Ending of Freshman Year Volume 3

Ending of Freshman Year Volume 3

A Chapter by Rogelio Chavez

The last long part.


8. Episode 208


Jacob was just coming from being in the janitor's closet kissing Robin, into the class after the bell rang and Miriam stopped him on the way entering to class and pulled him away from the others.

Miriam: Where were you?

Jacob: I was at the library.

Miriam: Really? Then how come I was there and you weren't there.

Jacob: Well, today, I been having some stomach problems and I kept going to the bathroom.

Miriam: I find that hard to believe. We don't even spend lunch together anymore. You are cheating are me aren't you?

Jacob: Again. I told you many times that I am not cheating on you.

Miriam: Robin always spent time with her friends before school and now her friends don't even see her. It weird because no ones sees who at the library, either. You and Robin arrive really early and we don't even see you two until it's time to go the class.

Jacob: It's weird, but I am not cheating on you.

Miriam: Then tell me where you are in the mornings.

Jacob: I told you at the library.

Miriam: I can't decide which is more insulting, who lying straight to my face or who thinking I am stupid enough to believe you're unbelievable lies.

Jacob: I told you where I am in to morning. I have to go to class now.

Miriam: I not done talking to you yet.

Jacob: Well, I am.

Miriam: You can't just stop talking to me when I still want to talk to who.

Jacob: Watch me. (Jacob goes in the classroom)

Miriam: Jerk.

She starts to walk away when she starts to go into a rage. She throws her backpack into the walls. She runs into the girl's restroom. She starts slamming the door of the stalls and starts to yell. She later is able to kick one door down. She grabs the door and breaks it by throwing to the wall. She starts to grabs a stick and throws it to the mirror.

At third hour, Roy, Westin, and Jessica where at the library talking a test. Roy and Westin are sitting at the same table and Jessica is sitting at a separate table. Jessica writes most of her answers on a piece of paper and before that writes Westin can you give me some of the answers, Sure Roy. Here they are. She walks by Roy and Westin and drops the paper near them. She goes to the teacher.

Jessica: Mrs. Allen, I think that Roy and Westin are cheating. I saw them pass a paper to each other. When you look over Roy just drop on the floor and every time he pretends to drop his pencil he look at the paper.

Mrs. Allen: Really. Let's go and see. You go back to you're seat.

Jessica: Wait, may I go to the restroom?

Mrs. Allen: Yes. (She walks over and sees the paper. She picks it up and see the writing). Well, it looks we have a couple of cheaters here.

Roy: What?

Mrs. Allen: I can't believe this. You two come with me. (They walk out to the hallway. Jessica is eavesdropping on them). I can't you two would go to cheating.

Roy: What are you talking about? We are not cheating.

Mrs. Allen: Then what about this? (She hands over the paper).

Roy: Wait, weren't cheating.

Westin: Neither was I.

Mrs. Allen: Don't try to deny it. I found the paper.

Westin: We really wouldn’t do this.

Roy: I studied last night. I was doing good on the test. I couldn't cheat.

Mrs. Allen: Well. We have to cheaters who can't admit it even after they were caught. We are going doing to the principle's office right now. (Three of them go to Jason's office) I found these two cheating on the test.

Roy: We weren't cheating. Someone must have place the paper they to frame us of cheating.

Jason: What makes you believe this.

Mrs. Allen: I found the paper they were passing to each other.

Westin: We have never seen that paper until she took us into the hallway, I swear.

Jason: This is really serious. Cheating on the finals. The consequences are you must have a zero as a grade but then you wouldn't pass the grade.

Mrs. Allen: I say they deserve the zero. I am really shocked you two would cheat. I never expected that from you two.

Roy: We really didn't cheat. Look at our answers. Mostly that some of them aren't even the same to the paper. Also check our handwriting. It won't match ours. Maybe the handwriting is the same on the paper. (Jason looks at the paper).

Jason: You're right. It does looks like the same handwriting. But there I still the chance you two were cheating. (Jason is thinking that it was Jessica who set this up) . Tell you what. I give the benefit of the doubt for now. Bring me your notebook with a lot of handwriting and Mrs. Allen can you give me their test.

Mrs. Allen: Sure thing.

Jason: I'll decide at lunch whether you take the test.

After Jessica finishes with the test she meets up with Miriam.

Jessica: Hey.

Miriam: So have you thought of anything to get back at them?

Jessica: Nothing good yet. Have you?

Miriam: Yes.

Jessica: What?

Miriam: Well, you know there is only one entrance to the swimming pool. If we lock them in there and make sure no one catches them they are going to be stuck in there.

Jessica: How are we going to do that? (Miriam reaches into her pocket and takes out a key).

Miriam: I have the keys. All we have to do is get them in there.

Jessica: Great. Wait what about their cellphones? They can easily call someone.

