A car needs petrol to keep it moving, a fire needs oxygen...etc. What does a relationship need to sustain it? *food 4th0ught*
... I'd vote for TRUST! Because we all start to sincerely express our true feelings once we have convinced our ever doubting MINDS that this person is worth my trust. Knowing that the 'Trust feeling' is mutual its more of a win-win situati0n.
...how can we start having the best relationship if we do not trust each other? How dare you expect me to appreciate the little things you do for me if I'm flooding in doubt? . .its doubt because we are TRUSTLESS!
Trust is like paper, once it's crumpled, it can't be perfectly straight again!
. . . Without TRUST it's nothing besides a big fat joke! Let's learn to TRUST 1st, lay that as our foundation!!