![]() 8th GradeA Chapter by Ayanna“Leilani!!!” I immediately turned at the sound of my name being called. I had just stepped off the over crowded bus. I was stretching when my bffltdup. She had her long hair a high ponytail. She looked the same except for the three new ear piercings and her brown highlights…
“Trisha… Do I even want to know why you dyed your hair brown?” I asked not really wanting to know the answer.
She smirked at me widely, “Duh! ‘Cause we’re eighth graders!”
I rolled my brown eyes at her unnecessary enthusiasm.
“I fail to see how that equals that.”
She groaned, “Don’t bring up math into the situation. I’ve had it with all the damn math. I did enough over the summer.”
I brightened up, “You did math over the summer too!?” (a/n yeah I remember that little fact you freak :P)
Her head snapped to me, “Are you insane? Does that fact that I’m part Asian so doing math is a very possible outcome not ring a bell? Those racists are somewhat correct about Asian families, girl.”
I felt my cheeks heat up slightly, “Uh, sure.”
“I just hope I don’t have math first period this year.” Trisha muttered to herself as we passed the cafeteria.
“You are soo… lazy.” I commented nonchalantly. A strong breeze blew by and everyone nearby either held their materials tighter, their skirts down, or pushed their hair out of their eyes.
Myself included.
My ink black locks went wild even with the few clips I had put in.
“Do you have a head band, Trish?”
When I didn’t receive an answer, I turned to find her eating up an unfamiliar boy with her eyes. He was tall, he was tan, he had amazing blue eyes, and awesome hair.
All of Trisha’s standards in finding a potential man.
I watched bemused as Trisha straightened up to her full 5’6” glory. She dusted off imaginary dust from her grey ripped skinny jeans, and gave her graffiti high tops cursory glance to make sure they were pristine and tied. She continued to fix her perfect hair and check her ears for her silver hoops with a giant smile on her face.
“How do I look?” she asked under her breath.
I grinned highly amused, “Perfect. And here he comes.”
I immediately looked at him as he came closer. He looked ten times better up close. Not my type, but still I had to admit he was handsome.
“I’m Nathan. Do you know where I can find the main office? I need my schedule.”
“I’m Trisha. And this is my bff, Leilani.”
He briefly nodded at me before focusing on Trisha once more.
“Oh yes. You don’t need to go the office. In front of the cafeteria,” She pointed at the cafeteria with her black nail, “there’s a list for kids who didn’t look on plutogrades (a/n creative right?) to see their schedules.” She explained all with a flirtatious smile on her pale face. Her blue eyes were glowing as he nodded and smiled at her.
“Thanks… I’ll see you around?” He asked curious.
Trisha nodded, “Definitely.”
He nodded once more and waved to me as he left.
“Sweet baby Buddha Jesus. That boy is fine!” she exclaimed as we continued walking.
I shook my head, “You are too much girl. Focus on school!”
She gave me a look, “I focus enough on school. And the same goes for you.
Without even trying, we ranked 2nd and 3rd in school. You need to focus on a getting a man.” She froze and looked behind me, “Speaking of which…”
“Jong. Tom-boy.” An all too familiar voice called out.
I instantly formed a scowl on my face before turning to face him.
“Gonzalez. I thought you had been sent back over the border.”
His right eye twitched, “And I thought that the volcano in Hawaii had reached your hotel and covered you in soot. Too bad neither came true.”
I growled, “Oh shut up. Why don’t you bug off, Pansy.”
“I’m not a pansy.” He argued.
“When you get punched by the same girl three times, I think you are a pansy.” Trisha piped up.
“¡Cállate!” He growled.
Trisha giggled and smirked. We walked away with our noses in the air as we heard the stampede of his fan club.
“You two bicker like an old couple who’s been divorced, remarried, divorced, married other folks, and gotten together to have an affair.”
“… I refuse to comment on that simile at all.” I dismissed unable to take her seriously.
She laughed aloud but her laugh went unheard as we passed a huge crowd of sixth graders who looked lost. The entire sound was unbelievable. They sounded like bees gathering for a huge fest.
“I guess that’s our cue. You know where you going?” I asked.
“Nope.” She said as she shut her phone off. As much as Trisha said she couldn’t stand school, she still turned her phone off so she wouldn’t get messages during class. I did the same thing when I got in class.
