Love Child (1)

Love Child (1)

A Chapter by Tori

Horax is on the move, fangs waiting to be bloodied. Oh.....that would make a fun poem.


I slunk lower into the shadows, completley concealing myself.  The tall buildings provided lovely hiding where the neon lights betrayed me. I pressed my cold skin into the similarly chilling red brick wall, waiting. Waiting. My eyes widened slightly as the glass doors to the apartment store swung open, and then closed behind an elderly woman carrying a large plastic bag. I crinkled my nose in disgust. Her wrinkled, old, worn out body would be near impossible to remove blood from. I needed a fresher soul. A younger soul.

  I proped my left shoulder against the stone wall, growing more impatient as each second ticked by, wasting my valuable time. I sighed in increasing exasperation. My stomach lurched and my knees started to tremble. I needed to feed. Now. Just as I was about to leave, the glass doors swished open, revealing a lovely young woman. Her long legs were hidden beaneth a pair of dark jeans with scraggly holes in the knees. A tight, black Green Day shirt was pulled over her well sized breast, and a black spikey braclet was buckled around her left wrist. A mane of long, dark brown hair streched down past her shoulder blades and bounced with each step she took. I sniffed the air as she walked away. I felt my entire body tighten at the stench. Raspberries and citrus fruit...and such sweet, amourous blood. I had to have it.

Quickly, I dashed form the shadows and hurried over to here. I continued to remain at her heels as she walked through the vaccant city. In this part of town, no one stayed out after dark. Not since all the mysterious homicides that had taken place in the shadows. I smiled, thinking back to each individual taste. One girl tasted of peppermint and cocunut, one of alcohol, one of morning time dew, and another of rotten flesh. Strange, yes. But it was the truth. I closed in on her and waited until we were next to a dark alley way before making my presence offical. I assumed she knew I was following her, by the way she continuosly checked over her shoulders whenever she passed a large gap in building walls. She made the mistake of not checking this time. I called out. She stopped dead in her tracks and spun around, her hair whipping her face. Her large green eyes were well outlined by a thick layer of eyeliner and crimson eyeshadow. Her cheeks were kissed brown, as was the rest of her body(And by rest of the body, I mean arms, considering that was the only other skin she had revealed.) If not for her olive skin and heavy human scent, she could have passed for one of us.

"Hello," I began, using my best seductive voice. I could tell by her stance and annoyed expression it was going to be extremley difficult to convince her I meant no harm... then earn her trust only to loose it. She appered completley unphased by what normally made pathetic human females melt.This was going to be fun.

"G'day. Can I help you?" she asked, staring up at me with fearless eyes.

"Intresting accent. Do you happen to be Australlian?" I purred, shoving my right hand into my pocket.

"That's just how I say hello. Can I help you?" Her voice was firm and angry, and showed no sign of breaking in fear. I chuckled. "What do you think's so damn funny, huh?"

"You can try, but you won't scare me. If anything, you're the one who should be scared." I leaned back casually, as if she was an old friend.

She shifted her weight to her left, giving her hips a sexy tilt. "Oh, and why is that?"

I stepped closer to her until I was almost touching her. This was an advance I saved for completley trusting  clients. I could tell I would have to use darkness and an unatural amount of seduction to win her over.

"It's dangerous, don't you know, for young ladies such as yourself to be walking out on the streets at night. Haven't you heard about that bad man going  around killing young beautiful women. I heard he even liked taking them off...doing things to them. What would you're family think if you got hurt?" I said in a hint hint kind of voice. "How old are you anyway, kid?"

Her eyes narrowed and both hands planted themselves firmly on her curvy hips. "I don't really think that's any of your buisness. So, G'day to you, and have a safe trip home. She spun around and started off. My mocking laugh stopped her, forcing her to face me. Before she got a good chance to spit a string of profanity at me, I grabbed her and placed my hand over her mouth. She screamed into my palm as I drug her into the alley way. Dust kicked up and settled as her feet slid across the concrete ground. Wet newspapers, leaky pipes, spooky fog, large rats, and the classic dead end gave the sense of an alley in an old gangster movie I had watched.  As much as she struggled, she was no match for my immortal male strength. I through her down onto the cold, wet ground and climbed onto her abdomen. I removed my hand from her mouth. But, not before assuring her that if she screamed or tried anything funny, I would break her neck right then and there.

"Good. Now, if you'll just cooperate, it'll all be over quickly," I whispered into her ear. She bit her lip and tried not to cry, but I could feel her body trembling beneath mine. "Now, would you like the honor, or should I?" She said nothing, her eyes hardening with each word. I grinned. "It looks like its all up to me. Good. I love being in charge."

