Diabetes Topic Proposal
A Story by
Diabetes Topic Proposal Diabetes is a metabolic disease that affects the lives of many throughout the world and has no real cure, although it has an alternative that still has challenges of its own. I chose to report on diabetes because I know the hardship of battling diabetes on an everyday basis. I hear jokes about diabetes in the hallways at school and it honestly makes me feel insecure about my disease. Typically it’s when someone eats a lot, and students joke that they’ll get fat and develop diabetes. Diabetes is not just about weight, and I want people to know that. My hopes in writing this paper are to help people understand how serious this disease can be, how it can affect the life of the one battling it, and about the affect it has on the friends and family of the patient. I want my peers to understand how diabetes affects my life and how it has caused me to develop severe depression, which resulted in harming myself in multiple ways and causing not only myself pain, but also those who love me.
As a diabetic, I know more about this disease than the average person. I know how high blood glucose can affect someone; sweating, anger, confusion, ill thoughts, undeniably painful headaches, and if the blood sugar is at a dangerous high level, one can often feel nauseous to a point where they will literally want to force themselves to throw up and pass out in their own vomit, but at that point, being checked into a hospital is critical. I’m a patient with type one diabetes, so I’m much more experienced with that. Type two can be just as challenging as type one, but it can be easily controlled with the ambition to do so. I also know that diabetes can weaken the immune system, and a diabetic can often get very easily sick and get severe infections. It can also cause mental diseases, such as anxiety and depression as a long-term affect.
Now, even though I’m quite experienced with diabetes, I’m still very interested in learning about the new technologies and medication created to treat diabetes. I would also like to learn more about type two, since that isn't the aspect of diabetes that I have to worry about, nor is it something I have to be educated about, but I would love to be.
To help myself get comfortable with writing about diabetes in a more educated manner, I consulted a website called www.mayoclinic.org. The article was titled “Diabetes symptoms: When diabetes symptoms are a concern.” It was published on June 25th, 2013. I tried to consult a site with a more recent date to get accurate information. Reading articles published by someone who hasn't experienced the emotions brought on by diabetes makes the disease seem so much easier to control, but from personal experience, I say diabetes can be very difficult and cause stress on anyone in relation to diabetes.
© 2014
Author's Note
So, for my English class, we're doing research reports on health illnesses and such, and having experience with diabetes, this was the topic I picked. I thought this topic proposal turned out pretty great, and decided to show it to everyone:3
I agree. Both father and grandmother died because of diabetes. Always good to share information. My sisters all have some level of diabetes now. I believe the 15 years and being active kept be healthy. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on a important topic.
Posted 10 Years Ago
1 Review
Added on August 28, 2014
Last Updated on August 28, 2014
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