The Ending of Freshman Year Volume 2

The Ending of Freshman Year Volume 2

A Chapter by Rogelio Chavez

Part two.

  1. Episode 205

Miriam wakes up. She looks around and sees that Ambar put her in the gym's bridge tied up. She sees Ambar walking to her.

Ambar: You woke up good. Wow know I plan to use you to get the others to come here. Of course, that means you'll die too. (laughs)

Ambar walks away. Ambar put a note in each one's lockers. Each note said to go the the library at lunch.

Before school, Robin and Westin are called up to Jason's office to deal with the problem because Robin went home after that and they couldn't deal with the problem.

Jason: Okay, Westin, you attacked Robin, it clearly shows in the Ipod you did.

Westin: She made it all up. I didn't attack her.

Robin: Yes you did. Why would I hurt myself.

Westin: To get me in trouble.

Robin: Why would I want that? I not mad at you, you're the one who's mad at me, plus remember you rejected my proposal to become friends.

Jason: She has a point.

Westin: She was suspended, remember. So, she wasn't suppose to be here.

Jason: True, but that doesn't give you the right to attack her.

Westin: BUT I DIDN'T! (Jessica comes in)

Jessica: Jason, can I talk to you?

Jason: I'm busy right now.

Jessica: NOW! (Jason walks outside)

Jason: What do you what?

Jessica: Why are Westin and Robin in there?

Jason: Well, apparently, Westin attacked Robin.

Jessica: Westin? No, he didn't do it. I know, trust me. So what are you going to do?

Jason: Expel, Westin.

Jessica: Expel, but then I can't get revenge. No, I want you to lower their grade, 50 points to Westin and 25 to Robin, got that? Good. (Jessica walks away and Jason goes in his office)

Robin: So what are you going to do, expel Westin?

Jason: Um, no.

Robin: What!

Westin: Yes!!

Robin: He attacked me.

Jason: Maybe, but that Ipod isn't proof enough and I don't know who to believe. So I'll lower Westin's grade by 50 points, and yours by 25 points.

Westin: What!!

Robin: I'll have a D.

Westin: I'll have a F.

Jason: That's final. Now get out. (signs)

Robin and Westin walk out.

Westin: Look what you did.

Robin: You started it. If you hadn't gotten me in trouble this would have never happen.

Westin: You are going to pay.

Robin: Westin, please no more. Look what happen because of our fight. We don't have to hang out, but we can just ignore each other. More battles will get us in serious trouble.

Westin: I hate to admit this, but you're right.

Robin: Let's just forget this and not get in trouble.

Westin: Fine.

Robin and Westin leave and go to their first hour class.

At first hour, Jessica and Roy are paired up for working together on a assignment.

Jessica: Great, I'm stuck with you.

Roy: I'm not screaming of joy, either.

Jessica: I'm stuck with a heart-less person. You'll probably get us a bad grade too.

Roy: You have to stop holding a grudge.

Jessica: Do I?

Roy: Yes, it is not healthy.

Jessica: For a moment, you sounded like you cared about me. Of course, I know that is not true.

Roy: I tired of you. If you can't let go, too bad for you, but I'm not going to beg to you, you're not worth it.

Jessica: I hate you.

Roy: Ask me if I care.

Jessica: Teacher, I have to go the bathroom.

Jessica leaves for the rest of the period.

At lunch, everyone including Ambar meet there.

Ambar: Hey, guys, I got this note to give you this letter at lunch. I haven't opened it yet. (hands letter to Jessica)

Robin: What is it?

Jessica opens it and there is a picture of Miriam tied up at the bridge in the gym.

Jessica: Oh my gosh, it's Miriam. I think she is in danger. (Others look at the picture)

Ambar: I saw something in the back. (Roy look at the back and it says GO SAVE HER.)

Jessica: I'm going for help.

Ambar: No! We have to help her. I mean we all got the letters didn't we.

Jessica: Yes, but getting help is saving her.

