What is a legend? Well in my world, and epic poetry, they are fictional beings that are able to live forever. Time has no effect on there bodies. The only way they can die is by someone or something greater then themselves. Their colored iris' in their eyes shine when a great emotion is stirred within them. They posses abilities that very depending on the individual and there personalities and likeliness. They also have the ability to travel to any planet that they please, with their bodies shattering like glass.
Where do they exist? Anywhere. A futuristic planet to a medieval one. The stories take place on many different planets, but all the legends come from a single place. They are sent out to protect people that are not legends. They carry only bladed weapons or use their own abilities, such as lightning or a dark cursed arm.
How do you become a legend? It differs upon the said individual. Most become one by doing something that is out of their normal ability. Like a young man having so much determination that he drains every drop of his life to complete his task. This young man is worthy of becoming a legend. They are chosen by a place called "The legendary council" and are set under their order. If you do not join their cause after being recreated as a legend, then you are hunted down. This is why some people believe that the council is corrupt. But their reasons are to ride existence of people that appose goodness. Thus the council and its "Councilmen" are seen as being valiant. While some individuals within their establishment are not as glories as other. And a few are monstrous. Even in this good, and supposedly just, establishment, there are corrupt beings. Even if the beings in themselves are good.
But isn't every being corrupt to a certain degree? Who will you side with? Which is good? And which one is evil? Or is it all the same? That is for the individual to decide. Its all in the prospective.