![]() The beginning of the school yearA Chapter by Rogelio Chavez![]() Follows the live of a group of people for the beginning of the their freshman year.![]() Roy walks in school for the first day and meets Kierra, Shauna, the couple Robin and Westin, Jacob, Sierra, and Dustin in his homeroom. Roy and Dustin hit it off as friends. At lunch, Robin and Westin eat lunch together. Shauna stares in jealousy. Roy and Dustin eat lunch together. Sierra, Kierra, and Jacob hang out together. After school, while Roy was waiting for a ride he noticed a stranger watching him. Roy and Dustin meet at breakfast. Robin and Westin eat breakfast together when Shauna watches them from a distance. Jacob comes over at their table and sits down. Westin has to do homework and leaves for the library. Jacob and Robin talk and have a great time, too much of a great time. At second hour, Shauna and Westin have the same class. Shauna tries to flirt, but Westin ignores her and pisses her off. Roy and Jacob sit next to each other. Jacob talk a lot about Robin and Roy is surprised at this. At lunch, Kierra and Sierra talk about the rumors of drug dealing at the school. After school, Roy is waiting for his ride when the same stranger is following him. Roy starts to walk away, but the stranger follows him. Roy walks over to the stranger, but the stranger disappears. At lunch, Kierra and Sierra are talking about the rumors of the drug dealing. They heard the drugs were cocaine and heroin. Dustin overhears their conversation and tells everything to Roy. Robin and Westin are at the library. Westin jokingly lie to Robin about a project and Robin got a bad grade. Robin doesn’t find it funny and slaps him. Robin leaves the library leaving Westin alone. Shauna goes to Westin and offers him comfort. Westin accepts and sits down with her. Robin runs outside bumping into Jacob. They sit together and talk. Later they find themselves kissing. Roy walks outside and catches them. At fifth hour, Roy talks to Jacob about affairs. Jacobs get mad and disses Roy. He leaves with Roy looking back at him stunned Shauna is walking to school and sees Robin with Jacob. She takes some pictures. She smiles as she leaves. Roy walks over to Sierra as they meet every day as they walk over to school. Roy mentions about the drugs. Sierra reveals that she and Kierra are involved with it. Roy asks questions but Sierra stays quiet. Jacob always leaves his backpack at first hour and Roy went over and took Jacob’s homework and threw it in the trash. When everyone turned in their homework, Jacob couldn’t find his and got a zero. At lunch, Shauna walks over to Robin. She reveals the photos and Robin is shocked. Robin ignores this, but Shauna says she must break up with Westin or she will reveal the pictures to everyone to show what a s**t she is. Kierra and Sierra meet up with the drug dealer and the dealer hands over some drugs to them. Kierra and Sierra then hide all of the drugs behind a bush. Dustin walks outside and sees them. He hides and when Kierra and Sierra leave, he walks over and gasps at all the drugs. After school, Robin goes crying to Jacob and tells him that they can’t see each other anymore. Robin tells everything about Shauna. Part 5 Shauna is walking to school when Jacob confronts her before school starts. Jacob tells her to leave them alone. Shauna says she won’t stop. Jacob grabs her by the arms and yells at her. He keeps squeezing harder and harder. Shauna then punches him and tells him to stay away from her. As she starts to walk away Jacob grabs a vase and throws it at her. The vase barely misses her and hits the door. Shauna looks back at Jacob. She pulls out the middle finger and then leaves. Roy was watching all long. Dustin is thinking about what to do about what he saw yesterday. He sees Roy and goes to him. Roy is about to talk about what he saw, but Dustin starts talking first. He tells Roy what he saw. Roy is shocked. Jacob goes to Robin to tell her the bad news Robin is upset and Jacob says they can be together without cheating on Westin. Kierra and Sierra at second hour, Dustin walks over to tell them. He reveals that he knows and plans to tell at lunch to the principle. After second hour, Kierra goes to Dustin and begs him not to tell. Dustin refuses. At third hour, Robin and Westin have the same class. Robin reveals she been cheating on him with someone, but doesn’t tell who. After that she begs him to forgive her which Westin does. Between classes, Robin tells Shauna she won’t break up with Westin. At lunch in the cafeteria, a friend tells Jacobs he saw what Roy did. Jacob goes to Roy and punches him