Cry Silly Baby~

Cry Silly Baby~

A Poem by

Working past writers cramp!


The Rage of the wind, blowing outside my windows pane.

Sneaks in to encompass, caging old memories of lust~

Cold hard rain harrowing down, seeping cold inside my bones.

Suffocating my essence. Which is a must for life

In this moment, I look to thee,

Beg of thee to set me free.

I was wise to your kind, but

I was blind to you; I have never been trapped

Inside like this before.

This kind of maze holds me deep within regrets

Realizing mistakes, much to late

I beg of thee to set me free

Can you not be kind to me?

The rage of this rain, is killing me

This storm is strong like no others

It takes my breath from me

My soul, was given free

This storm that rages inside of me

Only needs to hear the words to settle

What the heart already hears inside it’s beats

Set me free, to dream of another

Another who wants to cherish me

I am for a simple soul of a woman

Whose needs you do not want~

Who’s temper can rage?

Whose love is fierce?

Kindness, is clear…

I will always want to touch your lips

I will always want to see what you hide behind those cold amber eyes.

I will always want your hands to taste what my body can offer to thee.

Please let me be, let my visions clear~

Before insanity stays with me!

© 2011

Author's Note

my muse is fused shut! :-(

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such a powerfully intense write. Just wow!
I think sopkenword has said it all.
This is deep, like it.

Posted 12 Years Ago

All the answers we will ever need are already inside of us, we often look outside of our self for answers or turn to others when our true spirit already knows what is, what shall be and what has to be done right now. We are the Master of our own fate there is no puppet master other than our own hands that make the paths we chose to walk on. Every tear I have ever cried I could have avoided if I listened to my spirit over my body and mind and yes my heart. We give so much to those who don't deserve it or who haven't earned it then our hearts get bruised for it. Turn in ward and seek your answers in the darkness and then bring it to the light and their if you are brave enough you will find true happiness. Beautiful feelings and emotions expressed poetically with style this poem is truly moving! Superb

Posted 12 Years Ago

Dont the thoughts and emotions always burn inside us .As society tells us to tuck these thoughts away for when we are alone and have no where else to play

Posted 12 Years Ago

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a very emotive and intense poem - felt the tension..

Posted 12 Years Ago

A very intense piece that had me captivated... all we need is love and when we have it all we should want is the love and not ask for more.

Posted 12 Years Ago

The poem is amazing. Each line taking me into questions and emotions. Sometime we over think things and become more lost. I like the desire and the emotion of the words. No weakness in the outstanding poetry.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on December 8, 2011
Last Updated on December 8, 2011


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