![]() Chapter 1A Chapter by Rogelio Chavez![]() Chapter 1![]() Roy, Westin, and Jacob all kick the door down. Robin quickly gets out of the burning house. They all quickly running towards the street but the explosions go off. All of them quickly drop to the ground and avoid all of the force of the explosions. Soon all of the explosions are over and they look up to see that the town has been completely destroyed. Then they hear sirens. Robin: Thank god. We are saved. Roy: Just glad all of this is over. Jacob: First it was Shauna, then Ambar, then Miriam. That is three times in one year. This isn’t going to stop. Westin: It is like we attract this kind of stuff. Roy: Well we have the summer and surely I am not hanging out with you guys. We together attract this kind of stuff. Robin: I just hope it isn’t this serious anymore. Roy: What do you mean? Robin: I mean no more bombs, no more fights, none of that anymore. Roy: I wish that too but we know it will also find its way back. Westin: True. Roy: Well, then let’s enjoy our time away from this trouble. Jacob: Oh, I am definitely going to enjoy my time. Robin: With me. Jacob: Of course. We survived this much together. Robin: Maybe we are meant to be together. Westin: Get a room. Robin: There are no rooms here. Roy: Let’s just go and leave this dested place. Roy, Westin, Jacob, and Robin head toward the sound of the sirens. Sophomore year. Roy is walking back to school when he bumps into a stranger who stops to observe something and Roy didn’t see him to stop. Roy: Oh, I am sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going. Zeke: It’s okay. Didn’t really hurt me. Roy: I am one of the clumsiest people, I am surprised that I didn’t make you fall. Zeke: Well, maybe it’s because I am well-balanced. Roy: Ok. (A moment of silence) Well, I have to continue walking to school. Zeke: What school are you going to? Roy: I go to Classen SAS. Zeke: Really, I am going there? Roy: Really? I haven’t seen you there before. Zeke: No I am new this year. Roy: Oh. That’s why I haven’t seen you before. Well I better get going. Zeke: Why? Have about a lot of time left before the tardy bell rings. Roy: I just like getting there early. Zeke: Well I guess I could go with you. Then you could give me a tour of the school. Roy: Yeah. Zeke: Does the school look nice. Roy: On the outside it does. Zeke: Is the inside bad? Roy: No, I am talking about it people. Zeke: What are you talking about? Roy: I am afraid that if I tell you, you are going to transfer to another school. Zeke: What is it? It can’t be that bad. Roy: But it is. You have no idea. Look, there was this girl named Shauna she planted a bomb inside our school tried to kill me, and a few other students. She actually killed herself and my best friend. But on the bright side, she also killed a killer who was obsessed with me. Zeke: Wow. That is… Roy: That is not all. Then there was this girl Ambar who had this cheating boyfriend, Jacob, you’ll meet him later, he was almost killed and Ambar thought it was us so she tried to kill us. After that, Miriam was a crazy person who wanted to kill Jacob because he cheated on him with robin and she hated me. So she wanted to kill me because she hated me, Robin because she stole Jacob, Jacob because he cheated on her, Westin but only because he was there. And on top of that she killed Jason our principle because he tried to stop her, Jessica because she tried to stop her, I think. She took us to an abandoned town and planted it with explosion. Us four barely survived. Zeke: Ummmm, I don’t know what to say. Roy: And I have to warn you, we attracted this kind of trouble or it always comes to us. I don’t know but what I do know is that we are going to have some kind of trouble this year like the ones I told you about. Zeke: How can you be so sure? Roy: I’m not. Just excepting the worse. Zeke: Oh. You’ve been through a lot. Roy: Yeah. Well one a light topic, the people can be very mean, but they won’t try to kill you. Zeke: Is that supposed to be calming me down? Roy: Really don’t care. Just giving you the heads up of how crazy this school is. Zeke: That was kind of mean. Roy: What was? Zeke: Really don’t care. Roy: Oh, I sorry. I’m not that mean when I