Chapter 10: The Skirmish (Fabrics of Time)

Chapter 10: The Skirmish (Fabrics of Time)

A Story by Xander West

Chapter 10: The Skirmish

Forever and All Time

Somewhere along the winding path,

I fell in love, lost my only heart,

Unaware I would endure such wrath,

The moment fate decided to split us apart.


Yet my love endures forever and all time,

My heart is yours and yours to keep,

A love to survive all the long lifetimes,

Even as my soul sorrowfully weeps.


Through the trials of life I hold on tight,

To memories of you caressing my hand,

As we sleep as one through loving nights,

Forever is an eternity that few understand.


Your heart continued to beat with mine,

Broken in two, only whole when with you,

Love written to last forever and all time,

Our hearts beat as one, forever true


“Answer quickly girl”. I demand as I take count. A dozen men heavily armed with broad swords, axes and thick leather armor.


 “No. They would rather rape me, and eat me then let me live. Quick, we need to get to across the river.”


“Too late” I reply nodding towards the handful of men coming from the riverside


. I try to gauge their strength and weaknesses as quickly as I can, watching their movements as they prepare to surround us. “Find a place to cover girl.”


With a few quick steps, I reach the first man; I can smell his stench as he attempts to ram me with his shield. One rapid side step, smooth motion of my hand I slide a long knife from his belt and catching his throat as he presses his weight past my shoulder.


I meet the eyes of the second man lumbering my way, a giant of man, easily nearly a foot taller than me with the shoulders of a bear. I wait, all my weight on my toes, just as he swing his might ax from high above, I roll under his swing my knife slicing the artery inside his thigh, cutting from his front hip bone right through towards his bit, my shoulder taking out his other leg. I turn to put the heel of my boot into his throat looking for my challenge.


 I stand dead still in a half crouch as two mean bear down upon me from both sides. At the last possible second, I lunge to my right meeting the man at the top of hit strike. With one I grip both his wrist twisting to party the swing of the man to my left, my other hand with the knife slitting his throat, catching his sword to face the man on my left.

In quickly lunge his sword to my right, I barely party his swing but to swiftly kick his right knee. As he drops to one knee I bring my broad sword down but he manages t block the blow, but not my knife. Four down, too many more to go.


I sense an attack from behind, barely rolling to the ground ahead but meet by another man as spring up. I catch is temple with the butt of sword with my knife stabbing his lung. I spin the man into the attacker behind me, turning to throw my knife it his forehead.


I reach down at nearby victim retrieving several long-bladed knifes as several men pause to study me. A burly one with large shield stated, "We only want the girl. Let her go and you can walk away. ". Counting six men, I don't know if I can hold them at bay.


"Sorry, she is with me" defiantly I quietly reply.


"You can't take us all" he retorts as he steps toward me.


"Probably true, but I can take a few more of you first."


Faster than I expect a man of his size to move, he is upon me swinging his sword down at my neck. Just as party the blow, I feel the shield ram into me, the tiny spikes breaking some my ribs absorbing the blow. He kicks my legs out tom under me, I fell the blow the ground as I see his shield drilling me in chest. Just as the shield is coming down again I slide my sword up under his armor letting his own weight and momentum from his swing do the damage. Still, even while dying the man manages to knock the air from my lungs.


Standing, using my sword as crunch driving into the soil, I turn to face the remaining five men. I cough a mouthful of blood in their direction. A tall skinny man no older than 20 with a spear several longer than eyes me as he declares "I'll take care of him."


I study the spear, knowing I don't have the speed to counter with the sword. I throw one of the knives directly at his head, but with a quick dart to the right he sidesteps directly into the second knife I threw.


Three of the four remaining men step forward at once, looking to finish me. "No!" Bellows the last man, a giant if ever one existed. His sword alone stands my height. "The warrior is mine."


I gather the burly soldier's shield and broad sword. Looking to the girl I say, "You may not wish to want this. Run if you think you can escape."


Turning to meet the giant I prepare for his first mighty blow. I catch his sword's impact with the shield but the blow still rattles my teeth, jars my bones. I step back just in time to catch the next blow with the shield, but the power sends me flying back. Again I prepare to absorb another swing but this one sends me to the ground, the shield split in two, blood soaking my shirt.


I roll just in time to miss the killing blow of the giant's sword. I stumble to standing guard barely able to hold the sword. With demon-spawn laughter he swings his blade, but a party the blow as I stumble to one knee. Just as the next blow comes from above, I roll under his legs, slicing Achilles' tendon with a knife.


Up on to one knee I roll with a knife in each hand to see the giant stare at with rage. Launching myself off one of his knees, I stab three times I dive over his head, once just under his right ribs, once in his left throat and lastly in his right eye. Rolling upon the ground as I hit, no less painful than one of his blows, I roll to crouch expecting the giant to be upon me any second.


I watch as he falls to one knee as he steps forward, the Achilles finally giving way. I watch as tries to talk but only a blood growl emerges. With a sigh of relief, I watch the giant fall to the ground.


Even more surprising I see several arrows striking the three remaining warriors. I turn to see several uniform shoulders wearing ice blue overcoats, each now aiming at me.


"Stop! I demand you" states the girl. With a hushed silence and stammered one manages to say, "As you command Princess Maleda."


"Girl" I call as all turns to black.


Smile of an Angel

To the captivating stars of the heavens I fly,

To return with a bit of blue twinkling light,

Off to the glowing moon of the romantic sky,

To capture a glimpse of the allure of night.


To the soft clouds soaring so high above,

To form the shapes as beautiful as you,

Paint astonishing colors of a sunset of love,

To harness the sound of the ocean so blue.


I'm willing to whisper words so sweetly,

To simply admire a rose blooming perfectly,

To offer my only tender heart completely,

To a woman whose smile heals remarkably.


Bestow light of the stars matching her eyes,

Glow of the moon paling to the allure of her,

Beauty far beyond any painting in the skies,

Voice more seductive than the oceans ever were.


I could capture all the beauty of mankind

Yet one simple smile from an angel is more,

For such glory could we men never define,

Awestruck I bow down as I simply adore.

© 2016 Xander West

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Added on May 10, 2016
Last Updated on May 10, 2016


Xander West
Xander West

Suffolk, United Kingdom

I lost my passion to write for several years, better yet, I ignored my passion to write for several years. I am only once again touching my surface. more..
