Personal Holocaust

Personal Holocaust

A Poem by Austin Wade Runyon

Personal Holocaust
by Sundrowner (Austin Runyon)

Trade my life expectancy for enlightenment
The universe and I exchanged hands gratefully
The greatest aspect is empathy
But all those tears couldn't quell the fire of hate within me
I slit my wrists in a lotus stance to find tranquility
Little did I know the peace I found was just life leaving me
Molecules at war, do I engage?
Or lay down
I never asked to inherit the problems of this world I was born in
Nature is heiarchy, heiarchy is violence
But we are smart enough to oppose this
Good is virtuous
Evil is ruthless
And evil will win because of this
But good will fight and die because it is good
Do I lay down a life I never wanted for a lost cause despite the inconvenience?
"Of course" I think and even bodly will say
But what will I do?

© 2021 Austin Wade Runyon

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Added on May 15, 2020
Last Updated on November 11, 2021
Tags: Acid, politic, philosophy, lsd, dxm, nature, protagonist, standome


Austin Wade Runyon
Austin Wade Runyon

Mitchell, SD

My name is Austin Runyon. Sundrowner is my alias for certain work. more..