Miriam: No, they can't. It's a dead zone in there. I stole two cellphones from At&t and T-Mobile. I have Verizon. None of the phones got a signal.

Jessica: Okay. I'll work on getting them in there. By when should we get them in there?

Miriam: After school.

Jessica: Be there.

Miriam: Sure will.

Miriam and Jessica depart ways and Jessica goes into Jason's office.

Jason: Why are you here?

Jessica: Hey could you get Roy, Robin, Westin in the pool room after school?

Jason: Yeah, why?

Jessica: I want you to.

Jason: If you are going to do anything and I have called them whatever you do will mostly likely get me in trouble.

Jessica: So?
Jason: It could get me fired. Then you would have no reason for me to blackmail me. Wait, I'll do it.

Jessica: No, never mind. Did Mrs. Allen bring Roy and Westin in here?

Jason: Yes. Why? Did you have to do something with that?

Jessica: Yes. What are you going to do because evidence says they were cheating.

Jason: Let them have a zero. If they have a zero they won't be able to pass the grade.

Jessica: Good. Well, that is all. I have to go to class now.

Jessica leaves the room. At lunch Roy and Westin go into Jason's office.

Jason: I decided you were right.

Roy: Thank you. We weren't cheating.

Jason: Let me send an e-mail to Mrs. Allen telling her you two will take the test after school. Is that alright with you two.

Westin: Okay with me.

Roy: Perfect.

Jason: Well, now that this is clear out, you two go back to lunch.

Westin: Will do. (Roy and Westin walk out)

Miriam is searching for Jacob when she finally spots him going in a room. Jacob is going to a room to sneak off with Robin to go and make out.

Jacob: Hey, you ready?

Robin: Yeah.

Jacob: Good let's go. (Miriam walks in)

Miriam: Go where?

Jacob: Miriam, what are you doing here?

Miriam: I should be asking that question, but you still have to answer the first question I asked.
Robin: We were going to plant weed in Westin's locker.

Miriam: What?
Robin: I was planning to get back at Westin because of the trouble he got me into. I asked Jacob to help me.

Jacob: I felt sorry for her and I couldn't say no.

Miriam: You two must think I am really stupid. I know you know it was Jessica who got you in trouble. You just came up with that to cover the fact you two are having an affair.

Jacob: How many times do I have to tell you we are not seeing each other.

Miriam: Shut up! How about you be a man and tell me the truth.

Robin: Miriam, we weren't.....

Miriam: Be quiet, you pathetic b***h. Look at you. Sneaking off to god knows where like the dumpster. I would think you are smart enough to know what people would call you. Jacob if you want to continue this relationship you will not see Robin anymore got that. If she wants help, she'll get it from somewhere else.

Jacob: Fine.

Miriam: Good. Now listen Robin. If you want to continue to act like a s**t, I suggest you continue to act like a s**t with someone else, okay. Let's go Jacob.

Jacob and Miriam walk away. Jacob later goes to the restroom and calls Robin

Robin: Hello.

Jacob: Robin, it's me.

Robin: Oh good.

Jacob: I hope you know I didn't mean I what said earlier.
Robin: I know.

Jacob: Great. How about we both ditch fifth hour and sneak off to the auditorium.

Robin: Fine. Jacob.

Jacob: Yeah.

Robin: When are you going to leave her.

Jacob: Soon. Oh, it's Miriam. I guess I'll see you later. Bye

Robin: Bye.

Jessica writes a note to Robin, Roy, and Westin. She first goes to Roy locker and slips the note in. Jessica later goes to Robin's locker and slips a note in there too. She then goes the Westin's locker and slip the note in there. When she is about to leave Westin sees her.

Westin: What were you doing at my locker.

Jessica: Nothing. Just thinking of what to write on it.

Westin: Ha. You're a low-life, dishonest b***h. (Jessica slaps him)
Jessica: You're the low-life, lazy pig. (Jessica walks away).

While Robin and Miriam are sneaking off to the auditorium then get there and hide behind the seats. They start to make out and after a while Robin has to go the the restroom. They both get up and walk out of the auditorium and Miriam sees them.


Jacob: Miriam.

Miriam: What are you doing with her? I thought you wanted to continue this relationship.

Jacob: We were just doing.... um.....nothing.

Miriam: I catch you with her and you have the guts to say you're doing nothing with her.

Jacob: We were just talking.

Miriam: Yeah right. Let's go now.

Jacob: What? Why?

Miriam: WHY!!!? Did you just ask me why.

Jacob: Yes.
Miriam: Okay, I am going to ask you again. Did you just ask me why?

Jacob: Yes.

Miriam: Are you suicidal? Do you want me to kill you.

Jacob: I rather have that then to be with you. (Miriam slaps him twice)

Miriam: B*****d. We are through.

Jacob: Good, that's what I wanted all along. (Miriam punches him)

Robin: Don't hit him anymore!

Miriam: Shut up you w***e.