when with me family and friends. I’m calm, sensitive, Ummmm, just the opposite of what I am at school. School has really changed me the way I act at school. I guess it better then changing me the way I act everywhere. Zeke: Yeah. Roy: I normally would want to stay away from any person going to school because of the people behavior. But I don’t think you are one of those people. Zeke: Thanks. I sure there was a compliment in there somewhere. Roy: What’s your name? Zeke: Zeke Roy: Well, it was nice meeting you, Zeke. We’ve arrived at school. You can now where your room is by the number. The first number means what floor like 2 means the second floor. The first letter mean what hall it is all B halls are facing north to south, that way is north, A halls face east to west, west is that way, and the other two number is just there so you can find your room. Well bye. Zeke: Oh, so fast but I got it. Roy: Good, I have to go now, we’ll talk later. Bye Zeke: What I never got your name. Roy ignores him and continues walking. Westin is walking by and past Robin. Westin: Hey. Robin: Hey. How have you been? Westin: Good. You? Robin: Fine. Westin: Still seeing Jacob? Robin: Yup, I am still seeing him. He hasn’t cheated on me once, or not that I know of. I had a friend spy on him and he never cheated on me. Westin: Spying on him? I thought trust was a big factor in a relationship. Robin: I do trust me, now. I had too; you know he doesn’t have the cleanest track recorded with women. Westin: True. Well I am glad Jacob now doesn’t have an ex-girlfriend trying to kill him. Robin: Just hope that what is going to cause trouble isn’t one of Jacob ex-girlfriends as you know at two of his ex-girlfriends tried to kill us. Westin: Yeah, you don’t have to remind me. Robin: Yeah, just hope this is a better year; well I have to get going. Westin: Yeah sure, go ahead, I have to get going as well. Robin: Ok bye. Westin: Bye Robin leaves the scene and goes to her locker and Jacob come up to Robin and gives her a kiss. Jacob: How was your morning? Robin: Good. Westin and I talked. Jacob: Really, about what? Robin: Nothing really just said hi. But the talked got me thinking. Jacob: Oh no, you’re not thinking about dating him. Robin: No! Just how all of the attempted murders made well something like friends. Jacob : Yeah, something like friend. We’re not friend but something similar. Robin: Yeah, that means we won’t be fighting twenty-four seven. Jacob : Well what is your first class. Robin: English with ummmm, Mr. Smith. Jacob: Me too. Good thing. Robin: Yes. Come on let’s go. In English class everyone was there. This newbie, Gaby didn’t know where to sit and ask this other newbie, Holly. Gaby: Hi, I’m Gaby. Holly: Holly? Gaby: Do you know where we sit? Do we sit wherever, or it is assigned seats? I’m new do I don’t know. Holly: I can’t give you an answer because I am also new. Gaby: Well good thing we meet. Holly: Yeah, whatever. I would just sit wherever and if he has assigned seats he can tell us later. Gaby: Oh, okay. Zeke walks in the room and spots Roy. Zeke: Hey, Roy. Roy: How do you know my name? Zeke: Since you didn’t want to tell, I asked somebody Roy: Ok, but I have to admit I am kind of creep out. Zeke: Why? I only asked for your name, not like I asked for your full name, address and number. Roy: Remember, I had an obsessed killer after me. Zeke: Oh yeah. Roy: Anyways what are you doing here? Zeke: I have this class. Roy: Really? I thought you were a senior since you are so tall. Zeke: Well you found out that I am not. Roy. Ummmm. Zeke: Are the people you told me about here in this class. Roy: Well, oh my god. All of them are here. Guess this is the reunion class. Look that one is Westin, that is Robin, and that is Jacob? Robin is the Jacob’s girlfriend. Zeke: Has he cheated on her. Roy: Weird thing is that he hasn’t? The relationship is going well. This is good considering that two of his ex-girlfriend has tried to kill us. Zeke: Oh, I see. Josh Smith walks in and writes his name on the board and calls for everyone’s attention. Josh: Listen everyone, I am calling for your attention which you have to give to me whether you want to or not. Roy: (Whisper) Oh, this teacher is going to give us a