then he threatens him. Roy talks back with the thing he saw with Shauna. At the library, Robin and Westin are together. When the librarian goes to the bathroom, so does Robin. Shauna walks to Westin and tells him about the affair Robin was having, but doesn’t reveal who. Robin walks back in. Westin says he knows and disses Shauna for trying to break them apart. Kierra takes Dustin to the library to talk and they walk in while Westin is talking to Shauna. Shauna continues to get Westin mad at Robin, but fails. Finally Shauna explodes and yells at Westin throwing a chair. She runs away crying. Dustin goes after her. He asks what happened and Shauna tells him everything. Dustin takes Westin side and Shauna says he better watch it or she will tell about his habit of sometimes drinking on campus. Kierra overhears this and blackmails Dustin not to snitch. After school, Robin meets with Jacob and tells him that they can’t see each other anymore, but only for a while. She promises that they’ll be together again. Dustin is wondering what to do about Kierra and Sierra. Dustin finally comes up that maybe he could get Roy to tell. Dustin sees Roy and goes to him and tells him everything to him. Roy agrees to help. Kierra goes to the back of the school. She meets up with the drug dealer. She then meets up with Sierra after given the drugs. Sierra goes and hides the drugs. At lunch, Shauna goes and sees Westin. She begins to trash Robin. Westin yells at her for trashing Robin. Westin leaves Shauna alone and angry. Roy goes to see Sierra and asks about the drugs. Sierra doesn’t want to say anything, but Roy keeps insisting. Sierra finally tells that they are being blackmailed into doing this. Roy says he can help, but Sierra says no one can help. Robin after hearing that Shauna trashed her goes to get Shauna. Robin walks up and then slaps her. Shauna slaps her back and calls her a b***h. She begins to walk away and Robin then grabs her and pulls her and throws her to the ground. Shauna gets up and jumps on her. She begins punching Robin and then pulls her hair and slams her head against the ground. Jacob finally sees them and grabs Shauna and pulls her off Robin. Shauna runs away and then Jacob helps Robin get up. After school the drug dealer meets up with Kierra and whispers a task and she is shocked to hear this and denies to do the task. Then the drug hits her and Kierra runs away. Jacob and Jessica were candidates for school president with a few other people. Jessica had spent a lot of time focusing on winning the election. Before school the candidates were having a meeting. After the meeting Jacob bumped into Jessica. Jessica then threatens Jacob because she thought Jacob bumped into her on purpose. Westin and Robin are eating together. Westin is worried that Shauna will come again. Roy is following Sierra. Sierra starts walking faster and faster. Roy then loses her. He keeps looking for her, but can’t find her. Roy gives up. Dustin walks up to him and asks him if he could come over tonight and Roy says yes. At lunch, Roy keeps looking for Kierra and Sierra, but can’t find them. Later at lunch Roy spots Kierra and Sierra. He asks where they were, but they don’t answer him. After school, Roy is walking to Dustin’s house. Roy sees a man hiding, but can’t make his face. After helping Dustin with his homework, Roy tells Dustin everything they decide to go and see if they can find the person. Roy is walking by himself and a person starts to follow him again. Dustin sees him and is able to tackle him down. The person and Dustin struggle and Roy runs to help, but when he gets to Dustin, the person had gotten away and Dustin is knock out. Roy was trying to wake up Dustin. After ten seconds, Dustin wakes up. Roy asks if they need to call somebody. Dustin says he find. While walking back, Roy asks if Dustin saw the person’s face. Dustin said after tackling the person down, the person covered his face and then his mouth and couldn’t breathe. Then he passed out of suffocating. The next day, Roy decided to skip school and try to find his stalker. Roy goes to school and from there he went walking to see if the stalker would appear again. Jessica was following Jacob in the morning to think of something to win the election as Jacob was her biggest competitor. She followed Jacob all of the morning and at lunch she continued to follow him. While following Jacob, she was called by the counselor through the intercom and had to leave Jacob. At back of the library, Jacob meet up with Robin. Robin just told him to meet her after school at the back of the school. Roy has been walking. The stalker finally