Robin: You stay away. He is with me.

Miriam: He won't be if he is dead.
Jacob: Go away. I don't want to be with you. I never did.

Miriam: Then why did you put up with me?

Jacob: I was foolish.

Miriam: You will pay for this.

Jacob: Go away. (Miriam kicks Jacob in the groin)

Miriam: I'll go away for now. I promise you won't see that last of me.

Miriam walks away. Later on when Roy, Robin, and Westin go in the pool room, Miriam closes the door and locks it. They never saw who closed and locked the door. Jessica cover the window with and sign saying DO NOT ENTER. Miriam and Jessica walk off with Roy, Robin, and Westin banging on the door.

Miriam: I feel we need to do something big. I get pay back.

Jessica: Like what?

Miriam: A big prank. No, not a prank to where it's funny but you know to get revenge.

Jessica: Okay. What do you have in mind.

Miriam: Leave them estranged in the middle of nowhere. The problem is how are you going to get them there.

Jessica: Well, I know I can find a way.

Miriam: Are you sure? How are you going to do that?

Jessica: I have my ways.

Miriam: If you can do that, I'll come up with the rest.

Jessica: Great. We'll force them to pay to what they done to us.

Miriam: Yes. They will pay. Especially Jacob and Robin.


9. Episode 209

Roy, Robin, and Westin were all stuck in the pool. They all tried calling someone with their cell phones but they all have no signal. Westin and Roy both tried kicking the door down. It has been one hour and they were still stuck in there. They heard someone coming. The door opened and it as Jason. They all thank him and then went home.


Westin and Jessica were at third hour when Westin leaves to go to the restroom. She grabs his backpack and gets her water bottle and pours the water in his backpack. She then drops the water bottle to make it look like if it was the bottle that did all the damage accidentally. She then puts the backpack back where she got it from. Westin comes back and reaches for his term paper inside the pack and pulls it out and it is all wrinkly and wet. Westin wants to turn it in when the teacher doesn't accept and will still count it as late. Jessica walks up there and turns in her paper smiling at Westin. She walks back to her seat.

In between classes, Miriam and Jessica meet up in the restroom.

Miriam: Hey, where have you been?

Jessica: Sorry I'm late. So have you thought of where to take everyone?

Miriam: Yes. There is an small abandoned town in the middle of nowhere. Good thing it has a historical value which no one will suspect that were taking them there. It's call Center village.

Jessica: Okay. When do I arrange us to take them there?
Miriam: Tomorrow morning. Also we are going.

Jessica: Why?

Miriam: If it is just them then they'll maybe suspect something. If we go they won't suspect anything.

Jessica: How will we get back?

Miriam: We'll tell the driver to drive us back and leave them there. You can convince the driver to leave them right?

Jessica: Yes.

Miriam: Good. Then I'll see you in the bus tomorrow morning. Oh, also Jacob will come with us.

Miriam is going to her fourth hour class when she bumps into Robin and Jacob. They first ignore her and keep walking and Miriam loses her temper and pushes Robin to the floor.

Jacob: Hey! Watch it!

Miriam: I don't have to.

Jacob: You do if you don't want to get hurt.

Miriam: Ooooh. You scare me to death.

Robin: Leave us alone.

Miriam: I don't want to.

Robin: If you keep bothering us you'll regret it.

Miriam: You will regret stealing him away.

Jacob: She didn't steal me away. You push me to her.

Miriam: B*****d (slaps Jacob) you’ll wish you never left me.

Jacob: I don't see that happening in a millions years.

Miriam: You will.

Miriam starts to leave and goes to her classroom.

Jessica walks in Jason room while he is talking in the phone. She grabs the phone and pulls it out of his hand and hangs up.

Jason: What? Why did you do that for.

Jessica: I have something for you to do.

Jason: What do you want?

Jessica: Do you know how to drive a bus?

Jason: Yes, why?

Jessica: I want you to drive us to Center Village tomorrow in the morning.

Jason: Center Village. That town is abandoned. It’s in the middle of nowhere also.

Jessica: I know that. I want you to take me, Miriam, Roy, Westin, Jacob, and Robin.

Jason: Why only them.

Jessica: We plan to leave them there.

Jason: What?

Jessica: Only for a while. Enough to get back at them not forever.

Jason: You don't plan to do anything to hurt them.

Jessica: No, only starve them for a while. You'll bring them back.

Jason: Okay, but how will I convince them and make sure no one suspects anything?

Jessica: It's a historical place. Tell them they are failing and if they go and write a paper or something they'll pass.

Jason: Why can't you do something else?

Jessica: I want to do this. And you have to do this unless you want everyone else to know what happen between us. You'll lose your job and wife, and go to jail.

Jason: You forced me.

Jessica: Yeah I did, but I don't think that argument will hold up in court. (Jessica walks out)

Westin and Jessica are at fourth hour in computer class. All of them are using a computer. Westin is called up to the office. Westin goes to the office. He walks in the office and sees Miriam, Jacob, Robin, and Roy.