hard time. Josh: My name is Josh Smith. You can call me Josh. This doesn’t mean I am going to be easy on you. Zeke: (whisper) you’re right. Josh: You are going to have to work hard and give a lot of effort to pass this class whether you want to or not. Okay your homework for tonight is going to be page 10 the whole thing. I want complete sentences. Everyone stared at him in surprise wondering whether he was joking or not. Josh: Well right this down in your planner or you’ll forget and get a zero. Everyone wanted for a moment until they started getting their planner out. Josh: Just joking. This was an example of how the class might start. So always be prepared. Zeke: (whisper) Wow even his jokes are serious. Josh: You are going to have organized for me and I will give a notebook check every day. If you pass the check it won’t help but it will hurt you if you don’t pass. Zeke: (whisper) I am going to hate him. Roy: (whisper) stop talking. You are going to get us in trouble in the first day. Josh: Now, I’ve arranged you in seat which you are going to be paired with a partner to help you in class. You will rely on this person to ask …a question, give you notes, etc. I choose this randomly. So I don’t know if you are going to get your friend or your enemy. I don’t care. Today is a free day. You will get free days when I feel you deserve a free day. Right now you don’t deserve a free day, but you need it. Right now we are going to spend this time knowing your partner. Josh called out the partners. Roy got paired with Gaby, Westin with Holly, Robin with Jacob, and everyone else got paired with a partner and there was Zeke left. Josh: Okay with have one left. One group is going to have three people. I choose you two to be his partners. Gaby and Roy got picked to be Zeke’s partners. Roy: At least we have an extra person. Gaby: Yeah. I’m Gaby, I just moved here. Zeke: Really, me too. I moved here last week. Roy: Well at least you two have something in common. Where are you from Zeke? Zeke: I am from Colorado. We moved here to Oklahoma because of my dad’s job. What about you Gaby? Gaby: Well, I just moved here to the US from Mexico where I have been for 2 years. Roy: Oh, I was born in Mexico. Speak Spanish? Gaby: Si, Un poco. Roy Que bueno, ya puedo hablar con una persona en la escuela. Gaby: Si, yo no hablo tanto como tu lo hablas. Roy: That’s okay. Even If you talk a little Spanish. Zeke: That’s cool. Gaby: Oh, okay. Roy: Well we should assign who should be taking the notes? Maybe the person with a readable handwriting. Gaby: I have good handwriting but a terrible note taker. Zeke: I take good notes but terrible handwriting when I write fast. Roy: Okay, I guess I’ll do it. Good notes and readable handwriting. Gaby: Okay, I guess it is assigned. I’m a not a good note taker, but I’m a good listener and I great at English so I guess I could be the one that you asks questions if you don’t understand. Roy: And what are you going to be doing? Zeke: Well, idk. Gaby: What? Zeke: What? Roy: Gaby, idk means I don’t know. What the text version of it. Gaby: Oh, ok. Zeke: You didn’t know that? Roy: Okay back on the subject. What are you going to be doing? Zeke: What? Oh, I could well I always write down homework and what we did. I could tell what we did if any of you were missing. Gaby: Ok. Zeke: And I could be reminding of anything coming up like projects and tests. We could have study dates. Roy: That good. Zeke: When should we get together? Gaby: What? Roy: We don’t even have a test coming up. Zeke: What about pop quizzes? From what I’ve seen he is most likely that we are going to have pop quizzes every day. Gaby: He’s right. He is one of the teachers, or so he seems like it. Zeke: Great so where we meet? What house? Roy: Okay we don’t have to meet at our house. Zeke: We don’t have to meet at your house. We could meet at my house. Roy: No what I am saying is that we don’t need to go to anybody’s house. We can meet at the library after school. Zeke: Isn’t the library closed. Roy: No. it is opened until five. Zeke: Oh Gaby: When should we get together? Roy: Tomorrow. Gaby: I’m okay with that. Josh: Okay now that you have met, we should get go and get your text books. Does everyone have their