appeared again. Roy pretends not to notice him. After school, Jessica is still following Jacob. She was tired of following him and was about to give up. She then sees Jacob meeting up with Robin. She knows Robin is dating Westin. She sees them starting to make out. She gasps at this and she gets out her digital camera and records a video. She finally clears her voice to let them know she is there. Jacob and Robin hear her. They stop kissing and are shocked that Jessica is recording them. Roy leads the stalker to a park doesn’t know. Roy starts going in circles and is confusing the stalker. Roy loses the stalker and starts following him. The stalker decides to head home. After walking for a long time, Roy is still following him. The stalker figured out Roy is following him. Roy notices the stalker starts to speed up. Roy tries to catch up but fails and loses him. He plans to do something. Roy is almost home when the stalker appears in front of him, then the guy starts running at Roy. 9. Part 9
The stalker jumps at Roy, but Roy moves to the side and the guy misses Roy. The guy gets up and grabs Roy. Roy kicks him in the shin and starts to run, but he trips. The guy gets on top of him and starts to choke him. Roy grabs a rock and hits him in the head. Roy starts to crawl away, but the guy grabs his leg. Roy looks back at his face and kicks him. Roy gets up and starts to run away. Roy loses the guy after running for a long time. Before school started Robin went looking for Jessica. Robin meets up with Jessica. Robin tried to get Jessica not to tell Westin about the affair. Jessica says she’ll use them for something. Robin says it won’t work and Shauna already tried it once. Jessica says she know what happen with Shauna. The reason why Shauna didn’t get what she wanted was because she didn’t tell who it was. Jessica promises if they don’t do what she wants she will reveal the video. Robin calls her a b***h and Jessica turns around and slaps her. Roy goes to school to warn everyone. Roy first meets up with Sierra. Roy mentions his stalker and what he looked like. Roy mentions a scar he had in his neck which catches Sierra’s attention. Roy goes to Dustin and tells him everything. Dustin seems concerned that Roy will be telling everyone. Dustin tells Roy he should wait to tell everyone first because he might cause a panic in the school. Toy agrees and decides to think about it first. Jessica goes to see Jacob to tell him what to do for her not to reveal the video of them kissing. She tells Jacob he must pull his name from the election, to get his followers to vote for her and her and Robin must vote for her. Jacob knows he had no choice, but to do this if he didn’t want Westin to find out. Sierra was thinking about what Roy had described of the stalker. She knows that scar on the neck. She had seen it somewhere else, but she couldn’t remember. At lunch, Jacob goes to see Robin. He asked her if it would be okay just to tell Westin and not have Jessica blackmail them. Robin said no plus even if she did Jessica would post the video and everyone would see it. Jacob later went and made the announcement that he was withdrawing his name and they should vote for Jessica. Later when Robin and Jessica were voting, they decide not to vote for her. After school, Jessica was declared winner, she went to see who voted for her. She saw that Jacob and Robin didn’t vote for her. She meets up with them and tells them that she will reveal the video tomorrow. Robin and Jacob complain they did most of the things she said. Jessica ignores them. Shauna goes after school and goes to Westin’s locker. She was dress up all sexy hoping to get Westin to notice her in a good way. When Westin comes out of the shower he is shocked that Shauna is there. She tried to flirt but it doesn’t work. She flirts more and places her hand on Westin’s back and slides it down to his butt. Westin backs off and looks at her. He tells they will never be together and to just leave him alone and calls her a crazy b***h. Sierra meets up with Roy. Sierra tells Roy where she remembers the scar. She tells Roy it is from the drug dealer she been meeting up with. Roy is shocked and ask why she been doing this. Sierra tells him, he used to be a janitor and one time after a school game, Kierra and her brought some liquor and got drunk. The janitor whose name is Michael caught them and took some pictures. After being fired he went to drug dealing and he needed a place to hide the drugs where no one who guess and he blackmailed them into helping. What Sierra and Roy didn’t know that Michael was hearing them talk the whole time. Part 