![]() Contractor: Chapter - 32A Chapter by Outdated Account![]() Now introducing: Metal bras... Innovation of the millennia.![]() “You
look a little angry, I take it you didn’t learn anything useful?” Amy was
laughing quietly from her seat at the chess board. “I
can’t believe Dante did all that, just to tell me that there was no escape and
that I should be doing what I was already doing because it’s supposed to be the
right thing. He actually had the gall to ask me to trust him, can you believe
that?” “Absolutely.
I’d expect nothing less from him, he’s disgusting.” “Well
thanks for telling me.” I fell back into the bed and stared at the freshly
stirred dust. “Not
a problem sister.” She tapped a piece off the board. “You’re calling him by his
name now…?” She gave me a glance, which was a slight deviation from her normal
chess behavior. “Yeah,
I give up on being professional, one more victory for the dark side.” “If
it’s any consolation I’ll give you credit for not falling at his knees and
begging him for servitude.” “Does
that actually happen?” There was no way that could possibly happen. “See
for yourself.” Something dropped onto the bed next to my head, stirring up more
dust. “What
is it?” I felt too lazy to even turn to look. “It’s
a book I took from Dante’s library. The guy likes books, among other things, if
you didn’t know.” “Reading
is boring.” I’d never been fond of reading, English and literature courses had
always been the hardest on me in school and had always been my lowest scoring
subjects. Not that I’d really had a high scoring subject to begin with. English
was just one of the many reasons I stopped going to school. It was also
probably the reason I didn’t like reading in the first place. “Just
read it or I’ll regret aiming just shy of your head.” I
reached blindly for the book until I felt the rough texture of the unjacketed
hardcover. It was thinner than what I’d been expecting from the cloud of dust.
I guess that just meant the bed was dustier than I imagined. Why there was even
a bed in a house full of people that never slept felt incredibly stupid the
more I thought about it. It was just another question that would hang around in
my head chasing the promise of an answer that would never come. I was starting
to think that this book was going to be the same way, it was just going to
almost answer one of my questions and give me a hundred more. “I
don’t know. I feel like this is a trick.” “What
did I just say?” I didn’t have to look to know that the expression on her face
would not be pleasant. I
opened the book in the middle and flipped back to the front page. It was weird,
there was dust on the cover from the bed but the pages and everything else were
clean. There wasn’t even a crease in the paper from being held open. Ten pages
in and I couldn’t see why, it was a good book. I could sympathize with the main
character, a boy that was forced into working for a monster to prove that he
was worth keeping alive. It
took me what I assumed was a while to finish it. I heard Amy finish three games
while I read. I wasn’t a big fan of the end, but there wasn’t really another
way it could have ended. The main character had to die because the point of the
book was that death was inevitable. The more I thought about it the more it
sounded like an attempt to appeal to Dante’s ego. This book was about him, he
was the monster and the boy had to have been some poor sap that he’d
contracted. I looked at the spine of the book again. Dear Death by A.W Carroll. I tossed the book back into the dust. “Hey,
Amy, who’s this A…” My throat closed up out of nowhere and I was left choking
on my own words. It was the same thing that had happened when Dante had forced
me to be silent. This was completely random though, Dante wasn’t here and he
hadn’t given me a serious direct command in a while. I actually had to think
about it before I figured out why I was choking. “It’s the kid I killed isn’t
it.” “Took
you long enough to figure it out. Practically wrote the book on his life, only
part he missed is when you put a bullet through his heart. Sadly he couldn’t
see the future when he was writing or regenerate after you killed him. Kid was
just a lackey, still can’t even remember why he was with Hope when you killed
him.” I tensed up a little more every timed she said that I’d killed him. Worthless
pathetic lackey or not he was still mostly human. Human enough for me to be
able to kill him. No matter who he was, murder was something I could never live
down even if I lived forever. “I
bet learning a little more about the kid that got you into this mess hasn’t
really changed anything. That’s one bet I feel I can win against Dante.” “Wait,
what?” Getting tricked by Dante into doing something was to be expected.
Getting tricked by Amy was a more painful betrayal. “Dante
had Hope make me give you that book. Neither of them said anything about
telling you what they were up to afterward. Consider this explanation my
apology. Whether he wanted you to figure out about young A.W. Carol or not is
irrelevant, I can only assume there is some other meaning he wants to convey to
you through this little exercise. It could even be that you shouldn’t trust me,
which to be fair, you really shouldn’t trust me that much. What it is he
actually wants you to think only the two of you can know.” “I
don’t get it.” I shrugged. “But you’ve got me thinking, I have an idea that I
bet he didn’t even see coming.” “What?”
Amy looked playfully curious. “I
think I’ll be the jerk and let you guys figure it out slowly this time. Up for
a game of chess?” “Sure,
I always am. Why though? You get that you can’t win right? Those first few
games were just to humor you.” “Well
humor me one more time, I need something to do while I wait.” “Wait
for what?” I just smiled. “Really? I get that you don’t like that they’re not
telling you things, but that doesn’t mean you should take it out on me.” “That’s
just part of the game though, isn’t it? They want me to trust, then I’ll let my
guard down around you and they can force information out of you.” “Or I
could just tell them. Save myself the hassle of being staked.” “Exactly.