Ambar: What if the one who did this is watching us. I mean it could be one of these people here. If this person sees you going to help, he might hide her. I think we should go and then get help. If we have Miriam, then he can't hide her again.

Jessica: I guess you're right.

Ambar: So let's all go now.

Everyone goes to the gym and all of them climb up to the balcony and see Miriam tied up. All of them except Ambar get on the bridge. All of them are on and Roy unties Miriam, but the bridge still doesn't collapse.

Miriam: Run, get out of the bridge!!

Roy: What? Why?
Miriam: It's Ambar. She wants to kill us all. The bridge is about to collapse. (Everyone looks back and Ambar is still at the balcony.)

Ambar: Damn it. Okay, you caught me. I do want to kill all of you and I will succeed.

Ambar gets on the bridge is walking towards them and then starts jumping hoping it will make the bridge collapse. Everyone starts running the other way, but have to stop and hold on as the bridge starts to shake. Suddenly with all six of them, the bridge collapses. Ambar falls over the bridge and falls right into the gym's floor. Jessica falls right on the bridge's metal floor. The other side doesn't completely collapse. Robin, Westin, Miriam, and Roy are in the part the bridge doesn't completely collapse. Robin and Westin fall over the bridge, but hang on the the rail, but when the bridge comes to a sudden stop, the force makes them to fall to the gym's ground. Roy and Miriam don't fall over the bridge, but hang on to the rail. When the bridge come to a sudden stops, the force make them slam their bodies on the bridge's floor and have to let go and slide down the bridge falling to the gym's floor. All of them are unconscious. Someone comes in and sees them and call the ambulance. All of them are taken to the same hospital Jacob is staying at. Roy and Miriam only have minor bruises. Robin and Westin have major bruises, but not for them to stay out of school. Jessica is a lot of pain and has to stay over the weekend unlike the others. Ambar has collapse into a coma.


Robin goes to see Jacob. Jacob is sleeping.

Robin: Hey, Jacob. I am so glad to see you again. You have no idea how much I missed you. We were great together, but that Miriam came and took you away from me. Don't worry. You'll be mine again. With you memory loss this is my chance. (Robin kisses Jacob in the mouth) I can't wait for you to go back to school again so I can make you mine. It will be like old times except you'll be with someone this time unless you break up with Miriam. (Miriam walks in)

Miriam: What are you doing here?

Robin: I was just checking up on him.

Miriam: Well, don't. Jacob is mine.

Robin: Not for long.

Miriam: I can't believe you have the nerve to say that to me. Listen, you two-face hypercritic. Jacob dumped you and he's not going back to you. You're trash. I laugh at you.

Robin: Let's see who'll be laughing when I get Jacob, dumb b***h. (Miriam grabs Robin and takes her into the hallway)

Miriam: Leave now.

Robin: Make me.

Miriam slaps her. Robin looks at her for about 10 seconds and then slaps her. Miriam then slaps her back and make her lose her balance. They both stare at each other. Miriam goes in the room and locks it. She holds her hand to her face where Robin slapped her.

Jessica wakes up and sees Roy sitting down in the room.

Jessica: What are you doing here?

Roy: Just seeing if you were okay.

Jessica: Yeah, I'm fine, so now go away.

Roy: Jessica, come on.

Jessica: No, I want you out.

Roy: Why are you being this way?

Jessica: I thought you didn't care about me.

Roy: Well you were the one who took it the worst. Well except for Ambar. She is in a coma.

Jessica: I don't care about her or you, especially her. She tried to kill us.

Roy: I know, but you really can't be angry right now.

Jessica: Well, I still am. Go away, don't waste your time on me.

Roy leaves.

Miriam goes to Ambar's room.

Miriam: You demonic b***h. You shock me and then try to kill me. How dare you. (Miriam puts on a glove) I am going to kill you, but unlike you I won't fail.

Miriam slaps Ambar. Miriam has her hand on the cord of the machine that keeps Ambar alive. She then pulls it and then runs out.


