Senarii - Indistinctum

Senarii - Indistinctum

A Chapter by Wonderstruck777

Senarii - Indistinctum
(Six - Indistinguishable)

“Finally we’re here!” Vee shouted as she zoomed into the air. “It looks like they have a gate to get in!”
“Then you should probably get back into the carriage,” Blaze said as he began slowing the carriage. “We’ll look threatening if you’re floating all around the place.”
“Tai maybe you should wear a covering over your head,” Peri suggested as she rummaged for a quilt to cover me. “If they have gates they’ll most likely have guards and because of your strange appearance it might-”
“HALT, WHO GOES THERE?” A loud voice boomed from behind us.
We all turned around to see three earth gifted guards glaring intensely at us, and one had a large golem floating above us to attack!
“N-No we’re just...” Peri nervously trailed off as she quivered slightly in fright.
“We’re just mere travelers passing through,” Blaze took over. “May we please pass through this canyon?”
The guards all looked at each of us skeptically before their eyes narrowed on me. Oh boy.
“You three may pass,” One said pointing to Peri, Blaze and Vee. “But she comes with us!”
“She’s our comrade you can’t take her!” Vee said as she flew in front of me. 
“She’s indistinguishable to a certain gift, therefore she is classified as a hazard to our community and will be thrown in jail!”
I was roughly grabbed and thrown over the shoulder of one of the guards as if I was a sack of flour!
“LET GO OF ME I HAVEN’T DONE ANYTHING WRONG!” I shouted as I wiggled in his grasp and flailed my legs wildly.
“Release her, she’s not a criminal!” Blaze said as he shot a blast of fire at the guard, which made him drop me on my head.
My vision immediately became blurry and I rapidly blinked my eyes; but I begun feeling faint and lightheaded. I watched Vee and Blaze simultaneously attack the guards, but they were forced back by large golems flying at them and a raging sandstorm.
“You’re coming with me!” I was roughly thrown over a shoulder again. My head smacked against the guards back making me become even more light headed.
The last thing I saw were my friends’ shouting my name before I completely blacked out.
“I can’t believe they took her!” Blaze shouted as he angrily kicked a boulder.
“Blaze you need to calm down,” Peri gently tried to calm her fuming brother. 
“Peri’s right Blaze,” Vee agreed. “If we want to find Tai, we have to stay calm and level-headed.”
Blaze took three deep breaths before speaking. “All right, I am calm. So what’s the plan Vee?”
“Well since they are earth gifted, I suspect that their prison would be underground, somewhere where most gifts can’t be utilized. Peri, you can use your gift to communicate with the plants, ask them where Tai is.” Vee said.
“But most of the plants here are dead,” Peri pointed out. “Me trying to talk to them is like trying to talk to a dead person!”
“What about cactus?” Vee said. “This is their ideal living temperature, I’m sure one of them know something!”
“I’ll try but I can’t guarantee it’ll work.” Peri said rubbing her arms nervously. “Communicating with nature is a challenging process and I might not be able to-”
“Just do your best!” Vee gently said as she rested her hand reassuringly on Peri’s shoulder.
“If you can get the information, then I can use my winds to slice through the Earth.’”
“What can I do?” Blaze asked with a raised eyebrow.
“You can try not to set anything on fire,” Vee said. “Because this place is so dry, it’s also highly flammable!”
“Any luck this time Peri?” Vee asked as she watched her friend’s glowing green eyes return to normal before she let out a sigh.
“No,” She said frustratedly. “It’s like they refuse to communicate with me.”
“Just keep trying,” Vee encouraged. “Maybe it’ll work the next time.”
“Or maybe it wont!” Blaze seethed. “This plan is so stupid!”
“Well I don’t see you coming up with any better ideas princess!” Vee shot back as she floated to his eye-level.
“WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?” Blaze shouted as his hair burst into flames.
“YOU HEARD ME!” Vee screamed back as she got into an attack stance.
They both began violently attacking each other and soon enough, Blaze’s flames lit an old dry tree on fire, which easily spread into a circle, trapping them all in a ring of fire.
“Now look what you’ve done!” Vee screeched. “I told you not to set anything on fire!” Now we’ll all burn!”
“You started it!” Blaze immaturely said. “And in case you’ve forgotten sweetheart, I’m resistant to any kind of fire no matter how hot!”
“What about Peri? You’ll let her burn too!” Vee angrily questioned.
“I’ll save her and let you burn.” He nonchalantly said as he lied down in flames as if it was a field of fluffy cotton.
“You’re deplorable!”
“QUIET YOU TWO I’M TRYING TO LISTEN TO THE CACTUS!” Peri shouted as her eyes, crystal and hands began to glow.
“You’re communicating!” Vee said excitedly as she floated over to her. “And Blaze extinguish this flame right now!”
 “Which way did they go?” Peri asked no one in particular.
“Southeastern in the ground.” Peri said aloud. “How deep?”
“Would it take long for us to arrive there?”
“THREE DAYS!” Peri exclaimed. “But we need to get there now! How long would it take if we use air and fire gifts?”
“Is that an approximate?”
“This is so strange,” Blaze commented as he and Vee watched Peri communicate with the plant.
“Thank you so much!” Peri said gratefully as her eyes, crystal and hands returned to normal.
“So what do we have to do?” Blaze asked folding his arms.
“Here’s the plan!”
“You sure this is what the cactus said to do?” Blaze asked he and Vee violently blasted the rocks with wind and fire.
“Positive!” Peri said. “Just a bit further guys.”
The trio continued with their digging for about fifteen more minutes until they came across a hollow spot in the wall.