library card? No, doesn’t matter we are still going to get your books. Let’s go. Everyone got up and some got their library card. Everyone was at the library at the second floor when the librarian screamed. Everyone leaned against the rail to see why she screamed and then the rail broke off. Mostly everyone didn’t fall while Holly, Westin fall down. Holly lands on a table and Westin land on top of a book shelf and then fall to the ground. Everyone looks down at them shocked. Robin: Mr. Smith! Josh: What happen (He looks at Westin and Holly) Oh my gosh. Someone call 911. Roy looks down to see why the librarian screamed. He saw a rubber snake lying on the floor. The ambulance came and took Holly and Westin to the hospital. While walking back, Roy walked up to Zeke. Roy: See? Trouble always comes to us. Zeke: This was just an accident. No one did this. Roy: I wouldn’t be too sure. Zeke: Why? Did you do this? Roy: NO! I would never do that. I know it was an accidently, but just hoping someone didn’t do this. But one the first day, Holly and Westin have to go the hospital. Zeke: Oh, hey Roy, we should hang out during lunch. Gaby: Oh I would love us to hang out. Zeke: I wasn’t asking… Roy: Great. We all meet at café. Gaby: Wait what? Roy: I just call it café instead of cafeteria. Okay see you later. Zeke: What are you doing? Gaby: What? Zeke: I wasn’t asking you. Gaby: Oh, well sorry. Zeke: Well doesn’t matter know. Gaby: Why would you just want to have lunch with Roy only? Zeke: None of your goddamned business. Zeke walked off to his class and Gaby ignored his rude sendoff and went to class also. Later at lunch Gaby, Zeke, and Roy all meet up. Roy: So, what were you doing in Mexico for five years? Gaby: Just what I would do here? Roy: No, I meant what was the reason you moved to Mexico. Gaby: Oh, we moved to Mexico because of my dad’s job. He is a FBI agent and he went there to uncover a gang of criminals plotting to do something. Zeke: Wait I thought we couldn’t go to Mexico to arrest people. Gaby: The government had permission to be there and uncover these criminals. Roy: What about your mom? Was she just there to be there or actually worked. Gaby: She didn’t really have a reason to be there but she is the CEO of Naturals Company and they are an international company so she asked for a position in Mexico and they gave it to her. Roy: well, it looks like it worked out fine. Gaby: Only bad thing is the criminals that weren’t caught escaped to the US. Roy: Were they all working together? Gaby: Yes. This is his case and that the reason we moved back to the US. Roy: Must have been dangerous. Gaby: It was, or so my dad says. I had to take one year of martial arts before I went to Mexico and continued for the time I was there. Some of the training was my dad, but he didn’t have the time to teach me full time. It was a good way to spend time with my dad. Zeke: Oh, are you a black belt. Gaby: Yeah. Roy: Did you ever have to use your training against somebody. Gaby: Once. I took him down. Roy: Really? Gaby: Yep, mostly because he attacked me suspecting a teenage girl who didn’t know how to defense herself. He still escaped though. They had him in hand cuffs but escaped while they were putting him in the car. He was one of the ones who escaped to the US. Roy: Why did he come after you? Gaby: My dad was close to uncover their plan so they attacked the house. Good thing my mom wasn’t there but I was, so they hid me in the nearest place, the place where my dad had the computer with the facts that were uncovering their plotting so while they were defending the house this guy snuck in the placing I was hiding, so he attacked me so I wouldn’t get in the way. But I still did. Roy: Was it scary when he attacked you. Gaby: Oh yeah. But the fear produced adrenaline and I knew to defend myself to I fought him off. When you have the adrenaline you fight better then when you are training. Thank god for survival instinct. Roy: You have no idea how handy that is going to come at our school. Zeke: Does your mom fight too? Gaby: She has also had training but not as much as me. Sometimes we spend our time together fighting. Roy: Your dad must have been proud you took him down. Gaby: Yeah mixed with