When You Know

When You Know

A Poem by Trace

Love at first sight, or no choice in the matter.

She glanced my way as she sauntered by,
her shimmering locks taunted the autumn breeze,
Crystal blue eyes radiated a secret that was plain to see, yet cautiously veiled behind beautifully shaded lids,
And in that one brief moment, my soul came alive in a way l had never felt before,
Without as much as a whisper from her lips,
l heard my name,
Carried in the wind ,
Like the shadows of an illusion,
That only l could see, or hear,
Although all of the innocent bystanders understood my fate.

I couldn't prove it,
But everybody knew it,

I was captured by your aura,
Enslaved by your beauty,
Powerless, unable to resist.

You have cast your spell upon me, and l find myself in a quandary,
Do l succumb, and fight the urge to bolt, while others stand idley by waiting to see if l would crumble,
or, Run for my life.

I fear l have not the will to resist my temptress ,
Yet feel no compulsory need to,
but, instead, walk stalworth and determined into her embrace.
When you know you know.

© 2024 Trace

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I believe in love at first sight, I really do. My husband said he knew he was going to marry me the first time he saw me. A week later, I was engaged. I think some emphasis is due on your closing line. "When you know, you know." Good to see you writing again!

Posted 1 Week Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Week Ago

I know, huh? I think it also happens when it shouldn't. Two people meet, eye to eye and somethin.. read more


I believe in love at first sight, I really do. My husband said he knew he was going to marry me the first time he saw me. A week later, I was engaged. I think some emphasis is due on your closing line. "When you know, you know." Good to see you writing again!

Posted 1 Week Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Week Ago

I know, huh? I think it also happens when it shouldn't. Two people meet, eye to eye and somethin.. read more
I'm not sure I believe in love at first sight, or maybe it has just never happened for me, but I do agree, when you know, you know. And I know, I love your poetic mind my dear friend. Hugs, Julie

Posted 1 Week Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


1 Week Ago

Thank you my dearest friend for your wonderful comments and compliments.
You inspire me al.. read more

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2 Reviews
Added on October 6, 2024
Last Updated on October 6, 2024
Tags: #love at first sight, # beguiled, #true love, #smitten



somewhere in, UT

I will always love poetry....... I am a Poet But sometimes,,,,,, It makes my brain hurt more..

Days Gone By Days Gone By

A Poem by Trace