What’s so important that you have to text your friend about during class that can’t be done at lunch or in the hallway? (a/n pet peeve!!!!! Lol)
“I’ll see ya then. I have to go to Coach Mano for homeroom.” I said waving. She nodded and went to the cafeteria to see the list. Just as I was heading to the first floor of c building, I heard:
“You willing did math over the summer!?!?” she bellowed. I suppressed a grin as I sprinted for Coach Mano’s class.
In Coach Mano’s Class God hates me, Was my single thought as I banged my head against my wooden desk. Coach Mano thought being paired up by boy girl would be a good thing. I agree.
However, I completely disagree when the boy I must share a desk with is Julio Gonzalez.
My worst enemy.
“Ok, Class. For those who don’t know me, my name’s Coach Mano. I’m thirty-seven. Married, three kids, and I don’t like fools so don’t act like one. I will be your homeroom and biology teacher. Please do not ask to change you seat because the answer. Will. Be. No.” He said.
I groaned again and continuously banged my hand into my head.
“Keep it up Tom-boy. Keep losing any remaining brain cell’s you have left.” I heard Julio say.
I growled, Just three and a half more quarters Leilani. Just three and a half more.
“Now, for the first exercise. Look at your partner. Analyze their appearance and tell them something no one knows. Not something big but something only you and at least one other person know.”
I growled before facing Julio. He was admittedly more handsome. His jaw line was more defined, he looked to be taller. His arms were obviously toner. Even a blind man could tell from the way his black v-neck hugged his body. His black locks were an inch or so longer. His ear was pierced. Specifically, the left. His olive oil tone seemed to suit him more. His odd Caribbean Sea eyes were currently staring at me with such intensity that it almost, almost, made me shiver.
I blushed slightly at the feeling of his stare.
“What’s wrong? Finally realize you’re in love with me too?” he asked.
I rolled my eyes before hissing, “Not on your life bub.”
“Ok, Now that the observation is done. Let’s get down to the facts.”
I sighed heavily, “My Father left us when I was 7.”
For a split second, his face held a smidge of sympathy.
He looked down and sighed. He looked back up at me and scratched his neck, “My mother died after she gave birth to me.”
I immediately sympathized with him. While we both lost an important member of our family, my own left on his own free will. His, his, was taken from him before he could actually get to know her.
A pregnant silence was all that was left between us. Everyone else had already given their detail and was talking amongst themselves.
“I- I’m sorry. Do you know what she looks like?” I asked gently.
I saw his head nod slightly.
I smiled, “That’s good. Well at least you know you were wanted.”
“What do you mean?”
I looked back at him, “Whether a mother means to or not, she will always love her child. If she left this world by giving birth to you, at least you know she gave it her all to birth you and hold you in her arms. That’s the most she probably wanted.”
He looked thoughtful. He seemed to be digesting what I said.
“Your father is an idiot.” He said finally.
“Huh?” I replied.
“If he had stayed, I'm sure he would have known what he missed. Like you… becoming… grown…” a steady blush crossed his face.
Just as I was about to say something, the bell rung and the class packed up quickly.
While everyone lined up to receive their schedule from Coach Mano, Julio and I stayed behind to pack up slowly.
I finished zipping up by purple Jansport and walked up to Coach Mano. Just before I walked out, I turned back to Julio.
“Gonzalez- No, Julio!” I called out
He looked up at me with a new sort of curiosity, “What?”
I grinned, “I don’t hate you anymore. That’s all.”
Just as I was about to turn around, I saw him do something he had never done to me before.
He smiled. Not smirk, or grin.
But an honest to god smile.
“Yeah… Me too. Tom- Leilani.”
For some reason, when I walked away, I felt like my face was extremely hot. I don’t know how I got to geometry, but I do know when I walked there I was in a complete daze.
Just as I walked in, Trisha who had been talking to that new kid who we met this morning, looked up at me.
“Lei? What’s wrong? Are you sick, girl?” She asked tenderly.
Instantly, the thought hit me like a ton of bricks.
“Trish… I think I like…”
“You think you like what?”
“Ju- Jul- Julio.” I mumbled.
“Speak up! You know how I feel about mumbling!” she growled.
“I think I like Julio Gonzalez!” I whisper yelled.
Trisha looked at me for a good 45 seconds before she broke out grinning.
“You Realized it!!!!” She all but screamed.
“…Huh?” was my oh so intelligent reply. © 2012 Ayanna |
Added on November 13, 2012 Last Updated on November 13, 2012 Author![]() AyannaMiami, FLAboutTo me, writing isn't a hobby or a game. It's my lifestyle. Writing is my escape from reality. One I make up, not given to me. And nothing or no one will take it from me. I started because I wanted to .. more..Writing