ashamed. Roy: Why? Ashamed that his daughter took down a man? Gaby: No, because they let a dangerous person pass into the house and he could have killed me. He is very over-protective but only with criminals and that kind of stuff not like boys or anything. He trusts me a lot. Okay let talk about another subject. Zeke: What should we talk about? Gaby: I don’t know. Roy: Do you guys know about the comet care thing. Gaby: What is that? Roy: A daycare for students you can’t be picked up after 2:30. It cost a lot. Gaby: Well my parent’s surely can’t pick me up before 2:30. Zeke: Mine can’t either. Roy: Then just hand out at McDonalds two blocks from her. Its way I and other kids do. Zeke: Guess I have to do that. Gaby: Me too. Roy: Me three. There is a moment of silence. Roy: OK. I am going to go know. You two can hang out and talk. Gaby: I have to go too. Zeke: Yeah me too. At the hospital Holly and Jacob were put in the same room for check-up. Holly: Owww. Westin: It hurts doesn’t it? Holly: You have no idea. Westin: Actually I do, I fell down to. Holly: I landed on top of a table. Westin: I landed on top of a book shelf then fell down to the floor. Holly: Then I guess it me who has no idea. Westin: Yup. My name is Westin. Holly: What a nice name. Westin: Are you going to tell me yours. Holly: Yeah, I was just playing around with you. I’m Holly. Westin: Are you going to be okay? You don’t have any broken bones or something like that? Holly: No, I’m leaving today. I just have some bruises nothing major. What about you? Westin: I’m still staying my landing right on my shoulder and it bothering me. Doctors want to make sure it isn’t broken or fractured. Holly: I got off lucky. Westin: Yes you did. Holly: Does this normally happen? Westin: Well not really this but us getting hurt, yeah. Holly: What do you mean? Westin: There have quite a number of attempted murders. Let me see how much was it last year. 3 times. Holly: What? You’re kidding right? Westin: No. I wish I was. But I am not. That why I can’t help but thinking that this was another. Holly: Who would want to kill me? Westin: I don’t know. But the last times it was because we just happen to be there when she tried to kill somebody, it was a bomb, the other time she thought we hurt somebody which we didn’t, other times she was pissed off at us, me again just happen to be there so she tried to kill me also. Holly: Oh my god. What kind of school am I at? Westin: The worst kind. It seems to attract psychopaths in disguise. Holly: We have to find out who did this before they do this again. Westin: You’re right we do. Holly: haven’t you told you’re parents about this? Westin: Good question. We always keep this in hiding. Holly: Why? Westin: I guess we don’t want your parents to get hurt also. Holly: That’s a…. good reason? I thought it something else but that makes sense. Westin: Are we still going to see who did this to us. Holly: Yes. Do we meet tomorrow? Westin: Can’t still here. What about Wednesday? Holly: Sure. The overcome announced that Zeke was called to the principle office. Zeke heads to the principle’s office. Vincent: Okay Zeke. Do you want to confess or what? Zeke: Or what. I don’t know what you’re talking about. Vincent: It has come to my knowledge that you skip third hour. Are you going to skip fifth hour? Zeke: No. Vincent: Good. That makes the punishment less worse for you. What do you think that your punishment should be? Zeke: What? Why do I have to be punished? It was on….. Vincent: Because you skipped third hour! You can’t go scot free. Zeke: It’s only the first day. It doesn’t matter. Vincent: Oh, but it does matter. Zeke: No, it do….. Vincent: I SAID IT DOES MATTER! Zeke: Ok. No need to get angry. Vincent: What did you say? Zeke: Nothing. Vincent: No, you said something. Now say it to my face! Zeke: I didn’t say anything. Vincent: Yes you did. Now stop lying to me or your punishment is only getting worse for lying to me. Zeke: Okay. I did say something but it wasn’t meant for you. That’s the truth. Vincent: Okay, you might be able to get your way out of that way but not the next time. I have my eyes on you. Get out. Zeke got up quickly and hurried to get out of the office. Zeke: Damn, that is the meanest