

A Story by

An elf enters the room, ears sharp enough to cut through glass. (MAJOR overhaul done)



Gia rested her hand against the silky wooden door, her fingers like that of a pianist’s. They were long and delicate, and the skin was milky and unblemished. Perfect, without the effort many humans had to put in to achieve the same look. Gia’s elbow-length, white-blonde hair swirled around her face as she pushed open the door, which let out a soft squeal, and flitted elegantly into the room.
This room was pale as Gia’s skin and the carpet gave off the appearance of undisturbed snow. It was full of ordinary humans, all of them different sizes and shapes and colours. They ranged from the corpse-like pallor of a portly older man in the corner to the rich darkness of the elfin-figured young lady near the window. Of course, she wasn’t an elf. Her ears, uncovered by her tied-back hair, were perfectly rounded.
Gia unconsciously touched the pointed tip of one of her own. It was sharp enough to cut glass. She knew it was perfectly plausible to do, since she had tried it once when she was very young. Then, she was had only been seventeen years of age. That was twenty years ago when she had still been a small child. The elves lived long lives, and took a long time to reach maturity. For human standards, Gia would have only appeared seventeen now when she was in truth thirty-seven. Still an adolescent in the eyes of the elves.
One young man sitting on a white, immaculate couch touched his own ear. It was hidden behind long, dark hair. Gia’s hair was white-blonde, not an uncommon colour among the elves. She smiled at the young man, who stood with such poise that made Gia die a little inside. She would never be that graceful.
The young elf gave Gia a heartbreakingly beautiful smile, that small gesture sending a shudder through her body. Such power radiated from his slight form. Surely even the unobservant humans must have noticed the presence of a Gifted One in their midst. Gifted Ones were renowned for possessing magical talents that ordinary elves, or even the most extraordinary of humans, could never hope to grasp.
“Hello, Gia,” the male elf said as he approached her. “I’ve been waiting for you. I am Pem.”
Gia smiled shyly, just like she always did when meeting male elves. “Hi.” Someone coughed loudly, making Gia jump. Her heart raced and the hair on the back of her neck stood on end.
“You’re a nervous one, aren’t you?” Pem chuckled, though his eyes darkened. “Come sit with me.” Gia tried to match Pem’s step as she followed him to the couch, and failed miserably. Beside him, she felt clumsy and...average. It was a terrible thing. Gia had nothing but her looks to use to her advantage, and now she had met someone fairer than even she was. How did Pem walk like every move was perfectly choreographed in a dance?
Gia sat down with an ungraceful thud. Pem sat with her, his dark brown eyes staring into her pale silver. His jaw was tight but he otherwise appeared calm. Gia didn’t. She heard another cough, a wheezing cough of a dying man, and it broke her absorption. They were not among elves, she remembered. They were among humans, who were so fragile and fallible that it would not have been a surprise if one of them had dropped dead right then.
“Death will come for all of us one day,” Pem whispered, his eyes sweeping around the room as if he was looking for something. “We elves are not nearly as good at accepting our own mortality as humans are.” Something in his expression worried Gia. It was like he was waiting for something to happen. Even when he was so distracted, he still could speak with the wisdom of a Gifted One. He couldn’t have been much older than Gia, yet he spoke like he was three times that age.
“Is that why you brought me here?” Gia asked.
A smile worked its way through Pem’s focused expression. “No. You picked up on that rather quickly, didn’t you?”
“It was pretty obvious.”
“I suppose it was.” Pem frowned at something behind them and lowered his voice so only Gia could hear. “We’ve been watching you for a long time, now. We think you’re nearly ready to bloom.”
“I don’t understand.”
“You’re a Gifted One, Gia, just like me.” Pem examined the room. “Can you feel it?”
“Feel what?” Gia’s palms were slick with perspiration. She tried to wipe them on her pants without giving herself away. Elves were not supposed to sweat.
“The danger here.”
“Oh.” Something fell into place. “That’s why something doesn’t feel right?”
“Yes.” Pem scowled. “I didn’t think it was this bad. This was a mistake. We should have met somewhere else. You must be a Reader.”
“A Reader?”
Pem pulled Gia to her feet. “I’ll explain later. Now, we have to get out of here.” Even the leafy green ferns brushing against the windows suddenly felt ominous. Pem and Gia rushed out the door, which slammed behind them as they escaped from a danger unknown.

