Keep going! Don't stop! In the end, the effort will be worth it, just take small steps at a time. Take a break once and awhile, but always return to your stories. I get that writing is a lengthy and difficult process, but I'm an English major and it's worth it, I promise you! There is a joy in finishing a writing project and I hope you get to finish your book because it's wonderful.
When you feel like you do not want to write anymore you have many options.
1. Push through and keep writing.
2. Take a break.
3. Give up.
When I was writing my book there were times I wanted to give up around chapters 7-9. I kept writing, and pushing through until it got done. Now I am on chapter 16 and so far I still have not got around to writing it. I feel the scene just could be better.
If you feel a lack of energy in your writing ask yourself "do I want to write this scene?" If you do not chances are it could just be the scene. Maybe skip over that scene (or chapter) and go on to the next or if you are like me and skipping ahead when writing then just stop take your time and look back at the novel, and see if something better comes along.
You never want to give up. If you do then someone will come along and do what you had an idea for, and that is never fun.
Posted 8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Yes, I do want to write, but I haven't been sleeping well
school is started, so I may not be on much
that includes read requests
I am changing my name to DRAGO
if you have time please do and share this pole
I'm awesome, I .. more..