Westin: I am in trouble?

Jason: No. No. Come in. (Westin sits down with everyone else) Okay, guys. I have bad and good news. Bad news, all of you made a bad grade in your finals.

Roy. Wait, I thought didn't grade that until the summer.

Jason: No, they don't finish grading them until the summer and don't interrupt me. Good news is that all of you can, no wait, have to go the a field trip and then write a paper about it. Is this okay with you guys?

Jacob: Okay.

Robin: I'm good.

Roy: Where are we going?

Jason: Center village.

Roy.: But that is an abandoned town.

Jason: It's a historical place.

Westin: When are we going?

Jason: I tried to get you to go later, but where going tomorrow. I know it's too early, but if you don't go then you don't write your paper and will fail to pass the grade. So here are you permission slips and bring them back tomorrow or you won't go and will fail the grade.

Roy: Can't we just write a paper about something else and not have to go to the field trip?

Jason: No. So don't forget and go back to class.

While Westin was at the office, Jessica went to Westin's computer. She opened up a word document. She pulled out her flash drive. She opens it and opens a document with porn pictures on it. She copied everything on it and pasted it on the other document she opened. She pulls out her flash drive and goes back to her seat. After a while she goes to the teacher and tells that Westin has porn in his computer. Mrs. Robinson walks over to see Westin computer and gasps when she sees the porn. She closes the document and thanks Jessica for bring that to her attention and send her back to her seat. Westin comes back from the office. Mrs. Robinson calls him to her desk.

Mrs. Robinson: I can't believe you would be doing this.

Westin: What?

Mrs. Robinson: You know. Looking at pornography.

Westin: What! I haven't looked at porn.

Mrs. Robinson: Yes, you have. I saw it in your computer

Westin: You can't even see porn. It's blocked.

Mrs. Robinson: I don't know how you did it, but I caught you.

Westin: I really haven't.

Mrs. Robinson: I saw it. I'm disappointed in you. I will give you a zero for two grades.

Westin: Mrs. Robinson, I don't look......

Mrs. Robinson: I don't want to hear it. I already made my decision. Don't make me have to take you to the principal’s office. I'm also stripping you of your computer privileges. You won't be able to use your computer again. I call your parents soon. Go turn off your computer. (Westin goes to turn off the computer. Jessica laughs at Westin)


Robin is walking outside after school to wait for her ride. Miriam is waiting there for her.

Miriam: Hello, w***e

Robin: What the hell do you want?

Miriam: Nothing.

Robin: Then leave me alone.

Miriam: yeah, all of you sore losers want to be alone.

Robin: Miriam, why are you talking bad about yourself? Remember the talk we had at the hospital. I guess I have the last laugh.

Miriam: B***h.

Miriam pushes Robin. Robin stares at her in shock. Robin slaps her and then Miriam slaps her back. Robin swings her fist hitting Miriam. Miriam takes off her backpack and runs at Robin. Robin punches Miriam as she runs to her and she loses her balance. While Miriam is at the ground she kicks Robin in the legs which make her fall too. Miriam kicks Robin in the face. Miriam quickly gets up and raises her leg to hit her in the face again, but Robin moves out of the way. Miriam kicks Robin in the stomach. Robin then gets a rock and throws at Miriam face. Robin gets up as Miriam runs to her. Robin grabs her by the arm and twists it and Miriam yells in pain. Miriam uses her other and grabs Robin’s hair and pulls it. Miriam punches Robin in the face. Robin kicks, but Miriam grabs it and pulls making Robin fall on her back. Miriam starts dragging her but then Robin pulls her closer and with her other leg kicks Miriam in the chest. Robin starts crawling away then Miriam gets on top of her. She slams her fist into Robin backs multiple times. Robin grabs a stick and hit Miriam with it making get off of her. Robin kicks Miriam in the stomach and then gets up. Robin spears Miriam to the wall. Miriam pushes her and then swung her arm around to Robin, but Robin gets it. Robin swings Miriam around to the wall and then kicks her in the chest. Miriam falls on the ground unconscious. Robin walks away and leaves Miriam there.


The next the bus was waiting for all of them. Jessica, Miriam, Roy, Robin, Westin, and Jacob get on the bus.

Jessica: We’re almost there.

Miriam: Good.

Jessica: So, how are we going to lose them and came back to the bus?

Miriam: We’re not doing that.

Jessica: What are you talking about?

Miriam: How close are we?

Jessica: About half a mile. Miriam, what are you talking about?

Miriam: I’m going to kill them.


1.    Episode 210

Jessica: What? You’re not serious are you?

Miriam: Oh, I am dead serious.

Jessica: we are only suppose to leave them there, not kill them.

Miriam: Change of plans.

Jessica: I am not letting you do this.

