Love Child (2)

Love Child (2)

A Chapter by Tori

Horax has had his fill in blood...tasty tasty blood. Now we get to meet his brother, Haux. FAMILY GAME NIGHT!!!(not really)


"D****t all, Horax, where have you been?"

I slammed the door behind me and sailed across the room, my feet barely touching the ground. I felt so energetic. So impowered. I glanced up at Haux, his pale, impatient face staring at me. I merley laguhed adn shrugged my shoulders.

"Damn you, Horax! This isn't a joke!" he growled. I wrapped an arm around his shoulder.

"Calm, my borther. Calm," I said soothingly.

"You really do need to be educated on sentences and sentence fragments, you fool." He used three of his long, slender, boney fingers to flaten his spiky mouse brown hair.  I looked around the small, broken down apartment.

"Of all the motels in this city, you choose the shittiest. Great work," I said, observing the small two room apartment. The walls were an ugly, infant puke green with peeling wall paper and several large holes. The carpet was coated in dirt, hair, bugs, and permenant stains of previous inhabitants. The shower only reviced cold water(Which wasn't a big deal, considering our flesh was both cold and incapable of producing sweat) and the air conditoner was busted(We did not have the money to pay for it.)

"D****t, Horax! Do not change the subject!" Haux spat.

I clucked my tounge and plopped onto the couch, the springs squeaking under my weight. I laid down and kicked off my black formal shoes, stretching out my socked feet. "I was just out having a little snack."

"For three days?" 

"Yes. The first day, I dined. The other two, I ran about the deserts outside the city. You know, I was full, so I figured some exercise would be nice."

"You could've been caught!"

"Relax, brother. Eveyrthing is fine. Prey is dead, I am fed, and no one lost their head." That was the same line I used everytime a kill was sucessful(Which, was all the time.)

He sighed irratbley, massaing his temple. "Horax, you really need to be less careless. I can't loose you, like Syrah."

I frowned in guilt. I had never known my mother, but I had heard she was a great woman. Perhaps I should explain. You see, Haux wasn't really my brother, he was my uncle. But, we were both the same age, and we felt like brothers. Anyway, the villagers(This was in a much earlier century. It was before the reign of Queen Elizabeth, who I knew quite well....before she kicked the bucket.) discovered what Syrah was....a vampire. She had owned an orphanage-at least, that's what Haux had told me-and cared for sick children. Just as the villagers were about to catch the building a flame, she had bitten me as I was dying of the smoke. I was but an infant when this happened. She wasn't my biological mother, but I considered her so because she was the one who made me like this(In a good way.) Just as she drew her last breath(Not literaly, since we don't breathe) She handed me to Haux, her brother, and begged him to look after me. So, ever since then, Haux has left Europe and taken up a new life in America. I know what you are thinking. "You're a vampire, you can't grow older!" Well, if bitten once, you turn into a vampire. If bitten twice, you completely freeze at what ever age you are. Horax had waited until my 19 birthday before making me permenant.

Trying to lighten the mood, I decided bragging was in order. I grabbed the remote and flipped on the old TV. "They probably found her body by now. You have to see her. She's quite a looker. A fiesty one, too."

He smiled and sat on the couch beside me, knowing he could never stay mad at the closest thing to family he had left. I scanned through the channels until I located the news channel. The stiff looking annouancer had just finished describing a missing child that had been taken form it's home several hours ago. I zoned out and thought about my mother. Who was she? What did she look like? Why did she leave me on the steps of an orphanage? Didn't she want me? Didn't she loved me? I knew who my father was. According to the note pinned to my blanket when I was found, it said that he was a brave warrior who had fought in the war. It didn't mention his name or anything, but I knew enough about him to tell he was an honorable man. The note didn't emntion my mother. At all. 

The words "another homicide" caught my attention. I focused on the screen in time to see men in uniforms haul a medical table into the back of an ambulance and zoom away. "And here is Kelly Gibson with the rest of the story."

A spanish woman with her black hair pulled back and a huge mole on her left cheek apperead on the screen. Police men and flashing lights swirled together in mass confusion behind her. "Thank you Keith. Investigators have discovered yet another victim of the notorious Moonlight serial killer"-that was the killer(me)was referered to by the media. Each vampire has a monthly designated time in which they need to feed(sort of like a human woman on her period.) The moon just happened to be full on my feeding days. It was a coincedence that worked well with my publicity -"was found. The bruised and naked body of fifteen year old Melody Homer was discovered several hours ago by an elderly woman who was out walking her dog, when the dog ran off running and barking-" 

A picture of the girl I had killed(Who was apparentley named Melody) popped up in the left hand corner off the televison and gradually grew bigger until it covered the whole  screen. Haux  nudged my shoulder with his elbow. We both chuckled. "Told ya' she was going looking. Got a nice set, too."

"-She says she followed him, and discovered that he had smelled the body. Like all the other young women, Melody had been raped-"

"Why do you always have to rape them?" Haux asked.

"It gets their heart know? The blood pumping so I don't have suck. Sucking on their flesh would leave a hickey, adn if the police saw it...then bam! Vampires exposed."


"Now shut up and watch.

"-and then left for dead. Two small punctures holes on her throat suggest she was stabbed once in the neck. Investigators believe that the same tool used to kill Sarah Donalds, Mariah Kirks, Jessica Hawkens, and several others was also used at an attmepted murder on poor Melody. Maricously, she has survived and is being treated at St.Jospeh Hosptial. We will ahve more on the story and commentary from mourning family members when we return. And later on tonight...."

I clicked the off button and stared blankly at the black screen. I couldn't bel;ieve. Had I heard correctly? She survived? She was being treated? What?

"Horax..." Haux said, his voice holding about as much shock and disbelief as I felt.

I couldn't say anything. I didn't know what to say. This was impossible. "B-but I was so sure....when I left...her blood, it was...her heart, it didn't...she...alive?" I mummbled like a mad man. Suddenly, I jumped to my feet, knocking over a half empty beer bottle sitting on the termite-writhen coffee table. "Oh f**k!"

Haux stood as well, his lilac colored eyes wide with surprise. "Horax! What's wrong?"

I clasped my hands firmly on the side of my hide. "No. No. No,no,no,no,no,no,NO!" I cried, my voice starting as a whisper and slowly increasing until I was shouting. "NO! NO! NO! NO!" 

Haux placed a hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me. "Horax, what's wrong?" I turned to face him, roughly grabbing him by the shoulders. 

"She saw me!" I whispered.

"What?" His eyes held genuine confusion.

"She damn saw me! My face! My teeth! All of it! She knows what I look like! She'll tell the cops, and we'll all be in trouble! No, we are all in trouble!"  I explained.

His eyes got even bigger. I released him and we both fell onto the floor, shaking madly. I looked over at him, my lower lip trembling. "W-what do we do?"

He took control of himslf and his emotions and looked at me, his face serious. "Perhaps the loss of blood affected her nrain and she won't remember anything. Besides, who would believe her if she did tell them? We'll have to wait until they make the cause of murder/attempted murder open to the public's knowledge."

"What do we do until then?" I asked, hope stirring inside me, but threatning to vanish if I so much as breathe.

He sighed and stared at me, his eyes narrow in authority and his voice shaken but imperative. "The only thing we can do: Lie low and pray God is on our side."


© 2009 Tori

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Added on September 27, 2009



A little town where the dead come out to play, GA

Don't click here! Alright, Hello Everybody! Um I love to read, write, and draw and I hope to become a artist or graphic designer. I also Hope to become and Author and open my own Tattoo Parlor one.. more..

Mary Jane Mary Jane

A Poem by Tori