I Am the King!

I Am the King!

A Poem by Matt Campbell

An allegorical at what happens after a person attains their ambition. Best read aloud.


I sat upon my newly won throne, put on my crown and proudly declared to all that were there, “I am the king!” My friends and followers let out their cheers from the great crowd, so happy was I.  We celebrated my ascendance nigh into the night, into the next day. And from that day on my rule began. For now, I am the king!


And so, my grand reign began with naught but auspicious glory, prosperity and boundless opportunity. And that is well, for I am the king!


My enemies occasionally sought to test me. So, with a great vigor I marched out to face them. Then on the battlefield I struck and smote them down with an outstretched arm and an almighty hand. And all forever knew that I am the king!


In glorious triumph did I always return. All was well with peace in the realm, and the troubles outside my palace? Not my concern, for… I am the king. Yet these troubles did grow and all came before me: bowing and scraping, asking for things- for land, for money, for justice, for service and other gifts among these. Most I granted, and gladly at that, for they seemed without harm and quite small at that. Glad was I to give, for what didn’t I have? For, after all, I am the king.


 My viziers, my ministers, my advisors, my officers…even my priests all bickered among one another; how sad it was these battles between all of my friends. They backstabbed and intrigued just to be nearer to me. What need did I have to bother to take sides? For the king am I.


No matter these troubles my empire is great! Wine, women and anything I want always abundant and mine to take.  I rule justly and well while I build a great many things and peace always reigns so the people are happy and tell me as much, for why would they not? Afterall, I am the king and can do whatever I want.


Several of my friends with my leave they left, but in the coming months rebellion and revolt took me by my throat. Now was the time once again, to dispense my wroth and outstretch my almighty hand. For, I am the king.


To the battlefield I went, not to fight some glorious far off foe, but instead a dear friend that I had to tell off. I tried to talk to my old dear friend yet all he could do was to demand and demand. Such I could offer, yet more he demanded, for which I could not and would not grant him. For I am the king and you are not.


The battle was fought, the battle was won, and the survivors bound and rounded up. A great parade made for my victory, much like the one for my first day as king. Only…only with my friends at a place I hoped only my enemies to be. In my victory and triumph, I strode and paraded about but triumphant… I felt not.  But I am still the king, am I not?


In my great palace, I sat down on my throne as ever remotely the gods stared on down. And in turn to my subjects I looked on down as the traitors were thrown at my feet and onto the ground. They pleaded and begged me for my mercy, clemency and decency. For wasn’t I their good friend? The lesson was learned and to let them go free should have been… quite easy for me. All well within my power, for after all, was I not the king? 


 But alas, this was not to be for the deafening, angry shouts of the crowd followed by obsequious begging did my viziers, advisors, officers, priests and ministers plead… all differing sharply in their wants and needs. As the multiple, constant and forceful pulls threatened to rip me apart through and through, a hand I raised for a decision had I made. For never would any of them forget that day. Nevermore would they ask, “Who is their king?” Never again would they forget that I… am the king.


My friends I forgave and joyfully too, but to the king was their greed paid for in full, with their lives and that of their families’ too. I could not spare them, for their crimes were too great to deny justice its required due. For though my friends they were, their king I was too, no longer could I deny longer justice its due.


In the coming hours I became evermore dour. As the days dragged on and on, the weight of my rings and my crown dragged me ever further down. I was the king, but not all approved. Yet, for the good of the realm I continually delved further and deeper down making decisions very sound. To all of which am I bound, but not all of which am I also proud. For I am the king.


My friends dwindled, and my followers grew. My advisers grew fickle and trouble weeded its way through and not a one of them knew what to do. Little by little did my court grow larger but my throne nor palace no higher nor brighter. Little genuine loyalty did I know as more foolish people gathered ‘round, originally to serve but surely this was more than I deserved.


Then the mobs began their ascent and embattled we were. But battle was always something that I knew, something that I was always prepared to do. Wearing my crown every prouder, I struck on out with my outstretched arm and almighty hand. Then I sat atop my throne, exhausted as I stared down, surrounded when I sat but alone when I stood. The knife’s sharpest edge was the place that I was at, at my strongest and weakest was where I now sat.


And in this place that I now sat that I made my resolve that regardless of who or what burst through my door that no matter what may come to pass, that my honor and worth would never be rebuked. Now…now there is one thing that they will all know. That they will all remember and forever record… it was that… it is that…I AM…THE KING!

© 2020 Matt Campbell

Author's Note

Matt Campbell
General feedback and critique welcome.

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While not entirely without promise, your ideal poem is buried in mounds of verbosity.
Calls for some major editing.
Good Luck!

Posted 4 Years Ago

Matt Campbell

4 Years Ago

Thank you! If you were to go about editing this, how would do it? (i.e. cutting out some sections, f.. read more

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1 Review
Added on May 20, 2020
Last Updated on June 9, 2020
Tags: Abstract, esoteric, subjective, phsycological