Christmas Time
Christmas time is the time of year when we reflect and give thanks to God above for the many blessings He has given us.
It is the time to share with friends and family the love of Christ.
Christmas time is about celebrating the birth and resurrection of Jesus Christ, Hence is why we call it CHRISTmas.
Christmas by any other name wouldnt be christmas. Then there would'nt be any reason to celebrate.
It's not about Santa Clause or giving gifts, because the greatest gift that could ever be given has already been given by Christ Himself. And thats the gift of life, for He died for our sins so that we may be free. He bore our debts on the cross. He asked His father to forgive us, for we know not what we've done.
Take this Chistmas season, and consider giving the biggest gift which is you.
No material possession could ever replace true emotion.
Also treasures in heaven add up more, than anything here on earth. We can't take things from this world, when we part.
So for this Christmas, Just give your HEART!!