person I have ever met. Gaby, Roy, and Zeke got together after school and sat at table at McDonalds. They were taking when Vincent passed by. Zeke: Have you guys met the new principle? Gaby: No. Zeke: You don’t want too. I have and he is the worst person to be with. Roy: He doesn’t look mean, just professional. Zeke: That is just a disguised. Gaby: He reminds me from somewhere, just can’t figure out where. Zeke: Was he your principle too? Gaby: No. It’s from somewhere else. Roy: You can’t remember? Gaby: No. All of sudden, they hear the shouting and see two guys masked with guns pointing at the cashier. Guy: HANDS UP! Everyone! Get on the floor, NOW! Everyone did as they were told and got on the floor. The guy gave the cashier bag and told him to load it with money. Once the cashier was done, they looked around. They spot Gaby one of the guys grab her. Guy: Listen, you are just going to be our way out until we are safe from the police. Follow our instruction and you won’t get hurt. Gaby: OK. Guy: Hey, come get her. The other guy walks towards them while aiming at Gaby. When he was close enough, Gaby kicked the gun out of the guys hand. Then she elbowed the guy grabbing her and he stuttered back. The guy tried to punch her but she did a bursting and then a power angle kick. The guy behind pointed the gun at her and then Gaby did a disarm and then a Spinning back kick. The gun went towards Vincent and then he hid under him and Roy saw it. The other grabbed her by the neck and started chocking her but Gaby did a choke defense. The other guy grabbed her from behind and then she did a should throw and then a kick to the face knocking the guy out. Roy called the police and then they came and arrested them. Roy and Gaby met up in morning before school when they were walking down the hall. Roy: Hey, are you okay from yesterday? Gaby: Yeah, I’ve had worse. Roy: You sure do know how to fight. Every guy will have to be careful around you from now on. Gaby: That’s was nothing. The guy I told you about he was worse. He knew how to fight. These idiots didn’t. Roy: Good thing. At least they won’t do any more damage. Gaby: Also McDonalds gave me a 300 dollar gift card. Roy: That is a lot. Gaby: Well they were about 2000 dollars. Roy: Now you have a reason to go to McDonalds after school. Westin and Holly were walking down the hall and Holly tripped because her shoelaces weren’t tied. Roy: Oh are you okay? Holly: Yeah the only thing hurt is my ego. Gaby: Yep, when you make stupid mistakes you feel stupid. No offense. Holly: None taken. Roy: I’m Roy, this is Gaby. I don’t think we met. Holly: No we haven’t. My name is Holly. Gaby: Well nice meeting you Holly. Holly: Good thing I don’t believe in you always have to make a great first impression. Roy: So, what are you and Westin doing? Westin: Something. Roy: What you can’t tell me. Westin: No it’s private. Roy: Oh, okay not asking any more questions about personal relationships. Westin: We aren’t dating. Roy: Ok, I’ll hide the secret too. Holly: No we really aren’t dating. Gaby: Don’t worry, we won’t tell. Roy: Well if you don’t tell us what you’re really up too we have to assume you’re up to no good or you guys are dating. Holly: We think that the accident at the library was no accident. Me and Westin are trying to find out if if it was an accident or not. Westin: Holly! Holly: What? Westin: Can’t you see that how he finds out about stuff. Roy: Good thing you don’t know me or you wouldn’t have fallen for it. Holly: You tricked me! Roy: Don’t worry. We won’t tell a soul. Westin: Well since you already find out, we have to find out since we have to see the place before the class starts. Roy: Can I help? Holly: Why? Roy: Well it wouldn’t be the first time someone has done this. Gaby: Huh? Holly: Well I guess, have nothing better to do. Roy: Good, want to come Gaby? Gaby: Umm, sure. Westin: Ok let’s go. Gaby, Holly, Westin, and Roy head to where Holly and Westin fell. They look around and start talking to make the time go faster. Holly: So Westin, how is your shoulder. Westin: It little bit bruised on the inside. Holly: That can happen. Gaby: Yep, I should know. Roy: Why should you know? Gaby: During my training I twice got bruised on the