![]() Contractor: Chapter - 24A Chapter by Outdated Account![]() A chapter with a view.![]() “Tell me a story.” “Okay, what kind of story?” “Tell me… a love story.” “Let me think… how about this. Once
upon a time, in a city like most, there lived a boy. And although he was young,
the boy had all the ability in the world to do whatever it was his heart desired.
But sadly, his heart did not desire anything. Though others desired things for
him, intelligence, money, fame, responsibility, he had no desires of his own
and he lamented his emptiness. So one day, at the height of his despair, he
ventured into the neighboring city of the lost. It was a dark and dangerous
place inhabited only by those who were searching for what they once had,
nonetheless, he ventured alone among its streets. The boy thought that surely
by being in a place filled with desire, he could find something to truly yearn
for; but all the wants of all the wandering could not inspire him. And so, he
drifted among the people in that place as more a stranger than any one of them,
never having had something in his heart to begin with.” “I told you to tell me a love story,
not a tragedy.” “I’m getting there, just hold on for
a bit longer.” “Fine…” “So the boy wandered, until he
entered the house of the king of the lost. Now the king was the only one in the
whole city who knew what he wanted, though no one was entirely sure what that
was, and so he was the only one qualified to lead them. In the employment of
the king was a powerful noble lord that served as an adviser. This advisers only desire was to fill the loneliness in his heart, and although he had a
beautiful daughter that he cared for deeply, her loneliness was his loneliness.
The king, wearied by his advisers woes, saw the boy and at once introduced him
to that beautiful daughter knowing that the two could find happiness together.
The instant that the boy saw that nobleman’s daughter, he fell in love, and knew
his only purpose in life could only ever be to love her and bring her joy.” “And they fell in love, married, and
lived happily ever after. That was a good story.” “That isn’t how it ends though.” “Don’t ruin this, the boy fell in
love, let him be happy. Let the ending be happy. Let me be happy.” “I didn’t say the ending wasn’t
happy, I just said that that wasn’t how it ended.” “Then hurry up, I asked for a story,
not an epic.” “Fine. The daughter. The nobleman’s daughter,
she was not as lost as everyone thought. Her desire was the freedom of the
people that wandered in the city. And though she knew what she wanted, she had no
power to accomplish it. That is what she told the boy as he professed his love
for her, and as he made it his goal to bring her happiness, her purpose became
his purpose. The boy would help the lost citizens regain their purpose. This
task was not as easy as it sounded though, not that it sounded easy to begin
with. The people that lived in the city were not truly lost in life, but robbed
of their purposes by that king. For the king was no king at all, but a thief
who ruled over his people and controlled them by stealing the purpose in their
lives.” “So he kills the king, right?” “You just want the abridged version,
don’t you?” “Maybe…” “Okay, he kills the king. The people
regain their purpose, and the boy and the girl find purpose in each other and
live happily ever after.” “What about the nobleman?” “That’s only available in the
unabridged edition.” “Fine… I still like that story
though. Thank you.” “I thought you would, so you’re
welcome.” --------------- “Hey, you there.” A voice whispered
from the darkness. It wasn’t exactly darkness though, it was like a black cloud
so thick it made all my senses numb. “Stand up.” I found myself moving at the voices
command. I could tell I was back on my feet again, but the black cloud was
still so thick I couldn’t even see. “Wake up.” My eyes flew open and
the cloud disappeared immediately. It was odd because I’d already felt like my
eyes were open, but I guess I had been asleep the whole time. I was face to face with someone I
had never seen before. Bright blue eyes, almost glowing, that was the first thing
I saw. They were beautiful, but the glow slowly withdrew behind a curtain of
straight long black hair as the person stepped back. While their figure was
slim and their hair was long I got the distinct feeling that it was a man, or
at least that they were male. He was taller and his voice was so commanding,
yet gentle, there were manly qualities present, but I definitely felt youth. It
was hard to tell anything definitive about him with his hair hiding his face
though. “Do you know where you are?” I