© 2010

Author's Note

The picture is not mine, as is the case with all the pictures I've used for my stories thus far...except for my Writer's Block piece. People have commented that they'd like more of this, but I just don't have any at the moment. The idea for this story has stemmed into a bigger idea for a novel, which is a first. Normally I have novel idea first and then write a short story using the world and characters created for the novel. It will be a long time before I have more on this, as I have numerous other projects in progress at the moment.

My Review

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This was a pleasure to read. To make it even better, why not add a little background information? Also, your paragraphs could be longer. At present, it reads slightly like a theatrical or TV script.

More detailed descriptions of the key characters, would also help to make this more interesting for the reader. As another reviewer has suggested, it would be nice if you added to this piece! It may be worth submitting to the "Beyond Fantasy" Group on this site (of which I am also a member), for others to read, share or review?

I noticed that you have another piece which references writer's block. That may be worth including in my own Group, "Twilight's Disciples"? Keep reading, writing, sharing and reviewing, Ann Elise!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


Well-written and I hope you write more of it. I had some difficulty visualizing the scene because of uncertaintly about the size of the elves. The word "elf" by itself brings to my mind a creature maybe three feet tall, or even a few inches tall. But I got the sense that these elves are human-sized, like Tolkien's elves. For me, something at the start to establish that they're human-sized would help (if they are). Maybe, for many people now, familiarity with Tolkien's elves has caused people to stop thinking of elves as small, in which case it wouldn't be necessary. If so, that's an interesting change in people's imaginations.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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This was a great read. I would love to read more. I'm glad to hear this idea became a novel idea. I hope to read it one day.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

The story was amazing. You left me with a open ending. What did they run from? Gia had great power. Few could create fear in her. Complete story was very good. You made wish to read more. A excellent story.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

An evolving female heroine prepubesant form ..a female warrior like My own Ladies of Hawk Dragon..with your permission i would love to borrow the characters and the plot for one of My stories..?Please read collections and chapters? I would love your reviews..ty, Sir /nitsuki1

Posted 14 Years Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.

i like this story! and im so happy to have a fantasy story that isnt about vampires or werewolves submitted in my contest! Not that I dont love them but it gets repetitive. It also helps that ive always beem fascinated by elves. lol the only the I disliked was that it wasnt longer!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Posted 15 Years Ago

I enjoyed this story. I loved the interaction between the two elves and definitely would love to read more, as they both sound interesting!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Well done. I particularly enjoyed the interaction between the two elves and would definitely have an interest in learning more about them. My only observation personally is that I would have liked more of a time and place setting, so that I could identify the world a little better. Is it set within the standard fantasy elf backdrop of some medieval and magical world, or are we witnessing a scene from a contemporary setting - are these elves walking among us now? If confronted, are these elves going to pull a gun or a sword? I couldn't tell from the descriptions when and where we were, but some of the references made me feel like it may have been closer to the contemporary setting than the medieval - such as the reference to a pianist or being sharp enough to cut glass. Just a thought. Otherwise, I liked it and again, I particularly liked the suspense built between the elves in relation to who and what they are. Thanks for a good read.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Kind of suspenseful in a way.I enjoyed this write alot. I thought it all read very well. You have wonderful imagery going on. Wonderful detail as well. This is a wonderful write I liked this. This would be more wonderful if you had more. It's a great write as it is though.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This was a pleasure to read. To make it even better, why not add a little background information? Also, your paragraphs could be longer. At present, it reads slightly like a theatrical or TV script.

More detailed descriptions of the key characters, would also help to make this more interesting for the reader. As another reviewer has suggested, it would be nice if you added to this piece! It may be worth submitting to the "Beyond Fantasy" Group on this site (of which I am also a member), for others to read, share or review?

I noticed that you have another piece which references writer's block. That may be worth including in my own Group, "Twilight's Disciples"? Keep reading, writing, sharing and reviewing, Ann Elise!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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12 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on December 7, 2009
Last Updated on January 5, 2010
Tags: elf, elves, danger
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