![]() .::Play the Day Away::.A Chapter by Ana:D![]() :]![]() After school Ella, Joel, and Sanger met Evan at his car. They had their instruments and they put them in the back and sat down. “Sanger, what’s wrong?” asked Ella. “Stupid Brock the jock” said Sanger laughing. “What did he do now?” “He called me a transvestite.” he said pouting. “Okay, well next time I see him I’m gonna kick his butt.” said Ella. “Yay! We’re at Evan’s house. Cookies!” Shouted Sanger as he got out of the car and ran into Evan’s kitchen to get a cookie. “Where are all the cookies?” said Sanger pouting. “I guess today just isn’t your day buddy.” said Evan laughing. Sanger made a face at him and walked down to the basement. The band began to practice their songs. They just played the best and loudest that they could. Ella used this time to take her troubles and turn it into energy to play. Usually when she did this she rocked. Sanger usually did the same thing and so did Joel, but Evan sucked if he did that. Evan didn’t get that much drama and when he did he became depressed. He was just an emotional kid. After practice the four sat down on the couch. They were tired. “I really want to play a show now.” said Evan. “Yeah, we should enter.” Sanger replied. “We need more songs.” said Joel looking at Ella. “Guys, I just haven’t been inspired lately.” she said looking down at the ground. “Well, do you guys want to watch a movie?” asked Evan pulling out Nightmare Before Christmas from under the cushion. “Tim Burton is a genius.” said Joel as the movie ended. “I should go.” said Sanger getting up. “Bye, I’ll miss you.” yelled Ella as he walked up the stairs and out the door. “I should probably go too.” said Joel getting up and walking up the stairs. “And I suppose your going to leave me with my lonesome self, huh kid?” said Evan turning to Ella. “Actually, can I stay here with you tonight?” she asked nervously. “Yeah, sure, why is something wrong?” putting on a concern face. “Well, no, nothing, I just had a fight with my mom and I need time away from her to cool off.” she said telling him half the truth. “Ok, we can have a movie marathon with Chinese food and pizza!” he said excitedly. “Yeah, I’ll order the food; you go to Blockbuster and pick up some movies.” “Kay, be back in a bit.” He said grabbing his black hoodie and walking out the door. Evan walked to his car. The sun was beginning to set. Evan drove to the Blockbuster that was closest to his house. He entered the store and went straight to the comedy section. “My Big Fat Greek Wedding?” said a girl. “Oh, yeah.” he said blushing. “I kinda pictured you more like a There’s Something About Mary type of guy.” “Yeah, well never judge a book by its cover.” “I guess you’re right, I should probably find out more about you over coffee let’s say at 4?” “You can have coffee, I’ll have a frapachino.” “I’m Megan, by the way.” “Evan.” He said picking up another movie. “So I’ll meet you here tomorrow at 4?” “Kay, sounds good.” he said walking over to rent the movies and out the door. “Ella, I have the movies!” called Evan as he walked into the basement. “Ella?” He said sitting down on the couch. “Kay, I ordered the food it should be here in twenty minutes.” she said walking down the stair in Evan’s boxers and her shirt. “I see you helped yourself to my boxers.” he said with a smirk. “Heh, yeah, your brother made fun of “He makes fun of me too.” he said laughing. They waited until the food came and then went back down to watch the movies. “Kay, which one?” said Evan holding up Pirates of the “Moulin Rouge definitely.” “Moulin Rouge it is. You know when I was at Blockbuster a girl asked me out.” “Really, are you going, who is she?” she began. “Whoa, her name is Megan and yes, I’m going.” he said picking up an egg roll. “I’m beginning to think the only reason we ordered Chinese food is for the egg rolls.” said Ella laughing. “You catch on quick.” he said smiling. “Hey, Sanger, do you want to spend the night? My dad’s out all night.” said Joel into the phone. “Kay, I’ll be over in…seven minutes.” “Okay.” said Joel hesitantly. A couple minutes later Sanger arrived at Joel’s door. He brought his dog with him and his backpack. “Did Jojo get scared of staying by himself?” said Sanger as he walked in. “No, there was just nothing on TV.” he said tossing Sanger a Dr. Pepper. “Joel.” Sanger whined. “What, princess?” “Evan likes Dr. Pepper.” “Oh, my bad.” said Joel sarcastically. “Hey, I thought Ella was supposed to be the sarcastic one? You spend way too much time with her.” said Sanger opening his Coke. “I spend more time with her because she’s in my classes. Other than that I spend just as much time with her as you do.” he said turning on the TV. “Oh, Gilmore Girls!” Sanger screamed. “Sometimes, I swear you’re gay.” Sanger pouted and threw a pillow at Joel. The next morning Ella awoke to the smell of pancakes and coffee. She got out of bed and looked at the clock. “ “Good morning, sleepy head.” said Evan bringing her a cup of coffee. “You know me too well.” she said grabbing the cup and taking a sip. “We should eat and then stop by your house so you can change.” he said walking up the stairs and into the kitchen. “You get up too early.” said Ella as she helped herself to some pancakes. “Well, my mom’s alarm is so loud that it wakes me up too.” he said. “But, we slept in the basement.” “Well, I guess I got use to it. She’s been a nurse for a really long time.” he said stealing a pancake off Ella’s plate. “Hey, get your own.” she said. “Jeezie, someone’s snappy in the mornings.” he said ruffling her hair. “Hey, your not nice.” she pouted getting up and getting her backpack. Joel woke up to the flash of a camera. He opened his eyes and saw Ella and Evan standing in front of him with a camera. He also noticed that he was cuddling with Sanger. “Ah!” said Joel trying to get away from Sanger. “We all knew he was gay but we never thought he’d take you on the train with him.” said Ella. “I’m not gay.” pouted Sanger. “So you’re depressed?” said Ella. “No, you’re a gay f*g.” “Heh, you just called me a happy stick!” said Ella walking into the kitchen to get a Rockstar. “I swear you live off of caffeine.” said Evan laughing. “You guys have to promise to never show anyone that picture.” said Joel. “Sure, but you never said anything.” said Ella laughing. “Boo you.” said Joel stealing her Rockstar. “What is up with everyone taking my stuff?” “This was mine to begin with.” “Yeah, and my mom made those pancakes.” said Evan. “We have enough time to watch more than half of The Notebook.” said Sanger happily. “You should have been born a woman.” said Joel putting in the DVD.
© 2008 Ana:D |
Added on March 26, 2008 Author![]() Ana:DChicago, ILAboutAna is a girl. She likes thunderstorms,writing,bass,concerts,killing bugs, and sitting in closets. She can't live without MUSIC. She has a new favorite band every week. She gets writerblock A LOT so i.. more..Writing