Miriam looks at Jessica. She reached for inside her backpack and pulled out a taser gun and stuns her unconscious. After a while Roy looks back and sees Jessica.

Roy: Is Jessica asleep?

Miriam: Umm…. Yeah. Why do you care?

Roy just turns back and starts listening to his iPod. Miriam releases a sigh of relief. Once they got there everyone got their stuff and headed outside. Miriam pushed Jessica to the floor hiding from everyone’s sight. Once everyone was off they walk about of a quarter of a mile to get to the village. Miriam snuck off and went back to the bus. When she got on she caught Jason putting Jessica on top of the seat.

Jason: Did you do this?

Miriam: Yeah, so?

Jason: Wh…Wh…Wh….Why would you do this?

Miriam: Because she will only get in the way of my plan of getting revenge.

Jason: Well now you have another person getting in your way. I am going to get them back and go back.

Miriam: I can’t let you do that.

Miriam reaches into her backpack and pulls out a gun with a silencer on it. She aims at Jason and pulls the trigger. Jason falls to the floor holding his wound. Miriam stares down at Jason and then aims at Jessica. She wraps her finger around the trigger and hears voices. She looks out through the windows and sees everyone. She drops to the floor. She waits for the right moment to get out. Once the voice completely disappears she gets out of the bus and heads over to the groups and joins in.

Roy: Where the hell have you been? You completely disappeared.

Miriam: Just decided to go my own way to other parts of this village.

Westin: Where is Jessica? Haven’t seen since we got off the bus.

Jacob: True. I don’t remember seeing her get off the bus.

Robin: Yeah I didn’t even saw when we got up off our seats.

Miriam: Maybe she just got off later and went her own way.

Westin: This place is so small we should have run into her at least once.

Roy: Right. We should go back to the bus. Maybe she finished sightseeing and went back. I know I want to leave.

Jacob: I agree let’s go back.

Miriam: but we aren’t finished. We still have a lot more to see.

Roy: A lot more to see. Are you talking about the ground cause everything else we seen. This place is so small some parts we had to go twice.

Westin: Yeah. It is small. Let’s go back. I’m done here.

Everyone starts heading back and Miriam stays a few feet behind them. As they are walking the bus suddenly explodes. Everyone drops to the ground and cover their heads as their instinct tells them to. They look back and the bus keeps on burning and debris keeps falling.

Robin: OH MY GOD. How are you going to get back!

Roy: Oh my gosh. I think Jason and Jessica were still in there.

Everyone got up and headed away from the bus as they collected their thoughts.

Robin: How are we going to get back? We are in the middle of nowhere with no food or water and about 20 miles away from the nearest town.

Westin: I wanna say everything is going to be fine but when we look at the circumstances, we are doom.

Roy: Whatever the circumstance are we are going to make it.

Robin: Roy, I really want to believe that, but Westin is right, we are doomed.

Jacob: Robin, we’ll make one way or another. Don’t worry.

Roy: Jacob is right. We’ll make it somehow. 20 miles seems far but it should take us about what a day if not two to get there. We’ll be starving but our bodies should be able to handle least that much.

Jacob: Where is Miriam?

Everyone looks around and searches to find Miriam gone. They go in searching for her and walking in a rusty, broken down house.

Roy: Maybe we can find some water or food.

Robin: I doubt it.

They all hear something go through the window. They look around to find a can releasing gas. They all run to the door to head out but and get out, but already inhaled to much gas and fall unconscious. Roy wakes up to find Robin and Westin tied up. It takes some time to Roy gain full consciousness. He looks around and see Jacob and himself tied up too.

Roy: What the hell is going on?

Jacob: I have no idea. I woke up to find myself and everyone else tied up.

Roy: Do we know you did this?

Robin: No, but Miriam isn’t in here so either she is behind this, they got here somewhere else, or she just went off without to the next town and is not in any danger.

They all hear the door creaking open when they see Miriam waking in.

Miriam: Oh good. All of you are wake.

Jacob: Miriam, what the hell is going on?

Miriam: Told you that you would regret dumping me.

Roy: This is not funny.

Miriam: Maybe it’s not funny because I am serious.

Robin: What are you going to do to us.

Miriam: Are you really asking that? What a stupid question to ask. Do you really want to know how you are going to die?

Westin: Miriam let us go.

Miriam: So, you can escape and let you call the cops on me. Yeah, I don’t think so. All of you have put me through crap. Jacob you cheat on me, Robin, you’re the w***e that steals my boyfriend, Roy well nothing big, but I hate you, and Westin, umm… well nothing I guess, Jessica was the one you wanted revenge on you, but now that you know I am going to kill them I guess I have to kill you too.

Westin: Jessica was part of this?

Miriam: Yeah she helped me get y’all out here but she didn’t know I plan to kill all of you. Doesn’t matter, she was sent to hell when the bus exploded. I guess Jason went to hell to for sleeping with Jessica, which is cheating and rape.

