Chapter 9 - Running out of time
A Chapter by
GD was stunned. What did Travis just say? Minzy? Cancer? How come he didn’t know? “What did you just say?” He asked after a moment of silence. “She has cancer William.” Said Travis. “She never told you, because she didn’t want to hurt you. She didn’t tell you because she loved you. That day at the part, where you saw her and Damian right? Damian told me what happende between the two of them. Minzy told him as the first person of us all. She wanted him to hold on to the ring you gave her because she wanted to let you go before she passed away. She always sees the worst ending in everything.” He said remembering her way of acting on a normal basis. “She cried when you saw them talking. That’s why Damian caressed her cheek. He was whiping away her tears, trying to convince her to tell you about it. But she was stubborn. She wanted to hurt you, and break up so you would leave her and get a nice life before knowing about her condition. She wanted you to be able to continue your life if she was gone. She scarified her own happiness to make you happy. Even if she would survive, she wanted to make sure that you had a nice life if she didn’t.” Travis said now with tears flowing like the other had. GD was speachless. The love of his life, dying and he didn’t know. She hurt him, and herself just to secure his happiness. And he had just treated her like she was nothing. Like an old toy, not worthy to be played with. “Travis. Where is she now? I need to talk to her.” GD said. “Will. Her condition just got worse. She was at check-up and then her body couldn’t hold on anymore. She collapsed. She being operated right now, and she might not make it.” Explained Travis. “No. No, no, NO!” Yelled GD “Baby you can’t just leave me! I love you!” He continued. Minzy was on the operatintable, not able to pick up on anything happenign around her. But somehow her heart skipped a beat when GD said that. “Will, come quick! She needs you! SHE LOVES YOU!” Yelled Travis with all his might. Then he was hung up on. He was confused, but not long after he got a text from GD saying: “Which hospital is she in? I’m comming!” Travis smiled at the text, but his worries didn’t disappear. He wrote him back, and told him to hurry up. Travis and the rest of the gang cuddled up, praying for a miracle to happen.
GD ran out his front door, forgetting everything. No boots, no coat. Only his cellphone, and the ring he always had been wearing. He ran, ran til he could no more. But that didnøt stop him. He cept on running. Running past the park, where they had their first kiss. That sweet, inocent kiss. Past the school, where they had none of the classes together, but still managed to be the couple spending the most time together. He ran past the restaurant named ‘Hot spot’, where he took Minzy out un their first date. That date was the reason for them to begin dating. There were so many places in this city where the both of them had created memories. This kind of ending could not be possible. There were still much more for them to do. He picked up his pace and ran faster than he was ever able to. His adrenalin was running, and he didn’t see where he was going. Though he had a clear enough head to chose the roads without cars. Or maybe his subconsciousness told him to do so. Either way he didn’t get hurt. A bike almost hit him, but he was fast enough to run past. The biker though, fell and hit his knee. GD didn’t care. “Minzy! Angela! Please just wait for me. I’ll be there soon enough!” GD hoped at least.
Minzy was in critical condition. Not breathing by herslef, and unable to think of anything. Her head just showed blackness. She wandered around in empty space. No one was there, but then she heard laughter. Her friends laughing. Did they laugh while she was lying there? She thought they didn’t care about her, but then she heard herself laugh to. A small view of her and her friends appeared in the black skies. They were all sitting in Danas room playing and laughing. Minzy saw herself together with GD. She didn’t know she had cancer at that time. She was so happy. And she missed it. Somehow she knew that comming back to the world of the living wouldn’t bring her back that happiness. She would have to stay in the hospital, and get check-ups every day. She had been feeling helpless ever since she got placed in that hospital bed. “I don’t want to feel helpless anymore.” She thought. She coudl hear something else. Someone crying. Not just someone. Everyone. were they crying for her? She heard Cala saying something between her sobs. “Please Angela. Come back to us won’t you? We all love you. William is here soon. He knows everything now. He knows.” Minzy smiled to herself. He knew. He knew what it all was about. Did i also know why? That was when Travis answered her question as if he heard her. “I told him everything Minzy. He is not angry, he cares for you. He loves you, and you should have known how much before you got to this horrible state.” They did so much for Minzy to be happy. To make her last days as perfect as possible. And they truly had been. She had been enjoying every moment of the time with them. Even the time where she was sad, and remembered GD. Because that was good things to remember. Her boyfriend that cared for her so much that he was willing to attach one of his best friends. The blackness became white. Minzy could feel the invitation. She was being invited to come to the other side. The side for the dead. She could feel the warmth of the place, and how she would get a great life there. But could she ever see her friends again? Their voices were fading, and the entrance to the afterlife became clearer and clearer. Then she felt something hitting her, no shocking her. “Clear!” someone said. Repeated over and over. “Clear!” The voices came back, but the entrance faded away. Minzy wanted that entrance. she wanted to be happy, and healthy. She loved her friends. Was it wrong to think about herself in this situation? Minzy just didn’t want living a life being a vegetable, if that was her only option if she stayed alive. But her friends called her. The room turned from white to grey. She was lost. Then, again, it was loke the gang heard her, leading her the right way. “Angela! Get well please! No matter if you have to leave us to get well, or comming back to us. It doesn’t matter!” Said Terry. “Terry is right sweety.” Said Dana. “Choose what is right for you. We will miss you, but we will know that you are okay, and that’s what matters the most.” They were all sitting in the hallway of the hospital, right outside the operation room, crowded together in a clump. They were praying for her. Praying for Minzys health.
GD was still running, but he was panting and loosing his streangth. He got a text from Travis: “We are praying for her to be happy and healthy, come quick if you want to say anything to her. She should choose what will be best for her. Don’t miss the chance to say anything to er!” This made GD run again. He would not let her leave without him having something to say about it. He would not allow her to leave. At least not if he was not there to hold her hand. He could see the hospital, and ran across the crass field to save time. He tripped over a rock scraping his hand. He saw the ring on his finger. The cheap metal was damaged, with scrapings all over. He got up and dusted the dirt of the ring, and didn’t care about himself. The ring was like seeing Minzy. It had scrapings and scars, but still holding on strong. He hoped that was true at least. He ran to the front door of the hospital, bursting inside, and ran to the information counter. “Where can i find Minzy, No i mean Angela Riggs room?” He asked panting. “Well she’s in surgery right now so she’s not in her room sir” The nurse behind the counter answered him with a simple smile. “Well where is she being operated?” He asked hurrying her up as she tried to figure it out. She took her time though as if nothing were at stake. “Are you a friend or family?” She asked. Why would she even care? That didn’t matter right now did it? He just gave her a glance telling her to hurry up or she would be sorry. “Um she’s in operation room 506.” She said. “And where is that!?” He tried not to yell at her, but she was pissing him off right now. “Just down the hall to your right and the make a left the first time you can. It will appear on your left.” She said in a hurry. GD clasped his flat hand on the counter looking her in the eyes showing her a little bit of gratitude. “Thanks!” He yelled as he began running for Minzys life. He was sweating and panting, but he didn’t notice. He rached the operation room and saw Damian waiting for him.
© 2012
Author's Note
ignore grammar
Added on April 1, 2012
Last Updated on April 1, 2012