![]() Bound by Forever (9)A Chapter by Tori![]() After giving up his only chance of escape(until next year) Aydean is feeling more lost than ever. But after another talk with fellow werewolf and friend, Scott, Aydean sees a boy across the street at his neighbors place. What could be going on?![]() I never thoguh of myself as being worthy of such an amazing love. But after him...after being looked at by his big, beautiful eyes....after being kissed by his soft, perfect lips... after being in his safe, strong arms...I felt deserving of the world. I felt as if I were a godess. How did one man make me feel so powerful? How?
Criss's POV.........................
"You're shitting me!" "I s**t you not!" "Kodi, that's awesome! This weekend right?" "You got it!" "And you're gonna be staying in your old room?" I asked, feeling more happy than I had in years. "I got a surprise for ya, little sis!" Kodi chuckled. He was being his stupid, sly self. "Who you callin little? I'm taller than you!" I shot back, switching my cell phone from my left ear to my right. "Yeah, by two inches! Big deal! I'm older than you!" he said, pride welling in his voice. "By two years," I reminded."And remember...Age is but a number...height, my dear Watson, is a factor!" "Alright-but you had-in mind-you," he replied. "What? Are you on a bad road or something? I can't hear ya!" I peeked out the window. A dark blue pick-up truck was pulling into the driveway. Before he could reply, I said,"Hey, Kodi... I gotta go. There's someone here. I'll see ya this weekend." "See ya this weekened, young one!" He said, trying to imitate an angry japanese man. I rolled my eyes and hung up the phone. I hadn't seen my brother in little over five years. He had moved to Californa with our Aunt and Uncle. He was coming to visit in another three days. I was bouncing with joy all the way to the front yard. We were like best friends. Anything he and his friends did, he made sure I got to do as well. We rode four-wheelers together, went hiking together, went bowling, played baseball, and always helped our grandma with the chickens. After he had moved, I realized that I didn't have many close friends. So, I normally just sat around the house or went for walks or whatever. He had my same dark brown hair. Our eyes were different colors, but other than that, we looked identical. Momma, Dad, and Tanya were already outside. The door closed behind me just as the truck pulled up. The windows were dark, but I could make out a figure sitting in the front seat. The door swung open and a tall, long haired man wearing sunglasses hopped out. He had a cocky smile spread across his face as he walked towards us. He stopped in front of me. he was about a foot taller than me. He jerked his head to the side, flipping his reddish-blonde hair out of his face. Even through the dark shades, I could tell he was staring at me. Without warning, he began to pat my head. I jerked away and punched him in the arm. "Just who do you think you are?" I demanded. He looked at the others and smiled.Their faces were pale white. His attention turned back to me. "What? You don't remeber me, Criss?" "How do you know my name!" I shouted. He pulled off his glasses. His big blue eyes were drilling into mine. "I've known you your whole life, stupid." Then it hit me. "You...!" He smirked. He knew I regconized him...and my shock ammused him."What are you doing here!?"
Aydean's POV.....
"Yeah?" I said, growng impatient. "Aydean...the truth. I told you, You're not ready for the truth!" I shouted, his voice full of distress. He wanted to tell me, but he knew Derek would be furious. "No, Derek said I wasn't ready! And by the way, what does he know? Scott...you're my firend, please tell me," I begged, trying to sound as hurt as possible. ".....I....I CAN"T!! Goodbye Aydean. I'll talk to ya later!" Scott said quickly. CLICK! I flipped the phone shut and threw it onto the carpet. I noticed a piece of paper on the floor. I icked it up, read it, and shuddered.
Dear Worthless,
If you want to eat the rest of the week, I suggest you clean up the mess you made. No, not the glass. You are forbidden to ever leave your room at all. Of course, you can't blame us. Your stupidity is the cause. You brought the this upon yourself. Do you really think we like punishing our only child? Well, either way. Clean up the blood. And if there is any on the carpet, you will pay dearly.
P.S. No, they have no children at all.
I lowered the paper. I began to tremble. Not out of fear, but out of anger. I groaned and began to clean up the blood. Great. The neighbors didn't have any kids. I had no friends. Well, other than the pack. I was hoping to make one here. But it didn't really matter anyway. It's not like I was going to be able to hang out with them. After the blood was gone, I curled back onto my bed and drifted off to sleep.
Criss's POV..............