Roy: You killed Jessica and Jason.

Miriam: Yeah, but no one will find out. Like I implied before, you are going to be dead before you can tell a soul about this.

Jacob: You won’t get away with this.

Miriam: Really because under the circumstances it will look like an accident. First the big pipe lines will have a leak fill the whole place with gas, and of course run to the gas pumps explodes and the gas tanks will also explode. You guys will be burnt to death. That way, you can experience a slow, but extremely painful death. I will burn myself some and go along as the sole survivor from the rage of Jason. He tried to burn me I ran to the bus tried to start it he place a bomb I notice it, run out, he gets me and tries to  put me in here but I kill him in self defense. Good story right.

Robin: You’re going to be the one and will be burned, b***h.

Miriam: Ohhhh. How touching. Look I have to get going and get the gas and spill it everywhere because it will take forever for the gas to follow you I am speeding things up. (She walks up to Jacob and hit him in the head with the gun)

Roy: Hey! Leave him alone!

Miriam keeps walking to person to person to knock them out.

Miriam grabs the tanks of gas and starts spilling it making a trail to the house the gas pumps and gas tanks and one to the burnt bus. While making a trailer to the gas pump, Jessica comes out of nowhere and pins Miriam to the ground.

Jessica: I am not letting you do this.

Miriam: How in the world are you still alive?

Jessica: I just got out before you light the gas tank.

Miriam grabs Jessica’s hair and pulls her off of her. Jessica kicks her in the stomach and Miriam lets go of her hair. Jessica gets onto her feet and is about to start kicking her. Miriam swings her leg and kicks Jessica, knocking her to the ground. Miriam gets on top of Jessica and starts punching her. Jessica blocks one of the punches and spits at her eyes. Miriam crawls back rubbing her eyes. Jessica kicks her in the chest and Miriam falls onto her back while her chest is throbbing in pain. Jessica gets up and grabs a piece of wood. Miriam gets up and sees Jessica coming at her with a piece of wood. Miriam ducks as Jessica swings the wood. Miriam then punches her in the face. Jessica steps back catching her balance. She swing the wood again hitting Miriam in the face. Miriam falls to the ground. Jessica walks to her lifting the wood above her head. Miriam looks back and kicks Jessica in the stomach. Jessica air rushes out and she drops the wood. She bends forward trying to catching her breath. Miriam gets up and kicks her in the face. Jessica falls on her back on unconscious. Miriam grabs Jessica by the arms dragging her into the nearest building which is a church. Miriam grabs the tank of gas and spills gas all over the church. Miriam goes back to spill all of the gas she has. After she has made all of the trails of gas she goes to the gas pipe line. She grabs a wrench and starts unscrewing the screws. Once she was once there was a lot of gas spill out of it.

Roy wakes up and sees everyone else unconscious. He looks around to see if he Miriam is around. He starts thinking of a way to escape. He slowly starts crawling to the nearest person which is Westin. He yells at Westin to wake up. After five minutes of yelling, Westin wakes up.

Roy: Westin, wake up.

Westin: Hold on, my head is pounding against my skull.

Roy: We have to untie our hands and feet.

Westin: I know but how are we going to do that.

Roy: If you can lie on your stomach you can bite the rope and untie it. Once my feet are untied I can get up and put my arms in front of me and bite it myself. Once I get free, I will untie all of you.

Westin: Ok, but what if I can’t untie it.

Roy: You’ll have too.

Westin: Ok.

Westin lies down on his stomach and Roy puts his feet right in front of him. Westin starts biting down on the ropes hoping to untie it. After ten minutes. Westin is able to untie the knot. Roy lies down on his back and bring his knees to his chest. From there he is able to put his hand of his knees put his hand in front of him. Roy starts biting down on the rope. About 15 minutes later Roy unties the knot and set his hands free.

Westin: Yes. Now unties us.

Roy unties Westin. Westin and Roy from there wake the people up.

Robin: Oh my god. I have this huge migraine. I think my head is going to explode.

Roy: Get up. Miriam is not here. We have to get out while we still can.

Roy helps Robin get up. They all get out the door and look around for the road. The starting running a random direction when they hear a shot. They turn around to see Miriam with a gun in her hand pointing at them. They run for their lives while Miriam keeps shooting at them. Miriam runs after them trying to get a good aim at it. They start heading to the gas pumps. Miriam fires at the gas lines where the gas is spilling. The gas ignites and the fire follows all the trails Miriam made including one that lead to the gas pumps. The fire reaches the gas pumps and then it explodes throwing Roy, Robin, Westin, Jacob back. Roy and Robin fall into the ground. Jacob and Westin fall onto the roof a building that collapses. Miriam is hit with a wooden part of the building that digs into her chest. Roy get up and see the burning gas station and buildings. He looks over at Robin in the floor.

