It's to be different then everyone else.
To feel for others more then they feel, at all.
To change every thought.
We start with a single thought.
It drips down, affecting every inch.
Whether it be good, or bad...
It floods, taking and consuming everything.
You become the very thought in itself.
Or yourself.
Whether it be good, or bad...
Actions speak louder then words,
But thoughts scream it in your face.
But thoughts are what are behind the actions
Controlling you.
Or them.
Whether it be good, or bad...
It starts there,
And unfortunately,
Ends there.
Whether it be good, or bad.
It's to be different.
Control them.
Change now, so the future wont be regretful
Whether it be good, or ba-
No, Just good =]
This is a great poem ^-^ Alot of the times yes, thoughts do control people. If they don't, alot of the times they only trust other people which can lead to problems. This poem makes you think about what sometimes you dont think about yourself :3
Lol I remember you mentioning before that you weren't a poetic kind of guy so I was slightly surprised to know you posted a poem. Anyway, this poem is good. Inspiring, no doubt. Reminds you (not that I forget) about how one person can bring about change. A daily dose of these poems will surely lift one's confidence. I especially like this line 'To feel for others more then they feel, at all.' Totally agreeable. Tells that no matter how much of an ice people can sometimes be, you just have to be patient with them, and eventually they'll crack. Lol, interesting read. A twist of your writings. By the way, I've noticed a few minor mistakes, that I'm sure, if corrected will make this poem a lot better.
I like it. It makes you think of both sides. confusing like a lot of things out there. Because a lot of things you don't really know if they are good or bad. till you take that step.
Thank you Good journey
A Pic of me playing my bass on stage
HI, my name is Vincent "Alex" Beasley. I'm tall, I have brown hair and I'm REALLY skinny.
My interests are: Playing bass, reading manga, listening to A LOT.. more..