6. Episode 206

All of them are back at the school. Miriam is worried sick because the police is investigating the death of Ambar. She tried to calm down and think of all of the positive things, like Jacob and her being back together. Miriam sees the police coming in the school. She starts walking fast. She looks back and sees the police going in the office, and then bumps into Robin.


Robin: Watch where you walk. Oh it's you.

Miriam: Yeah, it's me. So what?
Robin: Nothing. When I saw it was you that bumped into me, everything was explained

Miriam: What are you saying.

Robin: Nothing. I am wondering why you aren't with Jacob. A girl could easily take him away from you.

Miriam: I want you to stay the hell away from him.

Robin: Why? I don't see why I need to.

Miriam: He taken.

Robin: Well according to my book he is still single.

Miriam: I'm his girlfriend and you're not.

Robin: Yes, you're his girlfriend, but not his wife. You're only an obstacle that I can easily overcome.

Miriam: What make you think he'll take you back He once dumped you for me.

Robin: And he was cheating on you with two women. He was trying to make up in what you lacked.

Miriam: Go to hell.

Miriam starts walking away while looking back at Robin, then she bumps into a police officer.

Miriam: Oh, I'm so sorry.

Officer: It's okay. (Looks at Miriam) Why, you're Miriam Denise.

Miriam: Yes, why?

Officer: You were at the hospital this Saturday, right?

Miriam: Yes.

Officer: We want to ask you questions regarding the death of Ambar.

Miriam: She's dead? Oh my god. I didn't know.

Officer: Yes, um, do you know of anyone or see anyone in Ambar's room around 2 to 3 o'clock. (Miriam starts thinking of how to take advantage of the situation)

Miriam: I was looking for Robin when around 3:15. I looked in all of my friends' rooms, except in Ambar's. When did the nurses fine her dead, officer.

Officer: Around 3:25. Thanks miss. I have to go now.

Miriam: Sure, anytime. (Miriam smiles)

The officer walks away and then Jacob walks down the hallway to Miriam.

Jacob: It's good to be back.

Miriam: I am glad you're back. Now, I can keep an eye on you.

Jacob: What? What for?

Miriam: Well, I know about your affair with Kiera. I found you together, well you dying and Kiera dead.

Jacob: I don't know what to say.

Miriam: You can say you're sorry.

Jacob: Yes, I am sorry.

Miriam: Is there anymore girlfriends I should know of.

Jacob: No (Miriam slaps Jacob)

Miriam: Don't lie to me.

Jacob: I'm not.

Miriam: I know about Ambar. (Jacob is shocked) If you cheat on me again, there is going to be hell to pay.

Jacob and Miriam continue walking. Jessica comes up to Jacob and slaps him.

Jacob: What you do that for?

Jessica: Well, it's your fault that your crazy girlfriend, Ambar, came here and tried to kill us.

Jacob: Ambar came here to this school?

Jessica: Yes and her crazy mind thought we tried to kill you so she tried to kill us. Maybe if you would have kept only one girlfriend then this would have not happen. Now that 2 out of your 3 girlfriends are dead stick with only one this time, okay. (Jessica leaves and then Roy comes)
Jacob: Stop right there.

Roy: What?

Jacob: Are you going to hit me?

Roy: No.

Jacob: Okay, continue.

Roy: I just came to say hi and welcome back.

Miriam: Okay, you said it, now good-bye.

Jacob: Hold up, I still what to talk to Roy.

Roy: I had something to say, but Miriam made me forget. Anyway, I have stuff to do. See you around.

Jacob: Why can't you be nice?

Miriam: Why can't you have just one girlfriend?

Westin and Jessica meet at the library. All table are taken and they are forced to sit together. They first don't talk to each other, but then they start talking.

Westin: Hi.

Jessica: Hello, Westin.

Westin: So, how have you been feeling, you know with the Ambar then.

