![]() StarStorm: Chapter 1A Story by Alex W.![]() if you like this, I'll put some more up.![]() Right now, I'm in my room, in The
Basement. Yes, it should be capitalized. I used to live in Buffalo,
New York, now I live somewhere under the Atlantic Ocean. Anyway, I'm in
my room, A451. I'm looking at the plain, white-washed ceiling.
Suddenly, I get up out of bed. I look at the clock, it's 4pm, I have 2 hours until dinner. I look
around. This room hasn't changed since I got here, a year ago. The
walls are a light blue, the door is a slightly darker shade of blue.
There's a window across from the door, outside you can see sharks and fish and
eels. Next to the window there's a plush fold-up chair, and next to that
there's a vanity, on it are all the different beauty products I use.
Next to the door is a full length mirror, I can see myself in it. On the
back of the door hangs my bathrobe, and next to it is the closet. I don't
open the closet door, because I know exactly what's on the other side, my
skimpy collection of clothes. Right after the closet ends, a shelf starts
which extends half way around the room. Upon the shelf are all my
treasures, everything from stuffed animals to mini statues.
My bed is in the center of the room, its head is right under the shelf.
On the left side is a bedside table, upon which are a few porcelain dolls and a
box of Kleenex. On the right side of the bed is a dresser, on top of
which is my radio, which, surprisingly, I get good reception out of. Then
we get back to the window.
I'm looking at my closet door, on which is a calendar and a sign saying
"Always Kiss Me Goodnight". suddenly my door opens, and in
comes my best friend in the world, Kendra Eriksdaughter. Kendra is a picture
of comfort, she's not skinny, but she's not fat. She's chubby, she has a
happy face and pretty brown eyes, short dark brown hair, and she's always
laughing. She's about 5'3", and she always speaks her mind.
She lives in the room next to mine, A452.
In A450 lives my other best girlfriend, Marina Tait. She's kind of
skinny, and about 5'3" also. She has long orange hair that she never
brushes, and has hazel eyes, she also has freckles and acne.
Right below me, in B451, lives Ace Malcolmson, another best friend of mine,
this one is a boy. He's about my height, has brown hair and eyes, and
looks like he's 5, but he's actually 14, we all are.
And, it the room next to Ace's, B450, lives Galvin Frueuff. I love Galvin
Frueuff, but it wasn't always like that. He's really tall, and has light
brown hair that always sticks straight up. He has brown eyes, and he's
really thin and lean but VERY strong.
Finally, in B452, is Ruggiero Rampado. Yes, that's his real first
name. He's skinny, not very muscular, he's about 5'4', he has big a*s
eyebrows, an average face, fuzzy black hair, and brown eyes. Oh, and he
has a HUGE crush on me! My name is Anneliese Prezlocki, but most
people call me Anne. The only things you
need to know about me are, I’m not fat, but I’m not skinny, I’m very muscular
for a girl, I have long brown hair, greenish-blue eyes, acne, and I have a
terrible memory. But I remember
everything that has happened in the past 365 days, exactly. Anyway, back to reality. Kendra ran in, carrying a photo album, and I
got worried. Whenever Kendra gets an
idea into her head, it’s impossible to get it out. Kendra says,
"Anne!!! Holy S**t!! I Just Found This Old Book Thingy!!! With
Pictures!! Looklooklook!!!!" And
I, being the sensible one (NOT!!!) responded with, “What the f**k? Kendra calm down. Speak like a normal human being......HOLY
CRAP A PICTURE BOOK!!!" And I call Galvin. And this is what I say to him, keep in mind
that he understands my train of thought. “GALVIN, OH MY F-ING
GOD!!!" “Anne,
calm down, what's wrong?" “KENDRA JUST FOUND A
PICTURE BOOK THINGY!!!!" “You mean a photo album?" “YEAH WHATEVER YOU WANT
and what am I supposed to do with the photo album?" “JUST GET ACE, RUGGIERO AND MARINA AND GET UP HERE
NOW!!!!!!" When
everyone gets upstairs, we look at the old pictures. The first one we see
is the one from out 8th grade dance, it had Mum and Phedra and all of us in
it. Then we see the picture of Galvin that I adore SO much. We look
through about half of the book, when it suddenly becomes blank. About 10
of the pages are blank, then we see pictures from a few weeks ago. Suddenly
Chria Porkornowski comes in and tells us it's lights out. We look at the
clock on my vanity, and sure enough, it's 10 o'clock, lights out. Galvin,
Ace, Ruggiero, Marina, and Kendra go back to their rooms. I put on my
sleepwear, get into bead, but I can't sleep. So, I get the book and
flashlight I keep under my bed for these occasions, and start reading. After
a while, my phone rings. I hop up to get it before the night guard hears. "Hello?"
I say. “Anne,
it's Galvin." “Can't
sleep?" “No,
you?" "Not
a chance." “What
book are you reading?" Galvin knows me too well. “I'd
Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have To Kill You." “Again?" “Yep,
you?" “Oh,
I'm reading Life of Pi." “Why
did you call, Galvin? I know it wasn't to talk about what book we're
reading at 2 in the morning." “I
called to ask who made the photo album." “Oh,
I did, why?" “Well,
I was wondering, why did you leave those pages blank? Did you just not
take enough pictures during that time period?" "No,
I took a lot of pictures. I guess it's just because I didn't want anyone
to know what I had gone through. That's right! You weren't here
back then, were you? You just got here a few weeks ago!" "Yep,
why? Did something bad happen?" "I'm
going to conference in everyone else." "What?
You can do that?" "Yeah,
you just press 7...What's up everyone?" "Nothing." "I
take it none of you could sleep either?" "Nope." “OK,
so here's the plan, tomorrow, take a day off from training." "Why?
I've never taken a day off before." Ace, such a
goodie-goodie-two-shoes. "Because,
I'm going to tell you what happened over the summer." "HUH!!!!"
Everyone gasps on astonishment. "But
you hate talking about what happened...then...you've never told
anyone!" Says Kendra, "Not even me!" "I
know, but it's time I told someone, and it might as well be you, you're about
the only people in the world who will believe me. Unless you want to get
Max Dosluogu out of his cell and talk about it with him, or how about
Phedra? I didn't think so. So, I'll see you all tomorrow? Goodnight." With
that, I hung up, and turned my phone off, in case anyone wanted to call
back. I got back into bed, but didn't get to sleep for the rest of the
night. I was too busy thinking about what had happened that past
summer... © 2010 Alex W. |
1 Review Added on March 23, 2010 Last Updated on March 23, 2010 Author