Love Child(4)

Love Child(4)

A Chapter by Tori

all righty...melody is knocked up, alive and Horax is flipping out. Just a quick summary.



Haux's hand slammed against the table, his abnormal strength shattering it. I quickly and fearfully dodged several small wooden shards. They each flew towards the walls, the plaster absorbing them. I lowered my eyes. I knew he would be pissed.

"Of all the stupid, irresponsible, foolish, negligent, irrational, imprudent things you have ever done, this is the worst!" he boomed, his voice holding not the slightest hint of humor or understanding or even sympathy. I couldn't say anything, though. He was absolutley right. I was a fool. A stupid, irresponisble,foolish, negligent,irrational, imprudent fool. And a complete dumbass.

He began pacing the room, shaking his head in anger. He stopped only once to punch yet another massive hole in the already swiss-cheesed wall. His fangs had sharpened, which only happens when one is either going into survival mode, is being pumped with adrenaline, or one's blood is boiling. Literally. If you happened to peel back our skin while this was happening, our blood would resmeble a pot full of water that had been sitting on the stove for thirty minutes. Bubbles, steam..the whole shebang. I believe that was happening to Haux this minute.

"How could you have been so stupid? So incapable of making sure she was dead! Why? Why was that so damn difficult? What part of "built to kill" don't you understand?" he cried, his lilac eyes flashing in anger. The rims around the black pupil turned bright red, slowly blending with the purple. 

"I'm sorry," was all I could say. He stopped  pacing and looked at me. His face read "you make no sense dumbass."  Suddenly, a great force colided with my chest and I was pinned to the wall. I didn't bother to fight back as Haux's fist smacked against my cheeks. Finally, he ceased his blows and slammed me into the wall one more time.

"You. Are. Sorry?" he growled. "Sorry? Sorry? SORRY!? How in God's name can you be sorry! You got a 15 year old human girl pregnant, and you're sorry? This is not something you can fix with your charm!" He released me and I fell to the floor. In less than a mili-second, he was pacing on the opposite side of the room. He continued to mutter the word "pregnant" under his breath.

"I'm sorry! I didn't think there was anyway I would be able's impossible for a human girl to mother an immortals child! We're not supposed to have a similar enough genetic code for the egg to be fertilized!" I cried desperatley.

"Well it was similar enough to produce an infant! Do you understand how much trobule you are in! Once the thing is born, the humans will perform that foolish fertility test or whatever the devil it's called to find out who the father is! You'll be charged with attemped murder and molesting a minor!  They'll also realize you're the one who killed all those other women! If the foolish humans don't fidn you, then by God, the council will! You know the punishment for exposing us!"

"Well, we haven't been exposed! I'm sure by now she's explained what happened to the police and they haven't believed her," I pointed out, feeling hope in my own words.

And Haux had to crush that hope..."but she knows! And that's one too many!"

I sighed. "I'll get it," I said, hearing the approaching footsteps long before they reached they hallway. I opened the wooden door and stared at the two men. Both were clad in pitch black suits with shiny dress shoes and long trench coats draped over their shoulders. the man on the left was shorter ad appeared somewhat mousey. His light, light brown hair was complimented by his pale complexion and round, pudgy face. The other was taller, with a more built frame and red hair, which didn't accent the cream skin very well. A well combed mustache looked out of place on his elongated, serious face. The thing that caught my greatest intrest was their steamed carrot orange eyes.

"May I help you, gentlemen?" I asked, straightning my posture. I had an uneasy feeling about these two and wanted to be ready in case of a surprise attack.

"Yes, we are trying to locate A Mr. Horax Barker," the  short one answered.

"I am Horax Barker. how can I help you?" I lifted my chin slightly.

"Good evening sir, I'm agent Sanders and this is my partner, Agent Krusue`,"  the tall one, who must have been Agent Sanders, said. "We are of the American Border Council, or ABC. We'ld like to come in and ask you a few questions."

 I treid to keep my face and voice calm, but I was complete wreck. Agents of the ABC. The head Vampire council in vampire. Oh f**k, this was serious! They were here about the girl! I was going to be put to death for violating the third most important rule: Never mate with a human. Acceident or on purpose, that was the law, and I had broken it. 

 I showed the two men where to sit before taking my own place in a wooden kitchen chair with several termite holes bored into the legs. I swallowed  hard and sneaked a glance at Haux. He was sitting in a chair similar to mine, his face calm and collected, but his purple eyes shining in fear and discontent. I closed my eyes and folded my hands. I didn't believe in any god, but right now, I needed all the help I could get.  

© 2009 Tori

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please write more I know it's only the fourth chapter but it's already drawn me in.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on October 11, 2009
Last Updated on October 19, 2009



A little town where the dead come out to play, GA

Don't click here! Alright, Hello Everybody! Um I love to read, write, and draw and I hope to become a artist or graphic designer. I also Hope to become and Author and open my own Tattoo Parlor one.. more..

Mary Jane Mary Jane

A Poem by Tori