Jessica: Yeah, I'm fine, but can you believe she tried to kill us?

Westin: No. She sure was crazy. Why wasn't she in a mental hospital?

Jessica: No kidding and all that for that man w***e, Jacob.

Westin: Yeah. I can't believe Jacob was dating three girls at the same time.

Jessica: Oh my god. Can't he be satisfied with just one.

Westin: Yeah. He takes Robin from me, dumps her, takes Miriam and Kiera and Ambar. Maybe Robin did something to him.

Jessica: Yeah and you could have cheated on her with Shauna, but again she was also crazy. Still Jacob's fault.

Westin: Yeah.

Jessica: Twice, people tried to kill us in the school year. What kind of school are we at?

Westin: Everyone has done something crazy, but I can't think of anything you did.

Jessica: I think you are the first person in this school I had a normal talk. (goes to sit next to Westin)

Wow. You must be the only normal person I met.

Westin: I can say the same thing about you.

Jessica: Not only that, you're charming.(smiles) I don't know why Robin would leave you for that piece of crap.
Westin then kisses Jessica. Jessica then kisses Westin back. Jacob is walking of the restroom during second hour when Robin comes out and stops him.

Robin: Hello, Jacob. It's good to see you again.

Jacob: It's good to see you again. Anyways I have to get back to class.

Robin: Not so fast. (grabs Jacob's arm) Look at what you're doing to me.

Jacob: What?

Robin: You have no time for me anymore.

Jacob: What are you talking about?

Robin: Oh, I see now you're going to act like it never happened.

Jacob: What are you talking about?

Robin: We are seeing each other.

Jacob: That's not true. I dumped you.

Robin: You really don't remember. We were seeing each other and you promise to leave all of them for me. I am going to hold you to that promise.

Jacob: I don't remember.

Robin: Well, you did hit your head.

Jacob: Yeah, but I remember everything until the same day I hit my head.

Robin: Well that when we got together and you made that promise. I won't let you escape again. (She tries to kiss Jacob, but Jacob pull away)

Jacob walk away back to the classroom. Robin walks away thinking of how to convince Jacob to take her back.

The school is having a contest of who could solve a mystery and find the missing book. Roy solved the mystery and walks in Jason's office to get the prize He walks in and finds Jessica and Jason talking.

Roy: Mr. Lee can I talk to you?

Jason: Sure.

Roy: I think I solved the book mystery.

Jessica: That's bull. You didn't.

Roy: Yes, I did. I can tell you exactly where it is.

Jessica: Well, it's too late. I already found it.

Jason: Huh? You did?
Jessica: Yes.

Roy: That's a lie.

Jessica: You wish, but it's true.

Roy: Okay let's prove it. You tell where it is and then I will.

Jessica: No way, I tell first and you take my answer.

Roy: Fine. We write our answers on a paper and hand it to Mr. Lee and see who's right.

Jessica: Fine.

They both write their answers on a paper and hand it to Jason. Jason tells who had it right.

Jason: Well, who right is(Jessica gives him a look) Jessica.

Roy: What! That false. What was her answer?

Jason: I can't say.

Roy: Don't give me that crap. You're lying and you know it.

Jason: Well, you wrote what Jessica wrote. Jessica came first.

Roy: Fine.

Jessica: Well, now that cleared. Get our. I have a prize to get the one you lost. (Roy leaves)

Jason: I can't believe you made me do that. All you wrote was it's me or else. Roy had it right.

Jessica: I know. I hate him.

Jessica walks out and then Roy grabs her and stop her.

Roy: I don't know how you did it, but that prize is mine.

Jessica: Listen idiot. I won that prize fair and square. Now leave me alone before I go back in there and tell Jason, you're assaulting me. Good-bye, loser.

Robin is called to the office at sixth hour. Robin goes to the office and find the same officer waiting for her. Robin gets nervous.

Officer: Sit down, Robin.

Robin: Did I do something wrong?

Officer: No. We wanted to ask you some questions.

