Chapter 1: Tricia

Chapter 1: Tricia

A Chapter by Writing.Bella

"Lalalalala" I screamed plugging my ears.
"I can't hear you"
It was a usual morning routine. My dad was pissed off at me for no reason, and I was late for school.
He always thought he needed to take such good care of me since my mom passed away. I lived.
"Tricia, don't you walk away from me"
"Watch me!"
This was getting old. Every day was the same story..either I said something wrong, or did something wrong. Nothing was right! School was my safe place, somewhere that I could go to hide and runaway from it all. Sure I missed my mother, but I didn't need some fat b*****d yelling at me every morning.
"School" I yelled, as I ran out the door.
I groaned as I climbed into my terribly overused truck. I knew that bald man had money, he was always bringing girls around and they didn't like him for his looks. He just plain refused to bye me a nice car.
"Come on, Come on" I said to the car, realizing I sounded like a crazy person.
It eventually started and went a cool 40 miles per hour down the freeway for school. School..I didn't mind it too much. Sure I fit the perfect description of an everyday nerd, my red, curly hair taking up so much room people assumed my brain must have been that big too. In some ways it was, I loved going to class and learning things..but I didn't have the high waisted pants or the 'no body' going for me.
The guys who saw past my brain went straight to my body. I have cleavage..that I hated, and a big butt going every which way. I couldn't walk through the hallway without having someone commentary on it. Either a jealous girl, or her horny boyfriend who wasn't getting any.
You would think by now that I wouldn't be a virgin with b***s and a bum like mine, but I was.
I shut my eyes hard--not the best thing to do when you're driving--and opened them to see I was heading right for a Bentley.
'Crap' It had to be the nice car.
I grabbed the wheel and made one of the most impressive U-turns of my life, so impressive in fact that only the very corner of my left bumper hit the shiny black passenger door of the car.
"I am so sorry" I said scrambling out of the car to see the damage I had done.
To my surprise a couple looking kids stepped out. They were the kind of kids I usually avoided. Fake black hair, purposely paled skin, all black clothing with some netting. I cringed.
"Boy, Nice car you have here"
What a hillbilly I sounded like, standing there complimenting a car that my broken down truck had barley nicked. I prepared myself for the screaming.
"Ya, Daddy pays well" One girl said, smiling her black glossed smile. She was pretty, or so I could see from all the muck she had on, and seemed friendly enough.
"Uh..ya..I'm sorry"
"It's okay" The taller more mysterious boy spoke this time. He wasn't smiling..I wondered if that was allowed in their group. Sure the girl had smiled..but he was a dude..had an image to uphold and such.
I had no idea what I was supposed to say or do in this situation. One of the other boys bent down as if to examine the damage done, but he still faced he wouldn't have been able to see if a bird had pooped on the car or something.
"It's fine" He murmured still not looking at the car
Confused I headed back toward my truck, but something grabbed me. I screamed..not thinking. My head spun around to see it was the taller boy.
I did, as soon as he spoke a smell entered my nose. It was a hard sharp smell mixed with a calming cologne. He was cute, nothing like the type of guy I normally drooled over, but I let him pull me toward his group.
He motioned toward the back door of his car. I didn't know if he was showing me the damage I'd done or kidnapping me. I gulped hard.
He laughed in my ear filling it with the heat of his smell.
"Get in"
"Um..You know I have to get to school"
"Jefferson?" The girl squeaked
"Uh..Ya, You go there?"
Stupid, Stupid, Stupid! Of course they went there..well not all of them. I still didn't know who the tall one holding my arm--loser now--was, but the rest I had seen before. In the hallways, always in the hallways.
"Get in" he repeated
"" I mumbled like a stupid idiot. The effect he was having on me was clear.
The girl giggled and pointed to my car. My eyes widened almost popping out. My car was trashed, the whole back of my pickup was mushed. It looked as small as one of those french cars I'd seen on TV.
"Holy Crap"
"Please..Get In" he said, almost pushing me into the car.
How was I going to explain this to my dad? How was I going to explain it to myself.
"Does your car have superpowers or something"
"Nah..It's bullet proof is all" The last boy said. He was short, younger than the others.
"Car proof too!" the girl laughed again
The ride took about 20 minutes, a lot less than it would have in my now demolished truck. I learned their names--the girl was Tina, the smaller boy was Tack, the other was Mottie, and the mysterious one's name was Bronx. Aside from the cackling one all the names were odd.
"I'm Tricia" I said, feeling like the odd one out without a unique name and killer white skin.
The smell of Bronx still filled my head. I wondered if the strong intoxicating one was drugs, but I didn't dare ask. I was put in the middle of Tina and Mottie, who swore they weren't a couple but kept flirting like it was going out of style.
Tina nudged me, I turned around and she pointed at Bronx and winked.
"He likes you too" she whispered as my face turned red.

© 2008 Writing.Bella

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Added on August 11, 2008



New York

Hey Guys I'm currently working with 3 books! Look me up at: I live my life for love�but nothing too special yet ;] It's been a crazy past year! I finish.. more..

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