![]() .::Spiders, Snakes, and Dangerous Things::.A Chapter by Ana:D![]() All Time Low Hoe! :] Tonight's alive with the promise of a street fight And there's money on the table That says your cheap shots won't be able to break bones I've yet to break a sweat I'll make your past regret its future...![]() The darkness took over the small town and the street lights flickered on. Thursday nights were usually sleepless for Ella. The darkness took over her house. Her mother forgot to pay the electricity bill again. They were barely surviving; they had no money for anything extra. Ella looked around for a candle to get some light so she could finish her homework. “Why don’t you go over to one of your friend’s houses?” Ella’s mother suggested. “What about you?” “I’ll manage, just go.” she said ushering Ella out the door. Ella took her jacket and her messenger bag and walked out the door. She started down the street. She had no idea where to go. She decided on walking to the park instead of burdening her friends. She looked at the empty street. It almost seemed like this was some kind of ghost town and unfortunately she was the only one inhabiting it. Her converse quietly patted the sidewalk as she made her way towards the jungle gym. She climbed to the top of the slide and sat down and began to finish up her homework. In what seemed like thirty minutes Ella was done. She put away her books and took out her notebook. She turned to an empty page and began to sketch a face. She drew four more figures and her picture was done. “That’s really good.” a voice behind her said. She looked up and saw Evan standing behind her. “Oh, thanks. You’re the one next to Sanger.” she replied. “I thought so.” he said sitting beside her. “I thought that you were sick.” she said after some time. “I was, but I finished my entire make up work and I’m better so I’ll see you at school tomorrow.” he said. “That’s good. Mandy said you sounded like a mutated frog.” she laughed. “Heh, yeah I guess. What are you doing out here anyway?” “My mom kicked me out of the house.” she replied. “You can stay at my house if you want. My brother left for college so you can have his room since I’m still kinda sick.” “Kay sounds good.” “Have you heard anything about the “No, aren’t you supposed to get the letter?” “Oh yeah, let’s go.” he said ushering her towards his house. Joel was at his house with his dad. He was having dinner and actually talking to him. “So how was work?” Joel asked his father. “Bad, it’s never good you have to work.” “Oh.” “Go to college its better or else you’ll end up like “I’m going to college but I still have one more year left remember?” “Yeah, but you should start applying to colleges now and figure out what you want to be.” his father said. “Maybe I’ll be a doctor or something.” Joel said taking a piece of bread and dipping it in his soup. “No, become a business manager or something. Doctors are sissies.” his father replied getting up and dumping his bowl in the sink for Joel to wash later. “Teenagers scare the living-“Sanger sang from the shower. “Sanger be quiet.” Sanger’s little sister Kat said. “It’s a free country I can sing in the shower if I want.” he pouted. “Well, I’m trying to brush my teeth and you’re distracting “Well, I’m trying to wash my luscious hair and you’re distracting me by talking.” “Your hair scares my friends.” “Good, I like scaring little children.” “But people who scare little children end up in jail.” “Well, I know that my friends are going to bail me out.” “I don’t think so.” “Yeah they will call them and ask them.” “Ella told me that if you died she would laugh.” she retorted brushing her dark blonde hair. Sanger exited the shower with a towel covering him. “Out I have to get dressed.” Sanger said pointing his little sister out of the bathroom. “Not until I’m done brushing my beautiful hair.” she said. “Hey, that’s my hairbrush.” Sanger pouted. “Kat, you’re becoming like Sanger more and more everyday.” said their mother shaking her head. “I don’t want to be like Sanger he’s stupid.” she retorted. “Humph.” Sanger said grumpily. Sanger got dressed into his p.j.’s and went into is room. He turned up the stereo and began to dance around. A piece of paper slide in under his door. Sanger walked over and picked it up. Nice dance moves dork. He heard his little sister laugh outside the door. He rolled his eyes and continued to dance around. His sister was becoming a little miniature girl version of Sanger. In the morning Ella woke up to the smell of coffee. She looked over and saw a hot cup sitting on the nightstand. She picked it up and headed towards the bathroom. She dug around in her bag for something to wear and put it on. She carefully lined her eyes with some eyeliner and dabbed on a bit of clear lip-gloss. “Good