Robin: Okay, shoot.

Officer: Were you in Ambar's room around the time of her death?

Robin: (gasps) You think I did it? No, I was with my mother the whole time except when I want to see Jacob which was around 2 o'clock. You can call her. Her number is 405-781-7590. It's true.

Officer: Okay, just wait a moment. (officer calls and talks to Robin's mother) Okay, kiddo. You're telling the truth. You can go.

Robin: Thanks. Um, I can know who told you I could have done something with this.

Officer: No. I can't give a name.

Robin: At least give me a clue. You kept me out of class.

Officer: Fine. A brunette girl.

Robin: Thanks.

Robin realizes that it was Miriam. Just as she gets out the bell rings and everyone head to their next class. Robin goes to the second floor and catches Miriam at her locker.
Robin: You told them I kill Ambar.

Miriam: I don't know what you're talking about.

Robin. Don't act like you don't know. You know exactly what I'm taking about.

Miriam: I didn't say anything, but I can see why someone would.

Robin: What do you mean?

Miriam: You want Jacob and Ambar was Jacob's girlfriend. You even are trying to steal him from me.

Robin: Listen, b***h. You ever try to frame me again, you'll be in a world of pain.

Robin leaves Miriam alone. Roy is walking down the hallway when he bumps into a woman named Lola.

Lola: I'm sorry.

Roy: It's okay.

Lola: Wait, you're Roy.

Roy: Yes, how did you know?

Lola: Oh. I am sorry for your loss.

Lola: It's me who suppose to say sorry. The pain my daughter cause you people.

Roy: We're fine now. It's just the reason why she did it.

Lola: I wish she hadn't gotten the information from this Miriam.

Roy: Wait, what?

Lola: Ambar wrote everything in her diary. I still don't understand why she would try to kill all of you.

Roy: Well, at least Ambar is at rest and we're fine.

Lola: Thank you for giving me some peace. I have to go now.

Roy. Nice meeting you.

Lola leaves and Roy now knows Miriam's secret. Roy calls Westin, Robin Jessica to the library. They all meet there and Roy tells everyone there about Miriam.

Jessica: Wait, it was Miriam, her fault.

Roy: Her fault.

Westin: I can't believe it.

Robin: We have to do something about this.

Jessica: You're right. Miriam can't go unpunished.

Roy: I know she's at the auditorium right now.

Westin: Let's go.

All of them go to Miriam and find her watching a play. They walk to her seat.

Jessica: We know what you told Ambar.

Miriam: I'm watching a play so if you would guys leave. (Westin grab Miriam's arm and stand her up and walks her into the hallway) Ow! Let me go!

Roy: You heartless b***h.

Miriam. Excuse me! What makes you call me that.

Robin: We know you gave Ambar the information that we hurt Jacob.

Jessica: How could you do that?

Miriam: I thought you guys did it. I was wrong. I'm sorry.

Westin: Sorry doesn't cut it. You almost got us killed.

Miriam: Guys, I was there too.

Roy: Yeah, the only difference is that you deserved to be there, we didn't.

Miriam: You're saying I deserved to be killed. Now that's...

Jessica: Oh, stop that! Again trying to get us in trouble. And yes we think you do.

Miriam: Well, I'll be sure to tell this to the...

Robin: Again with the framing. You're nothing but a conniving piece of dirt.

Westin: And as far as we know, we never had this conversation. Don't even think about using this against us.

Jessica: From now on, you don't even exist.

Miriam: Well, what about Robin?

Westin: What about her?

Miriam: That s**t is trying to steal my boyfriend.
Roy: Good and I hope she does get Jacob. Jacob doesn't need to be with a manipulative b***h.

They all leave her alone. After school Jacob comes of the restroom and Robin sees him.

Robin: Hi.

Jacob: Hello.

Robin: Have you thought about what I said.

Jacob: Yeah, I can't. It's just that.

Robin: Forget it. I can take a hint.

