro Akuma ninja clan. Chikao on the other hand, wanted to end this madness and wanted to go back to a good era of people and ninjas, but realized that Kioshi wasn’t going to give in and that’s when the Tsukiko ninja clan was formed. Throughout the century, it has mostly been a tie, but because of an injury from there most previous of battles, Chikao can no longer fight as a ninja, and has lost a lot of the people in his clan due to war, it was time something was done.