So I figure if they want information out of you, they won’t get it if you don’t
have it.” “But
then they’ll just punish me, do you really want that weighing on your
conscious?” “You’re
just as much of a murderer as I am, probably more so. Your punishment would
help me get rid of some of the guilt I have. I’ll be fair though, because
you’ve been more or less nice to me. If you want me to open up to you, you’ll
have to read me through how I play.” Not only was I shutting down one route of
feedback to Dante, but I could also test Amy’s willingness as a spy. The slower
she played and the longer she took to analyze my moves the more willing she
probably was. If she just played at her normal rate she’d win just as easily,
but it meant she didn’t care as much about helping Dante. “White
or black then?” “Black.”
I smiled, more so to confuse her, but I guess I enjoyed the thought of confusing
her so it kind of justified itself.
I had
lost four games in a row. I’d expected to lose, Amy had been right, she had
been humoring me. The rate at which I lost, however, was constant. That
disappointed me, it meant Amy was being more careful and reading my moves more
intently. All signs pointed to her being a willing spy. I still couldn’t
understand why. It was obvious her dislike for Hope was genuine and she wasn’t
entirely broken to the point where she’d blindly obey, I could tell that much
just from having talked with her. She had a strong resentment towards anything
involving contractors. Why would she be a willing spy for them then? “How
many games do you intend to lose before you give up?” Amy was getting
aggravated. “I
would hardly call it losing, but if you really want to know, I’ll play for as
long as it takes.” Which was until either Dante came looking for me, curious as
to why I didn’t go to him first, or Amy went and got Dante herself. I knew he
was waiting for me to come looking for him because he’d just presented me with
tempting incomplete information. One question would lead to another and I’d end
up knowing less than when I’d started. “You
win Dante, you can come in now.” Amy called over to the door then turned back
to me. “For the record I was actually betting on you.” “And
she was probably better off losing.” Dante walked in hardly making a sound, I
hadn’t been paying attention but the door had probably been open a crack. He
could have been listening the entire time. “Cough it up.” Amy
rolled her eyes as she got up and crouched down beside the bed. Dante followed
her and took something out of her hands before she was finished pulling it out
from under the bed. “As I
said, Samantha, it’s a good thing she lost. Today would be a bad day for you
otherwise.” Dante dropped what looked like a harness on the chess table,
carelessly knocking over pieces in the process. “I’ve won you some training
wheels.” “Say
what?” I glanced at Amy for an answer but she was still pouting over the mess. “Since
you really only have one weakness this armor will only cover your heart. You
and Amy are about the same size so you shouldn’t need to do much adjusting on
the straps. I’ll be waiting outside.” He walked out the door and this time I
paid attention to the click that meant it was closed all the way. “He’s
a much faster researcher than I gave him credit for, he’s a real jerk too.” Amy
had begun to pick chess pieces up off the floor as I took my shirt off. “I
never did like that thing though… slows you down, limits your range of
movement. You don’t have to wear it if you don’t want to.” “Does
it look like I don’t want too?” I caught her eyes latch onto the scar over my
heart for a brief second. “No,
considering you’re already trying to put it on… incorrectly.” She stopped with
the chess set and lifted the heavy leather straps from off my shoulders. I was
honestly a little embarrassed, I felt like a little girl again that didn’t
quite have the hang of putting a bra on yet… which wasn’t too far off. “Here.”
She put the straps back on over my head and positioned the metal plates over
the scar on my chest and on my back first before pulling down on a strap on my
left side. The tightness of the straps pushed the air out of my lungs and I was
breathless for a second. “See what I mean, less mobility in the arms and to be
honest it chafes a little.” I tried to put my shirt back on and couldn’t quite
manage to get it on without it getting stuck on the straps on my back which I
couldn’t quite reach. “Little
help?” Amy
tugged the fabric loose and pulled my braid out from underneath the shirt. I
tried moving around, she was right, the harness limited the range of movement
in my arms and I felt considerably heavier. “You’re
right, it’s not comfortable at all, but if it’ll stop me from getting staked,
stabbed, or shot through the heart, it’s worth it.” “I’m
surprised, for someone that seemed so rebellious and intent on not listening to
orders a second ago, you made the choice to put that armor on rather quickly.” “Just
because I put on the armor doesn’t mean I intend to follow orders. I figure
it’s just a nice thing to have, heck it’ll even make it harder for you to stake
me if Hope tries to make you as punishment for my ill behavior. Your loss in
that little wager is my win, but still Dante’s loss.” “So
does that mean you’re up for another game?” Amy was failing to conceal a smile. “Looks
like you get my plan.” “It’s
a stupid plan, but hey, I’m bored.” Amy sat back down at the table and finished
resetting the board. “I’ll
take black again.” I sat down and waited for her to make her move. “No.”
Dante opened the door and walked over to me. “I tried to be nice but this is
important. No games. Stand.” My legs stiffened but I resisted and managed to
stay sitting, but unable to focus on much else. “So it’s going to be like
that.” Dante grabbed the collar of the back of my shirt and yanked me up. “I
won’t bother doing you the favor of telling you what you’re about to walk into
then, you’ll have to figure things out on your own without any knowledge of how
to win. All I will give you is some very basic advice, kill it before it kills you." “What?” Dante put his hand on the flat of my back shoved me forward into darkness. The familiar feeling of disorientation gave me a good idea of what had just happened. “Funny Dante, how about some light.” I waited but there was no response. “Dante?” I could have sworn I heard the faint sound of someone snickering in some distant patch of darkness, but I couldn’t be sure. “Amy was right, you’re a jerk!” © 2016 Outdated Account |
Added on September 4, 2016 Last Updated on October 30, 2016 Tags: macabre, novel, full length, serial, death, the grim reaper, grim reaper, business, contract, contracts, contract law, deal, deal with the devil, supernatural, paranormal, fiction, adventure, etc. Author