Roy: Robin. Robin. Robin. Robin get up. Come on, Robin. Get up.

Robin: Oh my god. What happen? My body hurts really bad.

Roy: We have to look for Jacob and Westin.

Robin: Where are they?

Roy: I don’ know but we have to hurry most of the houses are burning and they could have fallen into one.

Robin: They could be anywhere.

Roy: They have to be near. We were together when the gas station exploded.

Robin and Roy start looking around in the houses searching for Jacob and Westin. Roy finds Miriam with wood impaled into her chest. Roy continues searching until Robin calls out for his name. 

Robin: Roy! I found them. They are over here.

Roy: They are knocked out.

Robin: We have to wake them.

Roy bends down to Westin and starts shaking him trying to get him to wake up. Robin bends copies Roy and bends down to Jacob and tries to wake him up. Later Jacob wakes up.

Jacob: Oh my god. Why did we have to run to the gas pumps? We knew they were a ticking bomb.

Roy: You need to lie down. You just thrown 100 feet.

Robin: Lie down. You’re hurt.   

Westin: Ugggggg.  Ow.

Roy: Good you’re wake. Just stay still for a while.

Jacob: Where is Miriam?

Roy: She’s dead. She was impaled by something.

Jacob: Good.

At that moment they all hear a click. They look back and see Miriam with a gun in her hand.

Jessica wakes up. She can’t see anything because it is all dark. She searches around for a way to get out with her hands. Her hand runs up a door knob. She turns it and falls out. She looks back and sees it was a closet. She looks around and sees she is in a church.

Jessica: Great. How ironic in a church. This is just great.

 As she looks around she see smoke and flames in the corner. She walks closer to the flames and spot something in the flames. She gets closer trying to figure out what was in the flames. She looks closer and closer and she sees it is gas tanks.

Jessica: Oh great.

The tanks finally catch on fire and create another huge explosion.

Miriam has her finger around the trigger.

Roy: Just leave us alone and we won’t go the police.

Miriam: I rather have you dead and go to jail than to let you go and not go to jail.

Roy: Oh ok, I see you are not going to let us go.

Miriam: No, I am not. Any last words.

The explosion goes off and debris knocks over Miriam. Robin grabs the gun and tries to yank it off her arms. Miriam spit in her face and kicks Robin in the shin. Robin lets go of the gun and Miriam aims at her. Roy spears her to the ground. Miriam and Roy struggle for the gun. Miriam knees Roy in the groin and Roy rolls off of Miriam. Miriam gets up and kicks Roy in the stomach. She bends down to grab the gun and aims at him. Robin calls her name. Miriam looks at Robin. Robin has a stick in her hand. Robin swing the stick and hit Miriam’s hand that was holding the gun. The gun flies across the place. Robin and Miriam run after it. Robin stops and tried to hit Miriam with the stick but Miriam ducks and punches her in the stomach. Robin drops the stick and tries to catch her breath. Miriam continues to run after the gun. Robin then runs after her. Miriam grabs the gun and turns back to shoot Robin but Robin is within range to kick it Robin kicks the gun off of her hand and then runs after it. Miriam grabs her hair before she can start running. Robin turns around it and punches her. Miriam staggers back letting go of her hair. She grabs a sharp piece of wood from the floor and runs after Robin. Robin runs to the spot where the gun landed but couldn’t find the gun. Robin turns to look at Miriam but she is right there. Miriam does a spin kick to Robin face. Robin falls to the ground. Miriam lets herself fall on Robin trying to stab her. Robin grabs her arm before she could been stabbed. Miriam continues to try to stab her. The sharp wood was getting closer to Robin. Miriam suddenly feels to arms grab her feet and drag her off of Robin. Miriam looks back and it is Roy. She wiggles one foot free and kicks Roy in the chest. Roy lets go of her foot and falls back on his back. Miriam spots the guns and runs after it. While running to the gun Robin jumps at her feet grabbing them and Miriam falls. Miriam kicks Robin in the face. Miriam gets up and grabs the gun. Robin gets up and runs towards the house where Jacob and Westin are. Miriam pulls on the trigger and tries to shoot at Robin but misses. Roy punches Miriam and then kicks her in the stomach. Miriam bends down holding her stomach catching her breath. Roy is about to kicks her again but Miriam quickly shoot at Roy again but only tears some flesh off of Roy’s arm. Roy spin kicks the gun off of Miriam. The gun falls on fire to where they can’t retreat it again. Miriam punches Roy and kicks him on the side. Roy retreats back. Miriam tries to spin kick him but Roy catches the swinging leg. Roy then kicks the standing leg and Miriam falls on her back. Miriam kicks Roy’s feet with both legs making Roy fall on her. Miriam punches Roy in the face and then knees him in the face. Roy crawls off of Miriam. Miriam stands up and raises her leg to kick him but then Roy rolls over dodging the kick. Miriam gets close to kick him but Roy grabs a stick and hits her in the legs and Miriam backs off. Roy gets up while Miriam goes to him. Miriam then does a twister kick to Roy’s face. Roy staggers back against a wall. Miriam then kicks Roy in the chest and pushes him against the wall with her leg. Roy grabs the foot and twists it. Miriam yells and pulls away. Roy kicks Miriam in the stomach. Miriam bends holding her stomach and then Roy kicks Miriam in the face knocking her unconscious. Roy runs back to the where Jacob and Westin are.