hesitated for a moment, the question didn’t sound right. “Where am I?” My sense of location
was confused, it felt like I wasn’t anywhere. “Am I somewhere?” “As confused as you might feel,
that is the correct answer. You are nowhere.” His voice sounded like it was
humming off the walls of the small room we were in, but it was so soft it was
like a whisper that came from everywhere. “Do you remember why you aren’t here?” My mind was blank for a second as I
tried to force it to work. My name was Samantha King, I did odd jobs to stay
alive… I regretted remembering immediately. The scene in the apartment played
backwards in my head. A girl stood over me, then walked over to a dead boy’s
body and cried over it. The boy stood up, a loud noise echoed through the room,
and then I saw the gun in my own hands. I’d killed someone, but was that really
why I was here? “Am I… being punished?” I looked
around the room again. The room was illuminated by an old lantern and was
nearly empty except for a desk and an old and grimy looking cot. It hardly
looked like a prison, but it certainly wasn’t welcoming. “In a way.” The man answered,
leaning in even closer, the glow of his blue eyes returning. “You see, you
wronged me. What you did was so terrible that the debt you now owe will likely
never be repaid for all eternity, an eternity you will be forced to live out.” “Who are you?” I’d never seen him
before in my life, even at the apartment which I hardly remembered at all in
the haze of rapid events. Was the boy I killed his brother or something? “I am Death.” “What did I do to get on your bad
side? People die every day, what was so special about that boy? Were you two
close or something?” “Yes, and no.” He backed away this
time taking a full step back, his eyes disappearing from view again. “While
people do die every day and I do mostly nothing about it, and while that boy
was not particularly significant, his death was. That does not pertain to you,
however, so do not ask about him.” That was ridiculous, how did a murder I
committed not pertain to me? As much as I wanted to protest and find out more,
I couldn’t seem to make the words come out. “What is your name?” I still wanted
to ask more questions but nothing would come out. “Come on now, tell me.” “Samantha King.” The words came out so easily, but I hadn’t
really wanted to share them. “Leaving you to figure it out on
your own would be cruel, which I am not. If you haven’t noticed already, you
cannot refuse me.” I opened my mouth to protest but he interrupted me. “This is
because of what you did and there is no way around it, your soul belongs to me
and as long as I possess it you have no choice but to do as I say.” Something
about the way he’d said that lit a spark of rage in me. “You sick freak, you think you can
just waltz right in and...” “Be quiet.” My jaw locked and my throat tensed up. All I
could manage was a choking noise. “I think you may have misunderstood me. There is no possible way for you to not do
as I say. If, no, when I order
you to do something you will be forced by powers above your control to obey
me.” I hadn’t stopped trying to prove him wrong, although all I’d managed to do
was cough up a little blood. “However, as I have said, I am not a cruel man. I
don’t like inflicting pain upon others, so I would prefer if you listen before
I have to force you to do anything.” I glared at him. “You may speak now, but
please try to restrain yourself from saying anything you might regret later.” “What did you do to me?” I hissed. “You did most of the work actually,
murder is a terrible thing. All I did was accept your living soul to my eternal
service.” “Excuse me if I call you the most
disgusting, despicable, vile, evil man I have ever laid eyes on.” There was no
real come back after being told that someone owns you and that it’s impossible
to deny them. I had to settle with insulting him. “You’re excused.” I guess insults
couldn’t really phase you if you had complete control over the person saying
them. “Now, there is a silver lining to this, if you’d care to listen, that
is.” “I’ll listen, but don’t expect me
to react kindly.” “Very well, the benefit is very
simply that due to the nature of our little… unspoken contract, you won’t die
as long as I have your soul. You won’t age, you can sustain wounds but they
will heal quickly. You’re effectively immortal.” “So I get to be your little slave
forever, doesn’t that just sound wonderful.” © 2016 Outdated Account |
Added on May 15, 2016 Last Updated on October 30, 2016 Tags: macabre, novel, full length, serial, death, the grim reaper, grim reaper, business, contract, contracts, contract law, deal, deal with the devil, supernatural, paranormal, fiction, adventure, etc. Author