With that, I began peeling away at her clothing. She let out a small whimper as my lips cascaded over every inch of her body, my tounge investigating diffrent hot spots. She jerked when my ice cold hands slid into the front of her underwear, messing around a bit before pulling them off. I nudged her long, tan legs apart and rested myself between them. One small tilt of the pelvis, and I would claim her as mine. I waited a moment before thrusting forward. I found her eyes, excited to see what kind of horror they held. I wanted to bite soemone's head off the mintue I say those flat, emotionless irises staring back at me. 

"Are you not afraid?" I growled.  She said nothing. I planted both of my hands firmly against the wall, forming a complete cage around her. I allowed my hips to keep me in balance as I tried to intimidate her. Although the kill was great, and the penetration was even better, my favorite part of the attack was seeing their terrified expresions, and hearing them cry in pain. But from her, I got nothing. At all. I tilted forward. 

"AH!" she cried as I entered her. Her eyes clasped shut and her teeth clenched together roughly in pain. I smiled with delight. Finally!  I continued to re-enter her over and over agian until I had released myself inside her. Her body collapsed in exhaustion and pain. Mine, on the other hand, was perfectly cool and sweat free. I pressed her breast into my chest, absorbing her heat into me.  Then I looked into her eyes. They were wide in uneasiness. Not fear, or tear, but uneasiness. Just f*****g fabulous! I thought bitterly.

"You have to make me a little promise," I said, twirling a strand of her hair around my finger. I paused, giving her a chance to say something. Not a single word escpaed her full, red lips. "You have to promise not to tell anyone."

She looked up at me through the strands of hair that had fallen in front of her face. The corners of her mouth tilted into a wide, toothy smile. She bursted out into laughter. I just stared at her as her chest swished back and fourth with each cackle. Finally, once she had regianed control, she simply stated," I'm afraid I can't make that promise."

"And just why not?" I asked, not trying to mask the frustration and annoyance in my voice.

"Well, you're going to kill me, so I won't get the chance!" she spat.

"Oh? What makes you think I'm going to kill? How do you know I didn't just want to have fun with your sexy little body?" I purred. Her cheeks turned bright red.

"Because. That's not how you play the game. You use our bodies to realese your pleasure into, because all your life you've dealt with some sort of sexual defiance or emotional issues, and you find that forcing intercourse onto those smaller and weaker than you, you'll feel better about yourself. But you realize, that if you let them live, they might tell, and you won't be able to keep feeling that since of domanince. I'm spot on, aren't I?" she said in a matter of fact tone. I hissed at her.

"You don't know anything!"

"But you're still going to kill me," she stated calmly.

"Smart girl..." I barked.

"So what's it going to be? Knife? Gun? Sufication? Strangle me? Drown me? What?" she puffed her chest out, the tips nearing my twitching lips.

I grinned, revealing my teeth. By now, my fangs had sharpened and were ready. "I've got my own method."

Her eyes widend in shock. I gave her no time to scream before my teeth slid easily into her flesh. Still worked up from the sex, her heart pumped blood into my hungry mouth, so I didn't even have to force it out. Her body weakned in my arms as I drained her of her life. Just before I drained the last drop, I could have sworn I heard her whisper "Thank you."

© 2009 Tori

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was apartment store supposed to department store?
It was soo good!!! I loved it. I will definately read more on this!! Do you know who Arthur Crow is? He is an amazing poet, you should check him out. But yes, back to your story, it was lovely. YOu are a wonderful writer, Tori. My offer remains true, It would be an honor to write along side you, Tori. You are able to bring such things to life. I love all of it. I can't wait for more of your excellent writing. I must work with you on how to make my chapters longer. How do you do it, Tori? Mine don't even break a page!. I need lessons on lengthening my chapters and stories. Very well done. I love it!!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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..... I am aghast. Amazed. I am the expriencing a swirling combination of fear, digust, awe, and....something I can't seem to find a word for. Rape.... So strange for you. I love the vampires though. MWhahhahaha. I must say though, the girl reminds me of you;defiant of everything until the very end. I loved it. I was truly horrified but I think that's what you were going for. Wonderful.

Posted 14 Years Ago

was apartment store supposed to department store?
It was soo good!!! I loved it. I will definately read more on this!! Do you know who Arthur Crow is? He is an amazing poet, you should check him out. But yes, back to your story, it was lovely. YOu are a wonderful writer, Tori. My offer remains true, It would be an honor to write along side you, Tori. You are able to bring such things to life. I love all of it. I can't wait for more of your excellent writing. I must work with you on how to make my chapters longer. How do you do it, Tori? Mine don't even break a page!. I need lessons on lengthening my chapters and stories. Very well done. I love it!!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on September 24, 2009
Last Updated on September 27, 2009



A little town where the dead come out to play, GA

Don't click here! Alright, Hello Everybody! Um I love to read, write, and draw and I hope to become a artist or graphic designer. I also Hope to become and Author and open my own Tattoo Parlor one.. more..

Mary Jane Mary Jane

A Poem by Tori