"What the hell are you doing here!?" I cried. Relief, anger and happiness flood thorugh me at once. I smiled and pounced forward. The man caught me in his arms and began to spin me around. He had gotten a lot stronger. "Surprised to see me?" he chuckled, still spinning. "Yes! I am! What are you doing here!? You weren't supposed to be here until this weekend!" "I couldn't wait to see my little bitty sister," Kodi smiled. Thorugh all the different features and styles and colors, I could still see my older brother. "What happened? You got....different...and..." "Taller? Yeah. I guess Californa does some crazy stuff to ya," he said, sitting me down so he could go reunite with the ohters. "I'll go get your stuff out of the truck and-wait. You can drive now?" I asked. He handed me a plastic card. Sure enough, there it was. Kodi Hanks, 19, drivers lisence. I handed it back and run to the truck. I looked in the windows, nothing. I figured it was all in the back. I ran around to the truck bed to retrive his stuff...but somone had already beaten me to it. "Hello," the guy said, smiling. "You must be Criss! Kodi's told me so much about you!" He blew his brown hair out of his eyes and extended a light brown hand. This guy was tanner than me. He was extremly handsome. I was actually feeling nervous about talking to him. What's wrong with me? KI'm never nervous around guys. Oh don't tell me! I placed my hand in his, allowing him to get in a friendly handshake before I broke into a nervous sweat. "Hi...um. I'm a, yeah. Like you said, my...uh... name's Criss. Yeah," I stuttered. I felt my cheeks flush. "Yes, I know," he smirked. He didn't seem annoyed by my stupidity. Actually, he looked as if he though it was...cute. How dare you! I scolded myself. What makes you think he thinks you're cute. I knew I was being stupid. He didn't like me. "My name is Tristen Winters. Woud you like me to take these bags for you?" he asked, pointing at all the sacks of clothes in the back. "Um, no I got it. Thanks." I reached over and grabbed all six bags. "Um here. I'll take mine. Thank you," he said, grabbing three bags out of my hands. "You're stuff?" I asked. I was bewildered. What did he need his stuff for? And why was he unloading it all and walking towards my house. "Yes. Didn't Kodi tell you? I will be staying with your family for the next eight weeks. I hope that's okay," he said, still smiling. Then it disapered into a frown. "You don't want me here. That's it! Well, maybe I can get Kodi to take me back to the airport and I-" "NO!!!THAT'S NOT WHAT I MENAT!!! OF COURSE I WANT YOU HERE-ER, I DON'T MEAN I ACTUALLY WANT YOU BUT YOU UNERSTAND WHAT I'M TRYING TO SAY? RIGHT!? UHG!!! I HURT YOUR FEELINGS!!! GAHHH!!! I huffed. What was wrong with me? I had never freaked like that. At all. What was he doing to me? He only smiled. "I understand. Thank you so much," he said, bowing. "Oh....I um." I was feeling uncomfortable. No one had ever bowed to me before. "HEY CRISS! I see you met my buddy Tisten!" Kodi called, running up beside me. "Yeah, he's gonna be staying with us for awhile. His folks wen't to Vegas and he needed a place to crash for awhile, so he came here with me. After the eight weeks is up, he'll be heading back to Californa. Now, come on Tristen, let's go get ya settled in. Floor or couch?" "I'll sleep on the couch if it's no bother," he said. HOW HOT! And he's so damn polite! I thought. After everyone had set up there things again, Kodi, Tristen, and me went outside. Kodi through me and Tristen a hlemet. Mine was blue, black and silver. Kodi's was red with black flames, and Tristen's was green and black. I smirked. I knew what was going on. We all began walking to the old shed in the backyard. Kodi looked at Tristen, and then at me. "Yout hink he's got it?" he asked me. This was something Kodi and I used to ask each other everytime someone new came over to ride four-wheelers. We were pretty much asking if we though they were good at riding. I looked over at Tristen- who was obviously confused- and admired the shape of his body. His muscles flexed with each step he took. "I think he's got it," I nodded. I'm sure he rides great too. I thoguht. Oh shut up, you old pervert! I screamed at myself. "Really?" Kodi looked at me and raised an eyebrow. "You never think anyone has it. And of course...you're always right." "What is it?" Tristen pipped in. "I don't know," I said. "I just have feeling that he has it." I continued walking. "What's is it?" Tristen asked again. "Tristen, my man! You're lucky. You're the first person to ever come over to our house and have it!" Kodi smiled, slapping Tisten's back. "WHAT IS IT!?" he demanded. He looked at me and batted his eyes. My heart melted. I was close to giving in and telling him. Of course, I wasn't supposed to tell him what it was. Not until after he rode and showed us his skill. It was pretty much like a secret test. With enough will power, I didn't cave in. We all stopped. Kodi and I pointed at three four-wheelers. One was pine green-mine, another was red-Kodi's, and the last one was red with diffrent brand stickers(like Yamaha) all over it-Tristen's. We all climbed onto our machines. Kodi and I turned our's on. TRisten was still fumbuling with the key. I dismounted my ride and started it for him. I looked over at Kodi. "Of course, I could be wrong." "What is it?" Tristen asked. I smiled and climbed back onto my four-wheeler. "Your about to find out." I looked at Kodi-who nooded. He pressed the gas with his thumb. "Let's ride." © 2009 ToriAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on June 16, 2009 Last Updated on June 17, 2009 Author![]() ToriA little town where the dead come out to play, GAAboutDon't click here! Alright, Hello Everybody! Um I love to read, write, and draw and I hope to become a artist or graphic designer. I also Hope to become and Author and open my own Tattoo Parlor one.. more..Writing