Blaze gently knocked on it with his fingers and heard shuffling on the other side. “Someone’s on the other side of this wall!” He whispered in a hushed tone.
“What do we do?” Peri looked at him panicked.
“You’re the plant whisperer you should know!” Blaze shot back.
“Well you’re the oldest!”
The siblings argued back and forth, that is until Vee blasted the wall down with a gust of wind, effectively shattering it to miniscule pieces. On the other side were a dozen guards all equipped and ready to fight the intruders.
“So how much will it cost to fix that wall?” Blaze nervously asked as he rubbed the back of his head. But the guards fired a stream at boulders at the trio; which they barely managed to avoid.
“OH CRAP, RUN!” Blaze shouted as he tugged on Vee’s and Peri’s wrists. The guards nearly stuck Peri down with a boulder and Blaze counterattacked by creating a whirlwind of fire that managed to knock six of them down.
“HALT!” The guards shouted harshly as they gained speed on the trio, they were right behind their trails. Blaze had to think fast to ensure everyone’s safety.
“Vee, grab Peri’s wrist and use your other hand to blast the most wind you could possibly muster,” He frantically said.
“But I thought you said-”
“FORGET WHAT I SAID JUST DO IT!” He shouted as he grabbed Peri’s other wrist. One guard was now directly behind Peri; her head now in his hand’s reach.
Vee followed Blaze’s directions and grabbed Peri’s wrist. She tightly clenched her left hand before she let out a wind so harsh that it could possible cause a tornado! Blaze simultaneously shot out a blast of fire out of his free hand which made the trio zoom forward at an incredible speed. Peri’s terrified shrieks could be heard from miles away as her feet dangled loosely in the air. A source a light that was increasing in size as the trio grew nearer was in their vision.
“JUST A LITTLE MORE VEE WE’RE ALMOST THERE!” Blaze shouted as he added more fuel to his already raging flames.
The source of light was now so close that Blaze was able to spot that their was a wall in front of light and at the last minute, he diminished his flames and pulled the girls’ bodies close to his chest while his back collided agonizingly with the wall. It shattered as Blaze landed painfully on his back, strangled moans escaping his mouth.
“Are you ok Blaze?” Vee asked as she quickly got up off of him.
“Barely,” He groaned as he tried to sit up.
“You idiot you could have killed yourself,” Peri scolded as she helped her brother into a sitting position. “Here, I’ll heal you.”
“GUYS!” A voice shouted.
They all whipped around to see Tai hung onto the wall in a crucifixion manner. Bruises lined her arms and legs and their was slight swelling in her face.
“TAI!” Peri shouted ecstatic as she and Vee shot forward to their friend; completely forgetting an injured Blaze behind who was now withering in pain from being dropped by his sister.
“Are you ok?” Vee asked as she flew up to her level to break away the earth that encased her.
Tai fell to the ground and Peri instantly healed her wounds, making them all fade away. “How do you feel?”
“Better, much better,” Tai answered as she shakily stood to her feet. “We have to get out of here, they were planning on executing me and will be back here any minute now.”
Vee pulled one of Tai’s arms around her neck to help her walk but Blaze’s irritated cry stop them from making any movement.
“It’s lovely to see that you’re back Tai but,” He started calmly. “I’M STILL DYING OVER HERE!”
“I’m so sorry Blaze,” Peri apologized as she ran to heal him, but she didn’t get to completely finished before she was roughly grabbed and encased in rock.
“PERI!” Blaze shouted but he too was encased in the rock, along with Tai and Vee.
“Well, well, well what do we have here? A few delinquents trying to break out a prisoner?” A tall woman said as she slowly walked further into the room with a smirk on her face. 
Thick curly brown that resembled a lion’s mane, deep green eyes and aura that radiated power. This woman was a huge threat to them.
“WHO THE HELL ARE YOU!” Blaze shouted as miniscule flames protruded from his mouth.
“My name is Gemma, the warden of this prison,” She said as her eyes hardened. “Send them all to the cell!”
As quickly as the trio had rescued their friend, they in turn had gotten captured.

© 2015 Wonderstruck777

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Woah! The dialogue was fantastic in this story. I like how you managed to quicken the action when needed and then draw out the dialogue when things weren't frantic.

I would have liked a little more description as to the area they were in. I manged to piece together that they were in a desert with a canyon, but something a little more descriptive would have been nice so that I could visualize the place this taking place in.

I haven't read the other chapters yet, but I will definitely go back and read them when I find the time. Thank you for a great story!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


Woah! The dialogue was fantastic in this story. I like how you managed to quicken the action when needed and then draw out the dialogue when things weren't frantic.

I would have liked a little more description as to the area they were in. I manged to piece together that they were in a desert with a canyon, but something a little more descriptive would have been nice so that I could visualize the place this taking place in.

I haven't read the other chapters yet, but I will definitely go back and read them when I find the time. Thank you for a great story!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on May 28, 2015
Last Updated on May 28, 2015



Just a girl from a dot on the map with big dreams. :) more..