morning, Evan.” she said walking downstairs to see Evan sitting at the table eating a bowl of Lucky Charms. “The Cocoa Puffs are in the cupboard to the right.” he said. “Heh, could you know me any better.” she said. “Well, maybe.” he smiled at her. “You better not get too attached or else before you know it you’ll have to live with me.” “And Mandy.” he replied. “And all the miniature Evan and Mandy’s.” “There will be no miniature Evan and Mandy’s.” “Sure whatever you say.” she said smirking at him. Joel woke up to the sound of his alarm. He got up out of bed and greeted the empty house. He did his usual morning and ate breakfast. He walked over and fed his cat. After all this he walked over to a 7-11 and got himself a sandwich for lunch. He then sat outside the gas station and waited for Sanger to come get him. Sanger woke up to his little sister singing in the hallway. “Shut up!” he shouted and then got out of bed. He walked over to his mirror and shrieked. “Sanger, what’s wrong.” his mother said walking into his room. “I scared myself.” he said laughing. He walked into the bathroom and brushed his teeth. He made a face at himself in the mirror and then went to his closet to pick out something to wear. “Not that one, hate that one, already wore that one.” he said to himself. He finally decided what he was going to wear and put it on. He went into the bathroom and fixed his hair. He grabbed some hair wax and put it in his hair making it stick up in different directions. “Why do you like crazy hair?” his sister asked him. “Because I’m crazy.” he said patting her on the head, grabbing his backpack, and walking out the door. He picked up Ella and Evan and made his way towards the gas station. He saw Joel and ushered him to get in as he filled up his tank with gas. “Hey, guys.” Joel said as he climbed into the backseat with Ella. “Hey, Evan still hasn’t gotten the letter from the battle yet.” she said. After school Ella went back to Evan’s house. She would have to stay one more night. She decided to go to the park before coming back to Evan’s house. On the way up the driveway she walked over to the mailbox and opened it to nothing. She continued her way up the driveway and checked under the mat just incase someone put something there. Still nothing she opened the door and made her way up to the room she was staying in. Evan arrived shortly and they decided to have dinner and go to sleep. Ella climbed into bed after saying goodnight to Evan. She began to think that maybe they didn’t make the final cut. Ella woke up at 9 in the morning. Evan was still asleep and so was everyone else in the house. She made her way quietly down stairs and made herself a cup of coffee. She walked outside and made her way towards the mailbox. She pulled out a white envelope and dropped her coffee on the ground. She ran inside and decided not to wake Evan yet. She got dressed and ran out the door towards Ray’s house. She opened the door and ran into the kitchen to find Ray standing there in his boxers. “Uh, hi?” Ray said. “Uh, oops.” she laughed. “What are you doing here?” he asked her. “We got in.” she squealed. “Got into what?” he asked. “ “What really?!” he looked at the letter and then hugged Ella. “Ray?” “Yes.” “Your lack of pants is disturbing “I can’t believe you guys got in!” Ray said hugging her again. “I know I just can’t wrap my mind around it.” she said. “Yeah.” Ray said leaning in slightly brushing his lips against Ella’s. Ella kissed back, but they were interrupted by a knock at the door. Ray ran over and opened it to see Sanger. “Okay, you woke me up at 9 on a Saturday morning to tell me what?” Sanger said grouchily. “We’re in.” Ella squealed again. “You mean we’re in the “Yup.” Ray said. Sanger jumped up and hugged Ray. “Hey, what about me?” Ella whined. Sanger hugged her too and proceeded to run around singing ‘we got in’ at the top of his lungs. Once the whole band had been clued in that they had gotten into the contest they went out to celebrate. They went to the Dinner Diner and got milkshakes. “This one goes out to Ray. We couldn’t do this without you.” Ella toasted. “And this one goes out to your amazing vocalist who sang his lungs out at the auditions.” Sanger toasted to himself. “You know we could have done this without you SG.” Joel joked. “Yeah, sure whatever.” Sanger pouted. “To you guys, because all of you couldn’t do this without each other and you sure as heck couldn’t do it without me.” Ray joked clinking his glass with everyone else’s.
© 2008 Ana:D |
Added on March 26, 2008 Author![]() Ana:DChicago, ILAboutAna is a girl. She likes thunderstorms,writing,bass,concerts,killing bugs, and sitting in closets. She can't live without MUSIC. She has a new favorite band every week. She gets writerblock A LOT so i.. more..Writing