You're wrapped all around my heart holding the broken pieces together.
I'm falling to my knees in the heart strings that hold me to you as a tether.
The love I feel for you chips away pieces of me that are old and replaces it with new.
I feel like the world hates me but my perspective change when I'm with you.
All my life my one goal has been to find the one who holds everything I desire.
Was this written in the stars, this passion I feel for you like the heat of a burning fire?
You've unlocked the chain that bounds me to pain with your skeleton key.
All along I've been lost, stranded in the endless waves of a dangerous sea.
I used to hide away in the flood of my blood pouring from my veins.
I'm no longer a useless dud that relies on the puncture of skin for my pains.
You've brought me back from the curse of depression I've been living in.
Now it's time to give my skin a chance to heal and escape what life has been.
It's not much to say that I might love you,
But it's so much more to prove that maybe I do.