Robin: Are you alright?

Roy: Yeah I am fine.

Robin: What about Miriam?

Roy: She is unconscious. How are Westin and Jacob?

Westin: We are fine. Let’s get out of here while we have the chance.

Robin: We definitely have to leave now. Miriam must have taken some martial arts classes because she knows how to fight. Her kicks hurt a lot.

Roy: Yeah, we have too. The whole place is already in flames. We can’t wait for another bomb to go off. Miriam said she planted gas tanks all over the place.

Robin: Can you guys walk, well run?

Jacob: Yeah I can run, what about you, Westin

Westin: Yeah, I can run.

Roy: Well, we have to go know. This house is already begun burning.

Westin: Let’s go know.

Roy: ok I am going to run and you guys run after me.

Robin: Got it.

Roy run out of the house right towards the street. Jacob run, then Westin, then Robin. While all of them are running Miriam run at them and tackles Robin into a burning building. Roy, Westin, and Jacob don’t hear or notice Miriam tackling Robin and keep running. Miriam holds Robin down to the ground. A piece of burning roof falls and Miriam lets go to cover her face. Robin then punches Miriam off of her. Robin gets up and runs. Miriam grabs one of her legs before she can get out and falls to the ground. Robin tries to kick back but Miriam got a stick and hit her in the face making her roll over.

Roy looks back to make sure all of them are behind him and doesn’t see Robin. He stops running and looks back to see if can spot Robin.

Roy: Where is Robin?

Jacob: She was just behind me.

Roy: Well she is anymore? Did you see her go another way?

Jacob: No

Westin: Did you see her fall or something?

Jacob: No

Roy: We have to go back to look for her.

Westin: We have to go directly back, follow the trail we came running from. That way if she fell or something she could still be there.

Roy: Go let’s go look for her.




Roy, Westin, and Jacob go and looking for Robin:

Miriam gets up and starts kicking Robin

Miriam: You, b***h.

Robin stops one of the kicks by grabbing her leg and kicks her in the stomach. She gets up, but Miriam swings her leg kicking Robin knocking her back to the ground. Miriam then gets a kick to the face. Robin gets back up and jumps to Miriam side when part of the roof falls. Miriam does the arm lock on her and starts choking her. Robin grabs a piece of wood and hit Miriam in the head. Miriam lets go and grabs her head in pain. Robin gets back on her feet and starts running but they are trapped inside by the flames. Robin and Miriam start coughing.

Robin: Great we can’t get out.

Miriam: Doesn’t matter: Soon when the tanks catching on fire this whole place will blow up and everything inside this town. So if your friends are looking for you they are going to die because of you.


Roy hears Robin’s voice and runs to her location.

Roy: Robin? Is that you?

Robin: Yes. I stuck in here by the flames. I can’t breathe that well.

Jacob: Hold on, we are going to get you out.

Robin: No, you have to go. This whole place is going to burn.

Jacob: Robin get away from the wall we are going to take it down.

Jacob looks inside through a window and sees Miriam with a stick in her hand walking towards Robin.

Jacob: Robin, behind you.

Robin looks back and sees Miriam and quickly ducks as Miriam tries to hit her. Robin runs to the other side of the room and Miriam runs after. As Miriam runs at Robin, Robin a burning piece of wood and throwing at Miriam. The wood lands on Miriam’s leg and burn her for a short while. Miriam yells and hits the wood off of her. She grabs a piece of wood and goes to hit Robin. She runs up to Robin and does a front flip kick knocking Robin to the ground. She is about to hit Robin but part of the roof falls on her. Miriam yells while the fire burns her. Robin gets up and realizes what happened. She tries to help but the fire stops her from doing so.

The fire has reached the tanks. The tanks are getting hotter and hotter. Soon they will all explode.

To Be Continued

© 2010 Rogelio Chavez

Author's Note

Rogelio Chavez
tell me what u think

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I like it alot

Posted 14 Years Ago

Pretty good. You do a good job of setting the scenes and giving detail. The characters seem a little flat at times. That can be fixed just by souping up their dialogue a bit. Be aware of sentence structure, even in the dialogue parts. There are a few hiccups in the reading but overall it is pretty good.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on September 2, 2010
Last Updated on September 2, 2010


Rogelio Chavez
Rogelio Chavez

Oklahoma City, OK

I am a guy who like to write and read stories. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Rogelio Chavez