Robin starts walking away. Jacob goes to her and wraps his arms around her. Robin puts one arm around Jacob's neck. Jacob kisses Robin's neck. Robin turns around and they start kissing.


7. Episode 207


Robin and Jacob go back of the school in the morning to sneak off.

Robin: Just like old time, huh.

Jacob: Yeah.

Robin: Finally, I have you again.

Jacob: Yeah, you have me.

They start kissing and continue until the school bell rang. At first, hour Miriam sees Jacob walk in the classroom.

Miriam: Where were you?

Jacob: Library.

Miriam: I looked there you weren't there.

Jacob: I was looking for a book.

Miriam: You're lying.

Jacob: No, I'm not.

Miriam: Tell me where were you. You were Robin weren't you.

Jacob: What, no.

Miriam: Don't lie to me.

Jacob: No. I'm not. I am with you. (kisses Miriam) Okay.

Miriam: Okay.

In between classes Robin, Roy and Westin were waiting for Jessica to talk about Miriam.

Roy: Where is she. She's taking too long.

Robin: I saw her go in Mr. Lee's office.

Westin: Let's go there. If we don't we're going to be late for class.

All three of them go to Jason's office. They are about to walk in there when they hear Jessica and Jason talking and they decide to eavesdrop on what they are talking about.

Jason: You made me suspend Robin, lower Robin's and Westin's grade, and give Roy's prize to you.

Jessica: Well, it was either that or get fired and go to jail. (Jessica walks out and see Roy, Robin, and Westin) Oh, guys, you're here.

Roy: What was that about?

Jessica: About what?

Roy: You know what I'm talking about. We heard everything.

Robin: Is here any truth to that?

Jessica: Guys, come one. We're here about something else.

Robin: You lying b***h. I can't believe it was you.

Westin: We're over.

Jessica: What! No. Westin, I'm sorry.

Westin: As far as I know, you're just like Miriam.

Jessica: Wait, don't you compare me to that b***h.

Westin: Huh. You're calling Miriam a b***h, then I guess you know what you are.

Westin leaves Jessica. Jessica starts breaking down. She goes to sit against the wall and starts crying. Miriam passes by and notices she is crying.

At lunch Robin and Jacob meet in the classroom. They start kissing, but when they heard the door opening they stop and get farther away from each other and see Miriam walk in.

Miriam: What the hell is going on?

Jacob: Miriam, me and Robin were just talking

Miriam: How stupid do you think I am? You are cheating on me again, aren't you?

Jacob: I can't believe you don't believe me. I have done nothing to earn your mistrust.

Miriam: You're right, Jacob. You cheating on me with Kiera and Ambar doesn't earn my mistrust.

Robin: Miriam, we weren't doing anything. I was telling him what you did.

Jacob: What? Oh, yeah, and I still decided to stay with you.

Miriam: Okay, now that you made you're decision let's get out of here.

Jacob: Yeah, I was just about to leave.

Miriam: Jacob, wait outside, I'm going to talk to Robin. (As Jacob closes the door, Miriam walk to Robin and slaps her) How dare you try to ruin my relationship with Jacob.

Robin: You don't deserve him and he knows it, too.

Miriam: You stay away from Jacob.

Robin: You can't make me.

Miriam: Robin, I would take my advice, because if you don't you'll regret it.

Miriam walks out and grabs Jacob by the shirt and pulls him away from the room and slaps him.

Miriam: I don't want you near Robin. I thought I told you before.

Jacob: Look, you don't control, and I can see Robin and any girl I want anytime.

Miriam: Oh, now you cheat on me because of one fight.

Jacob: No, it's cause you're a controlling b***h. You know, I can't cheat on you if I break up with you.

Jacob starts walking away and Miriam runs to him and slams him against the wall.

Miriam: Look you cheating pig. You cheat on me or break up, your girlfriend will suffer, but it will be nothing compared to what I can and will do to you.

