Nothing works.
I try over and over,
But he won’t listen.
He can’t.
Dodging plates I fling,
And insults I yell,
I flee out the door.
Keys in hand, I unlock,
Step in and sit.
And I stay there a while.
Sitting back in the seat, I feel
Salty tears run down my cheeks.
I have not the strength to look back.
Wiping them away, I dig the key in.
Turning it, the roar leaps up from within.
In gear, foot off the break and down on the
Accelerator, the car lunges forward.
Outside, the lights blur by.
I feel safe.
Disconnected and finally alone,
I watch almost blindly
At the world passing by.
The roads are empty,
And the traffic lights stay green.
My mind turns off,
And everything fades away.
Thoughts of going back disappeared,
Thoughts of the future refused to exist. lacks any meaning to me.
I close my eyes, my hand turning the wheel
Through instinct.
An impact.
Bending metal and shattering glass. fades away.