10 At home after school Roy was thinking he needed to confront Sierra and Kierra. Maybe he could get Michael to stop blackmailing them. Sierra was worried about what she told Roy. As she was crossing the street a car speeds up and runs her over. The car stops. Sierra looks over to see the car is Michael’s. The car starts to reverse running over Sierra once more, killing her. The next day, Shauna came to school looking for Westin, but doesn’t find him. She finally spots him with Jessica showing him a video. She walks over, but sees Westin react furiously. She walks over to Jessica and asks her why Westin is so mad. Jessica then shows her the video she recorded then she leaves. Shauna sees this as her chance to get Westin. She walks over and hugs Westin. Westin stares at her, confused, and then pushes her away. Shauna says he has no future with Robin and with her, he does. Westin rejects her and tells her they will never ever be together, no matter what. Shauna feels her heart broken and lets out one tear. Her sadness turns into anger and storms out having thought of killing them. Kierra is waiting for Sierra, but Sierra never arrivers. Westin see Robin at the library. He walks over to her and punches her. Robin is first shocked and then realizes Jessica showed him the video. Robin tried to explain, but Westin yells at her. Robin gets up and Westin calls her an ugly w***e. Robin then slaps him, but regrets it when she start away, Westin grabs her hair and pulls her to him and wraps his other arm around her stomach. Westin threatens if she ever hits him again she’ll pay as he then starts squeezing her until she is almost out of air. Robin tries to wiggle out of his grasp, but Westin squeezing harder and says she’ll pay for cheating on him and lets go. Robin drops to the floor and gasps for air. At lunch, Kierra and Roy are looking for Sierra. Kierra gets a phone call. It is Sierra’s parents. They tell her the bad news. Kierra passes the news to Roy. Kierra think it was Michael so does Roy. Kierra reveals one time Michael asked if she could get Roy to his house, but she rejected it. Kierra and Roy both think that Michael is crazy and obsessed about Roy. Right after school, Kierra and Roy meet up at the library to look up information about Michael. About two hours later, they find something about him. They find that he changed his name and used to be in a mental asylum. After that Kierra and Roy walk to the third floor to Roy’s locker. Across the hallway, they see Michael. Michael starts running towards them and Kierra and Roy starts running away from Michael. They lose Michael and sneak to the first floor behind the stairs. Westin and Jacob see each other in front of the first floor stair where Kierra and Roy are hiding. Westin walks over to Jacob and punches him. Jacob punches Westin, but Westin blocks it and then punches him in the stomach. Jacob falls to the ground and Westin starts kicking him. Robin sees them from across the hallway. She runs to them and yells at Westin to stop kicking Jacob. She then jumps on Westin’s back. Jessica walks down the stairs and stops to see them fight. Dustin stops at top of the stairs to see them fight. Michael hears all of the commotion and head to the stairs, but stops so they can’t see him. Suddenly, Shauna walks pass Dustin to the middle of the stairs. Michael is still hiding so the other will not see him. Roy and Kierra come out of hiding to the hallway. Shauna has a gun and shoots a bullet at the ceiling and gets everyone’s attention. Shauna yells at Westin telling him the pain that he caused and then that she can’t have Westin nobody can. Westin tries to reason with her, trying to get Shauna to not shoot anybody. Shauna calls Westin an idiot saying she not going to shoot anybody. She pulls out a switch from her back pocket and says “I’ll blow up everyone”. Michael finally is about to see what is going on, but Shauna flips the switch and a large bomb located beneath the stairs goes off. The bomb has a big force that sends Shauna all the way to the ceiling and makes a hole. Dustin is sent through the window into the streets. Michael as he looks, the force of the bomb sent him against the wall, breaking his neck. Roy and Kierra are sent across the hallway, Robin, Westin, and Jacob fly back against the wall and are knock unconscious. Jessica drops to the floor to avoid being pushed back. Seconds later, Roy looks up and sees the damage of the bomb. Everyone else is unconscious. © 2010 Rogelio ChavezAuthor's Note
6 Reviews Added on March 19, 2010 Last Updated on March 19, 2010 Author
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