Jacob: You don't scared me. Anyway, I don't plan to leave you. Both of us need to blow off steam. You are a very jealous girlfriend.

Miriam: You're right. I'm sorry. Um see you later, okay.

Jacob: Yeah, sure. (Miriam walks away)

During lunch, Jessica starts following Westin around. Westin eats that the cafeteria with his friends and Jessica stands at the wall staring at him the whole time. Later on Westin goes to the library and Jessica follows him. He sits down to use a computer and Jessica sits down at a table and stares at him. Westin later walks to Jessica.

Westin: Why are you staring at me?

Jessica: What are you talking about?

Westin: I've been watching you following me at the cafeteria and then here.

Jessica: Oh, then you are the one watching me.

Westin: What, no! You're the one who been staring at me.

Jessica: I haven't. It look someone still has feelings.

Westin: I see you have gone delusional.

Jessica: Please, in your dreams stalker.

Jessica walks away out into the hallway.

At seventh hour, when Miriam, Roy, Westin, and Robin are in computer class. The computers of Roy, Westin, and Robin are plug in to the same outlet. When the teacher leaves to go the the bathroom. Miriam walks over and grabs a chair to sit next to this person and pretends to accidentally unplugs the cord and the computers of Roy, Robin, and Westin turn off.

Westin: What the hell!

Miriam: Oops. I'm sorry.

Roy: Why did you do that?

Miriam: I did it on accident.

Robin: No you did it on purpose.

Miriam: No.

Westin: Why? We so far in our work, now we have to start over.

Miriam: So, how is that my problem.

Westin: You turned off our computers.

Miriam: By accident.

Westin: You did not.

Miriam: Even if I didn't what are you going to do about it. You still have to start over.

Robin: God, you're horrible. (Robin gets up and goes to Miriam's computer and searches through her files and deletes one of her folders.)

Miriam: Why did you do that for? I had my homework from all classes in that folder.

Robin: I don't see how that is my problem.

Miriam: It will be when I tell.

Roy: Don't even think that. We'll tell Mr. Tessa that you turn off our computers.

Miriam: I did that on purpose, I mean accident.

Westin: See, you did do it on purpose.
The all hear Mr. Tessa walking back in and all of them rush to their seat and pretend nothing happen.

After school, Jessica was crying outside when Roy walks outside and passes her, she runs to Roy.

Roy: What the?

Jessica: Roy you have to help me get back Westin.

Roy: I don't have to do anything.
Jessica: Please, I am begging you, I need Westin.

Roy: God, look at you. You're pathetic.

Jessica: Please, I need you help.

Roy: I not helping you. (Roy walks away)

Jessica: Fine, then go to hell!!! You'll regret this!!!! (Miriam walks outside and sees Jessica)

Miriam: What happen, Jessica?

Jessica: Leave me alone.

Miriam: Fine, I'll leave now.

Jessica: No, wait. I need someone to talk to.
Miriam: I'm all ears.

Jessica: Westin dumped me. I don't know how to get him back.

Miriam: Look, you don't need him.

Jessica: What?

Miriam: I am saying you can live without him. If fact, show him you don't need it.

Jessica: How?

Jessica: You're right.

Miriam: In fact, I heard Roy didn't want to help you.

Jessica: So?

Miriam: Let's get revenge on all of them.

Jessica: Yeah. You're right. We definitely have to get revenge.

Miriam: Good. We'll do it together.

© 2010 Rogelio Chavez

Author's Note

Rogelio Chavez
tell me what you think.
ignore grammer problem and the way i wrote the dialogue.

My Review

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Very good chapter, i like how you used the colors of it and making it like a screen play.

Posted 14 Years Ago

The story is decent. Hard to ignore the grammar as that effects the flow of the read and what the reader gets from it. Do a read aloud and you will see.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on September 2, 2010
Last Updated on September 2, 2010


Rogelio Chavez
Rogelio Chavez

Oklahoma City, OK

I am a guy who like to write and read stories. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by Rogelio Chavez