![]() Contractor: Chapter - 47A Chapter by Outdated Account![]() So many puns to choose from, and I pick "pump it"![]() “How long do you think this’ll take
Felix?” Amy asked, her voice still cold. I’d had to force her to even think
about letting him help her. It had been three days since the warehouse and she
still wasn’t fully recovered from the silver bullet, two of which she’d spent
lying dead in our room with a knife in her heart. Reviving her had been so
surreal, not at all like it felt when I revived. “That all depends on how much metal
you want to remain in your bloodstream, dear.” Felix was nothing like he’d been
the first time I saw him. He was just as cold as Amy was, and I got the feeling
he might have actually made things worse had both Dante and Hope not insisted
he help. “The filtering process is slow and the more you fight it the harder it
will be.” I hadn’t expected Dante’s request
for the bullets to have anything to do with Amy. Apparently Dante had given
them to Felix to analyze and create a solution for Amy, and the odd case anyone
in the house was ever shot with one again. Felix’s solution was a complex
looking machine that looked like it pumped the blood through it and filtered
out the silver then returned it to the body. I’d heard of people doing
something similar when donating blood plasma. I imagined this would be much
more painful. “Just stick the needles in and turn
the stupid machine on.” Amy held out both arms and Felix stuck a needle
attached to a tube in each. Each tube led to a different end of the machine,
which looked oddly like an old timey cash register, and held out a small
capsule for Amy to take. “What will this do?” “It is a poison of sorts,
completely harmless to one such as yourself. It will increase your heart rate
and make things move a little more quickly.” Amy took the capsule and swallowed
it, never taking her eyes off Felix. I watched carefully as he pushed down
several buttons on the machine and it hummed to life. Amy had insisted that I
stay for the entire operation in case he decided he wanted to kill her. “Since
your body seems to be containing the metal particles in your bloodstream
exclusively this will be easier than some of the other possibilities I’d
prepared for. Be glad I don’t have to remove and regraft your skin or muscle, I
don’t particularly enjoy doing it myself and not a single patient has enjoyed
it yet. It was a favorite method of intimidation for Victor though, so I am
quite good at it.” Blood slowly began to move up the
tube attached to Amy’s right arm and into the machine. I could see her jaw
clench in pain but she refused to show any other sign that she was suffering at
all. How she managed to stay focused enough to ignore the pain was beyond me,
then again I had yet to be poisoned. So it might not have actually been as bad
as I was making it up to be. She might have still been angry that she had ended
up going to Felix for help and nothing else. She seriously seemed to hate the
guy. I was about to flat out ask but the second I looked at Amy and opened my
mouth to speak Felix interrupted me. “I don’t think you want her to open
her mouth, Samantha. She’ll be in quite a bit of pain for a good while.” He
paused to watch as blood began to flow out the opposite end of the machine and
into Amy’s other arm. “I know I don’t want to hear her scream, probably about
as much as she doesn’t want to be hearing the sound of my voice right now.
Unfortunately she’ll just have to deal with it for the time being. Perhaps her
anger will help her cope with the pain.” “Maybe I can ask you something
then?” I was still debating whether or not I trusted Felix enough to answer a
question honestly. He seemed much more secure and open now that he wasn’t
panicking over a nearly dead Dante. Asking couldn’t hurt. “Ask away my dear, I have nothing
better to do than answer your questions seeing as I’m stuck here while the
operation is in progress.” His slightly moody reply made me hesitate, but I
could tell he wasn’t going to be completely unresponsive. “Why do you two dislike each other
so much?” Amy grunted in pain as I asked but otherwise remained silent. “She dislikes me much more than I
dislike her. I merely dislike that she dislikes me. It’s hard to hold a grudge
for as long as she has, and I’m impressed it’s lasted this long.” Felix sighed,
I got the feeling his side of the story was twisted. “All I did was ruin her
mortal life and end up giving her an immortal one by accident. I was foolish
back then, thinking I wanted to live forever. I won’t deny that I’ve enjoyed my
time but there are only so many islands where you can relax on the beach and
watch the ocean.” He glanced at me like he thought I might understand. I
didn’t. “So what did you actually do?” I
really didn’t want to go behind Amy’s back but I didn’t want to ask her while
she was in pain and likely to scream uncontrollably the second she opened her
mouth. “I was an actual doctor… a long
time ago, and I saved the life of girl named Agatha. It was an odd job,
actually, I was hired for my mind and given whatever resource I could possibly
use to save her. In return for my service I was promised that my lifespan would
be extended to match hers. I was already nearing the end of the average
lifespan and I thought a few extra years would be nice. Then I thought, what if
I could live forever? The girl’s father had made such a deal with another man,
and my deal with the father had shown me just what sort of things he was
capable of. So I made a proposal to the father, a prosperous gentleman by the
name of Victor, asking if I might share the same eternity as him. He rejected
my proposal, content with his daughter’s mortal life and her ability to
continue to live and die like every other normal person.” His expression had
progressively become more angry as he told his story when it suddenly relaxed
as he paused. His voice became calmer as he continued. “So I devised a plan. He
clearly disliked me. The only reason he had extended my life at all was as a
courtesy, a thank you for a miracle. The miracle that saved his daughter who he
would do anything for, whose life mine was now tied to. So surely if she became
like her father, immortal, so would I. With this in mind I approached a girl,
starving on the side of the road with her sick brother, I promised the girl
that if she did something for me I would save her brother’s life and assure his
return to good health. She agreed without asking what it was I wanted her to
do, the thought of saving her brother more important than her own fate. I asked
her to kill Agatha. If she neared death her father would save her as he had
been saved and I would live forever.” He laughed, the sound sent a shiver down
my spine. “And it worked.” “So you’re the reason she became a
collector, Hope became a contractor, and it’s your own fault that everyone
hates you.” “When you live forever you make
enemies, they can’t touch me though, not so long as they care about Hope’s
life. The contract works both ways, if you kill one of us you kill both of us.
