Oh boys how ou make us girls go crazy. Right so, I have no problem with guys, they're nice and s**t. The thing is, I find it that us girls usually go for the guy that are way up there out of our league, after several rejections, we drop out standards way too far down. Then we realise we're going for tears and get these guys in the middle. The problem is that I keep on finding guys that want to be 'frienifits' or friends with benefits. I have no problem with this s**t though, I made a promise to myself way, way, way back. That don't cry over guys and I hav lived to that unless I don't have a sexual connection to them in that way. So boys, you nieeve boys. I will never cry over one I you if you break up with me. I'm stronger than that and the promise 'never cry over a******s' has helped me too.
So thank f**k I was scared of a relationship at the moment it would have been a together forever thing and f**k I could not deal with that. So thanks for trying to put me down gently, but I can handle this mate!