Unnamed so far.
A Book by WriterInTheWorks
My book is unfinished, and is my first one. I am right now posting what i have, to see what you guys think about what i have right now, and how you like it.
© 2013 WriterInTheWorks
Author's Note
Please, this is my first book, I would like you to be critical, but not TOO critical. I'm mostly concerned with my writing, and hos interesting it is. Punctuation can be fixed later, i'm more worried about how well written it is, and how interesting it is. I would like that to be the main focus of attention.
WriterInTheWorksChicago, IL
Hello my friends! I am a aspiring writer. I'm 13 years old, and i have been reading and writing ever since i can remember. I joined here trying to find some inspiration and advice from others who enjo.. more..