side. Holly: Is it bad? Gaby: It can be, but not for me. Roy: Westin, do you have it bad. Westin: No, I just have to be careful. Can’t like be doing should exercises or anything that involve a lot of rotation in the shoulder. Some rotation is okay. Gaby: At least, no one was seriously injured. Holly: Hey guys, look at this. They all went to were holly was. Holly: Look at the screws. Only the top one is loosen, the other ones aren’t. Roy: That is weird. Are the other screws really tight? Holly: Yeah, can’t move it with my bare hands. Gaby: let me check other screws if they are loose it means it just got loose. Westin: It looks like someone was loosen them up and ran out of time. Gaby, are the others loose. Gaby: No, they are really tight. Roy: If the other were loose all of us would have fallen. Gaby: Good thing they weren’t. I don’t mean to offend you. Holly: No you’re fine. Westin: Do we all think someone did this? Roy: I do. Gaby: Me too. Holly: Yeah, it looks someone did this. Westin: Any ideas on who did this? Gaby: No. Holly: What about those guys that I hear tried to rob the store. I hear a girl beat them. Gaby: No, the accident happened after the accident. Plus that girl, is me. Holly: What, no. Gaby: Yep. Westin: Are you a black belt or something. Gaby: Something. I been trained in many thing but I not a black belt in any of them, but I am close. Roy: From what I saw you should be a black belt. Westin: Ok, let’s get back on track. Anybody think who did this. Gaby: Well, Mr. Smith is very mean. Maybe he did this. Plus he made us get our books on the first day. Roy: Well maybe. Also could be anybody else? Westin: Well, Mr. Smith is our only suspect. We can only go and investigate him. Holly: We should do that during lunch. Gaby: Maybe not, I mean if he is really up to something he is not going to do it during school when he could get caught, he would do it before or after school. School is only opened at six. Closes umm don’t know. Westin: Okay, so we investigate him before and after school. I could do before school. Gaby: I could do after school. Roy: We should do this alone. I can do both but I don’t have a ride in the morning. Holly: I can’t do in the morning. Roy: I guess I’ll take the morning. Can you pick me up? We live close, don’t we? Westin: Yeah. I can. Gaby: What about like late in the afternoons? Don’t think any of us can stay like nine after school. Roy. We can put up cameras outside not inside because some could discover them and in the cameras if we see Josh coming to school at night then we have more proof to go on. Cover the whole school. Holly: What if he parks somewhere else? Roy: Doesn’t matter he still have to walk to school. Holly: Oh, right? I feel dumb again. Westin: We can’t tell anyone about this. Holly: I won’t tell anyone. Roy: Then why did you tell us. Holly: I didn’t think we would start a criminal investigation. Gaby: I won’t tell. Roy: Me either. Westin: Good I won’t either. After school Roy was called into the principle’s office for a talk. Vincent: So Roy, you have a good track record here. No detention, straight A’s, everything is perfect. Well, I am here to expose the truth. No one is that perfect. I will uncover the b*****d you are. Roy: Hold up. You’re judging me and you haven’t even met me. This is your third day and right now you looking for student to get in trouble. Don’t you have other stuff to do? Vincent: Oh, already talking back. Keep it up and I’ll see you in detention for a week. Roy: Wha…how… Mr. Mantle you are totally misjudging me. Vincent: No, I am a pretty good judge of character. Roy: You are wrong about this. Vincent: No, I am not about this and you are talking back to me. Roy: So what? Am I suppose to agree or stay quiet? I don’t think so? Vincent: That it! You’re in detention for a month! Roy: No I don’t think so. Vincent: Oh no. What are you going to do about it? Roy: How would you like the police to know that you grabbed the gun? Vincent: What? I don’t know what you’re talking about. I didn’t hid the gun. Roy: Funny, I never said you hid the gun. Vincent: Get out, you son of a b***h! Roy walks out © 2010 Rogelio ChavezAuthor's Note
2 Reviews Added on September 2, 2010 Last Updated on September 2, 2010 Author