intense, my friend, but very vivid. I could see the creature move with stealth, and feel the muscles upon my hands, as if to feel it as it moved. I could see the creature, assuming a leapord maybe (?) move through the night. And it is a fair game of prey and predator. Very and nicely done!! Bravo!
Very clear and descriptive. I could see the forest, the sun going down, a low wind picking up. And a predator, a majestic creature of sorts blending into the forest, its home, its forest. I loved it. I guess I don't have much for constructive criticism, just praise. "Reaper of the night" I like this line the most, it give the impression that this creature is powerful, untouchable, and for the prey, a form of unavoidable destiny.
intense, my friend, but very vivid. I could see the creature move with stealth, and feel the muscles upon my hands, as if to feel it as it moved. I could see the creature, assuming a leapord maybe (?) move through the night. And it is a fair game of prey and predator. Very and nicely done!! Bravo!
Tickled my fancy! Reminded me of my cat, Nittany, who prowls and leaps and hunts...and at times goes a bit beserk. Although this has a much darker tone to it. Very mysterious! Excellent.