![]() Why Go Vegan?A Story by Kitteh![]() Another piece for the school paper. It's just an editorial. Of course, at the time I didn't know that editorials HAD!! to have the other side of the story. So again it was automatically rejected. It was also too long, ha ha.![]()
Why Go Vegan?
Are you an omnivore? It’s a likely thing you are since most people today are. Do you like meat? Well you probably do. But instead of consuming it, why not love animals? And as healthy as you think meat is, it’s no where near healthy. These are actual facts that have been scientifically proven on why being a Vegan is a healthier life style. For one thing, humans aren’t supposed to eat meat as much meat as we do. It’s not even as healthy as we’re led to believe. Did you know that the average meat eater cholesterol is 210? A vegetarian has a cholesterol of 161. But a vegan has a cholesterol of just 133 making them heart attack proof. Anything over 150 puts you at risk of having a heart attack. Vegans and vegetarians have a fifty to sixty percent chance of not getting cancer or dying of cancer. Most people worry about they’re weight, right? Chances are you even worry about it. If you’re so worried about becoming obese, take up the diet of a Vegan. It’s a proven fact that vegans are one tenth less obese than an average meat eater. You can be an obese vegan, but you’re always being one tenth lighter than a meat eater. Also, having a vegan diet not only makes you healthier, it also gives you more energy. You won’t need as much sleep, you’ll be happier, and you won’t have a guilty conscience! You know fish? A lot of people love to eat fish. But did you know that most fish are contaminated with various metals that they absorb from the water they swim in? Well now you do. And also fifteen percent of food born illnesses or diseases comes from the fish you buy. Also, the fish you see at the supermarkets on the shelves, yeah. Those are most likely spoiled. So go on, have fun and go eat an innocent spoiled fish that was dragged from the comfort of its home. Most fish are killed on the way up from decompression or just the amount of weight from all the fish. When they die from decompression, it’s like a person stepping onto the moon… with out a space suit on. Sometimes their eyes even pop out of there heads. Such a nice thought isn’t it? Did you know that commercial fishers pull up hundreds of pounds of fish every single time they take the net up? And did you know that most of the fish that are caught aren’t even given to humans but instead are fed to other animals? Even organic meat is unhealthy. They’re all packed with antibiotics and other various things to make them fatter and produce more things. They are pumped so full of things that by two months after birth they’re the right slaughter weight. But the thing is, by this point in time their limbs have snapped because they’re not strong enough to hold the weight and the lungs of the animals collapse inside them. Often time’s animals that are shipped to the slaughter house are packed so tightly into the trucks; they were basically like slaves from the sixteen hundreds during the slave trade. The weather was so extreme that by the time the animals arrived at the slaughter house they were frozen to the sides of the truck or even to the bottom in their own feces and pee. Most animals were either crippled or dead. The few that survived were literally dragged off the backs of the trucks. A lot of the time they were lame and could barely walk. There are so many horrors that take place at slaughter houses too. Animals are literally strung up, one by one, by one leg. Their throats are slit while they’re still alive. The buildings are filled with the stench of death along with the sound of innocent screams of pain from animals that will be on your dinner plate in a month. There are thousands of animals slaughtered every hour there. The workers don’t care about the animals, most of the time they’re unskilled and untrained illegal aliens that shouldn’t be here. Pigs are repeatedly dumped in scolding hot water while they’re still alive and conscience without pain killers just to get all the hair off. Then to our horror are skinned alive. Chickens also go into tanks of scolding hot water to rid the feathers while they’re still alive without pain killers and are still conscience. It’s a mad house. Throats are slit while the animals are still alive. Pigs and cows are castrated with out pain killers and are still conscience. Nesting chickens have their beaks sheered off with a burning saw with out pain killers and are still conscience as well. Cows are even tortured with third degree burns [also known as brands] with out painkillers. Animals feel pain just like humans. We’re the same things even. Both animals and humans are made of meat and blood. We breathe, eat, and sleep. We even have children. Now imagine this, you have a kid, but not even twenty four hours after being born they are taken away from you and you are forced to go give the milk that’s supposed to be for your baby to a machine only so that other humans can drink it. That’s what happens to cows. Yes, animals eat animals in nature. But what humans are doing to animals is not natural. We’re taking away everything that is natural to them. And as I’ve mentioned earlier, humans aren’t supposed to even eat meat. If you look at a natural meat eater, there’s a never ending list of differences. For one thing, their teeth are much stronger than ours. They don’t have the same type of saliva we have. Not to mention that all their teeth are stronger. The only reason people started eating meat was back when there wasn’t any vegetation, thousands and thousands of years ago. And the grain and stuff that people feed to the animals that we eat can go to those suffering from poverty or starvation. It’s that simple. But instead we feed it to animals. It’s like taking pure water, running it through the sewer, and then drinking it. Plus, every single time you eat meat or consume a dairy product or drink water, you’re supporting both animal cruelty and the horror houses commonly called slaughter houses. Milk isn’t even as healthy as we’re told it is. It is all just a bunch of false advertising. If anything, it’s no where near healthy for us. For children and just people in general it’s linked to ear infections, colic, diabetes and much more. It also makes our bones weaker, not stronger. Again, false advertising. Good milk doesn’t come from happy cows. There is no such thing as good milk. The worst part is, all this suffering is only for our convenience. It doesn’t even really do anything; it just provides monsters with meals. A real, true environmentalist couldn’t eat meat. No body with a heart can eat meat; the only way would be if they weren’t thinking about how awful the short life of the animal was. How much pain it felt. People are so ignorant if they just sit back and do nothing about this. Animals don’t deserve to do this. Animals feel pain and sorrow just like people do. They love, they care, they even cry. Most of you are probably thinking “Well I can’t do anything to stop it” That is a lie. You can do something about; all you have to do is just stop eating meat. Stop consuming dairy products. Every single person out there can help stop this madness, this horror. It’s simple. Everyone makes a difference. And even though it seems like a small one, it’s not. Just one person that converts to a vegan diet saves the life of hundreds of innocent animals. © 2008 KittehReviews
2 Reviews Added on April 20, 2008 Author![]() KittehORAboutAlrighty... Where to start? I'm Kitteh. I'm 14. I'm not that talented but I'm trying and that's all that matters, right? I was born in the city and lived in the city up until June first in 2007. Now I.. more..Writing