![]() Contractor: Chapter - 29A Chapter by Outdated Account![]() "I'm feeling stupid today"![]() The growing noise of a squeaky
wheel accompanied the return of Hannes from the midst of what I assumed was
serious business disguised as brunch… or brunch disguised as serious business,
it could have very well been both. I stepped aside as Julian held the door open
for him and his cart. Hannes looked confused. “Hannes, what’s wrong? You look
uneasy.” Julian was acting more startled than Hannes was. “He… actually ate my food.” Hannes
sounded shocked. “The second I wheeled the cart out the kid had this look on
his face like he knew exactly how I felt.” “Sympathy?” Julian’s voice had
gotten louder. “A sympathetic contractor? You people are mad. Sam, you can’t
honestly believe he’s not pulling your strings like a puppet!” “I know that’s exactly what he’s
trying to do, but it doesn’t matter. The less I fight him the more freedom I
have, that’s all that matters right now.” “Yeah that or he’s got you lying to
us so that when Trish asks we’ll tell her exactly what you told us.” “He’s not making me do anything,
whether you trust me on that or not isn’t my problem.” I shrugged. I really
honestly didn’t care. “Yeah, well, I’m feeling stupid
today. See you in a century if you’re still around.” “Wait what are you going to do?”
Hannes was trying to hold him back as he pushed his way through the doors and
into the adjacent room but stepped back almost immediately after. I was
confused as to why Hannes hadn’t been able to hold him back, he was definitely
bigger, but somehow Julian managed to cut away at his arms with a knife or
something. I hadn’t even seen a sharp edge on him. Wherever he’d kept it
concealed he’d gotten it out quickly, quietly, and stealthily. I hadn’t even
seen him move his arms. “He wasn’t always such a hothead.”
Hannes sighed as he wrapped a rag around the cut in his arm. “I’m just glad
that whatever Trish does to him hasn’t happened to me yet.” “I guess you’re lucky you’re just
the coo…” “Samantha.” Dante called from the
other room. His voice was still in that normal bored monotone despite Julian’s
interruption. “Great…” I sighed and made my way
through the double doors myself. “What do you want Dante?” “I just wanted to have you here
since Julian decided to barge in. Now the board is even again, neither of us
are intimidated and Trish won’t be as furious towards Julian.” I was beginning
to see something new cross his face as he turned to look towards Julian who was
fuming silently at Trish’s side. “I may still be a boy at heart and never
really loved or lost but I tremble to imagine what she might do.” “You.” It hadn’t sounded like much
but something about what Dante said made Julian’s eyes bulge and a maniacal
look came over his face as he started to laugh. “Sorry Trish, looks like he’s
broken after all. What should we do with him? Don’t they generally put down mad
dogs?” Dante was still calm and collected. “You did win the wager. I’m a woman
of my word, I suppose I’ll have to do without my favorite toy for a while.” “No, wait,” Julian had begun to
panic. “Trish he’s…” “What did you say to me!” Trish
exploded out of nowhere. “Did I just hear you say no?” Crimson mist started to pour off Trish as she stood. Julian
was helpless as he was crushed where he stood, choking on a pillar of the mist.
A shiver went down my spine as Trish sat back down calmly and the mist faded
away revealing Julian’s limp body as it crashed to the floor. “I’ve told him a
thousand times, no isn’t something I
want to hear.” “I’d tell Samantha the same thing
only I find it to be too important of a word to not use.” Dante lifted a cup of
tea from the table in front of him and took a sip. “For instance, if I ask a
question about information I’ve asked her to gather, no can be a completely reasonable
answer.” “I only have a problem if he says
it in English. He knows other languages, some of which I find the word no
quite… stimulating in.” I’d thought Hope was a sick puppy, but she just had a
little bit of the mange. Trish was rabid. “Well, then I’ll admit, that was a
fairly impressive miscalculation on his part.” His put down his cup and took on
a slightly more business like posture. “That covers half of the bargain,” Dante
gestured to Julian’s limp body. “Now the other half.” “I must say it’s certainly been
interesting doing business with you but I don’t know if I can just give this
away to you.” Trish had lifted up a thin golden chain around her neck to reveal
a small tear shaped piece of glass dangling at the end. “It must be incredibly
important to you if you were desperate enough to make such a dangerous bet to
get it. Why should I hand it over so easily?” Dante stood slowly and walked over
to Trish’s side and leaned down to whisper something in her ear. I couldn’t
hear it but she giggled and blushed like a teenage girl. He pulled back and she
grabbed the chain from around her neck, snapped it off and gently dropped it in
his waiting open hand. He nodded to me and began to walk away. I was stunned
for a second unable to comprehend what he’d just done, I tripped along as I
tried to follow him. As I followed him out of the room I looked back at Trish
who hadn’t moved. A trickle of blood was dripping down the side of her head.
She absently wiped it away as she watched us leave. Dante grabbed my shoulder
as we turned a corner and we were gone. “What did you say to her?” I backed
away from him as soon as my head stopped spinning. “I tried to kill her.” He turned
away as he said it. “I imagine it tickled.” “What was that about killing?” Hope
appeared at his side but he held her away. It was the first active sign of
rejection I’d seen him give her. She had gotten a hold of him with one hand but
he pulled it off and walked away down the hall. “Dante, what happened?” She
sounded genuinely hurt. “Talk to me!” Hope ran up and pulled at his arm to turn
him around but he wouldn’t look at her. “Look at me Dante!” She reached for his
chin but he caught her hand and pulled it down to her side. “I need to breathe for a bit.
Please…” Hope managed to get her hand free
and reach his chin before he could stop her from turning his head. His
shoulders drooped and his hands fell to his sides. His eyes, I couldn’t not
stare at them, the beautiful deep blue that had welcomed me to my new life had
turned to a dark red. They matched the blood dripping down his chin from his
mouth. He was looking down and to the left, away from both me and Hope.
Whatever it was that he’d done, he was ashamed. I knew exactly how he felt,
trying to kill someone kills a little bit of who you are, even if the victim
was Trish. “Is this it?” Hope was crying
gently as her shaking hands fumbled to grab ahold of a handkerchief to wipe the
blood away. “It’s not that bad, see?” “I can’t do it Agatha… I’m sorry.
I’m just not… strong enough.” Dante closed his eyes and rested his head on
hers. “It’s okay, I’ve got you.” She
wrapped her arms around him. “I’ll get you to Felix and he’ll fix you up.” They
vanished in front of me and I was left alone in the hall with so many
questions. I walked down the hall away from
where they had vanished and stood in front of the door to the room that I
shared. The mere thought of having sympathy for Dante felt so wrong to me, I
was his slave and I had every right
to hate him, but I couldn’t not feel bad for him. The second his cold shell
fell apart he was just a boy in the middle of a crazy mess. I let my head drop
forward and smack into the door. “Who is it?” Amy called from the
other side of the door. I doubt she heard anything that had just happened. Even
if she had, I doubt she would have cared. “Apparently the most recent victim
of stockholm syndrome.” I grunted as I let myself in. “Julian says hi, by the
way.” © 2016 Outdated Account |
Added on June 21, 2016 Last Updated on October 30, 2016 Tags: macabre, novel, full length, serial, death, the grim reaper, grim reaper, business, contract, contracts, contract law, deal, deal with the devil, supernatural, paranormal, fiction, adventure, etc. Author