It’s despicable, and I’m okay with that.” Amy growled at him again, but didn’t
move otherwise. --------------- “That should do it.” Felix exhaled
evenly as he pressed down a button on the machine and all the others popped up.
The humming stopped and the blood left in the tubes found its way back to Amy.
“Do you feel any stress in your pulse? Anything being rejected?” “No.” Amy’s mouth hardly moved,
she’d been holding it closed for so long she might have been stuck. “Not yet
anyways. If you say you’re done I’ll believe you. Just because I know you want
to be done as much as I do.” “If I wanted to be done faster, I
would have done a poorer job. I actually enjoyed being able to help you. It
reminds me of when I was a real doctor.” Something about the way he’d said it
gave me the impression he resented what he’d done despite what he’d said
earlier. “Touching.” Amy rolled her eyes
before turning to me. “Can we go now?” “Nothing stopping you from
leaving.” I shrugged. “I’m just along for the ride, so lead on.” I motioned
towards the door and Amy walked out but I stayed behind as I watched Felix
carry away the machine. “Where are you headed now?” “I was thinking a Mediterranean
cruise.” Felix answered over his shoulder. “I think I want some sun after being
cramped in this dark hole for so long.” “Bottle some for me.” I laughed. It
might have actually been possible and I didn’t know any better, but I just
laughed before I jogged out of the room to catch up with Amy. “Having a nice little chat with
your friend the doctor?” Amy growled. She was intentionally walking faster than
necessary just to force me work a little bit harder to catch up. “Don’t get me
wrong, I’m not jealous. You can talk to whoever you want, I don’t think we’re
actually that close and that you talked to him is not what bothers me. He is a
disgusting and vile man, completely self-consumed in his morbid little world
where he is the only one that matters. He ruined my life in the worst way
possible, and it may have been a long time ago but do not even try to justify
what happened or find any kind of redeeming qualities. I do not want to talk or
even think about it or him.” I was going to remain silent but something popped
into my head. “But he did save your brother.” Amy
stopped suddenly mid stride and I cringed, just waiting to get an earful. “Yeah. I know.” She was calmer than
I had expected. “That is literally the only good thing he has ever done and it
only balances out part of what he did to me. I was a decent, moral, albeit poor
girl before he dragged me into this mess for his own stupid purposes. If my
brother had never gotten sick we would have both ended up living fulfilling
lives and creating two healthy family lines. He’s killed hundreds because I
never got a chance to live my life and have a family and children and
grandchildren.” She had slowly devolved into tears. “So yeah, our family didn’t
die out entirely, but half of it never got a chance to even exist.” “Is that like, permanent though?” I
was curious, no one had ever said being a collector was permanent thing. “Can
Hope like, un-immortalize you or something?” Unlike contractors, we still had
our bodies, so if we got our souls back it made sense that we’d go back to
being normal. “She never would, even though it’s
Felix’s fault she still blames me for everything. I could have said no to him
and he could have gotten some other schmuck to kill her for him, but I said
yes.” She’d gotten angry again. “The worst part is I can’t actually kill him or
even hurt him, even though he’d be a lot easier to kill. He has the same stupid
protections Hope has that prevent me from attacking her.” “Well.” I sighed, I really had no
place in the story. These were her demons, and it kind of hurt to hear them. I
had kind of idolized her and to see her breakdown was really sad. “At least
you’re being honest with yourself.” “Oh, shut up.” She laughed dryly.
“What are you, my therapist?” “No, but I feel like we should have
one of those.” I bet there were contractors that actually had therapists, or
had some kind of psychology background themselves. “Or is time our therapist or
something stupid like that?” “That sounds about right. It’s
probably more effective to just let us brood than to try and figure out what
our problems are.” “Cheaper too.” I tried to mimic
Dante, I don’t think I got the tone down but the quiet creepiness was easy.
“That just sounds like something Dante would pop in and say before dragging
someone into some ridiculous job.” Amy burst out laughing. “Well it is.” Dante mumbled. I had
actually expected him then and he had not caught me at all by surprise. His
slightly offended tone made me laugh. “On both accounts. Cheaper and something
I would say. Since you know me so well, however, I’ll just let you have at it
then and try and guess where I’ll be dragging you off to next.” “Well I’ve been stabbed about a
million times, burned alive, and beaten to death so far, so probably somewhere
where I can freeze to death or drown.” “I don’t think we can actually
freeze to death.” Amy muttered thoughtfully. “I’ve never done it myself so I
don’t know but we would probably heal fast enough to avoid it. It is a slow way
out and an even slower death to revive from, so I’d rather not test it out.” “Wrong.” Dante answered flatly. He motioned down the hall. “My office.” © 2016 Outdated Account |
Added on October 7, 2016 Last Updated on December 31, 2016 Tags: novel, full length, serial, death, the grim reaper, grim reaper, business, contract, contracts, contract law, deal, demon deal, deal with the devil, supernatural, paranormal, fiction, adventure, etc. Author