![]() Murder On The Dance FloorA Chapter by Wolfs-echo![]() The rivalry thickens and Jade becomes more desperate to get Savannah away from Joy but will her efforts bring Joy closer or push her away?![]()
I decided to walk home the long way so I could have some time to think, also when I went the long way I could visit one of my old best friends. The world looked so beautiful today and for some reason it seemed more beautiful than it was this morning. It looked like heaven on earth as the Sun made the frost glitter and made the snow almost appear to be glowing. Winter was always my favourite season, it was truly the time of love and beauty.
Eventually after walking for about an hour I reached a field with some stables built on it. I climbed over the frost covered wooden gate and made my way into the field. Over in the far corner I saw a small herd of horses and amongst them was a Dales Pony male. I clicked my tongue against my teeth and the Dales Pony’s head shot straight up. He came trotting over to me and buried his head in my chest. ‘I love you Mace,’ I whispered in his ears while I gently stroked his neck underneath his long black mane. Mace used to be mine and my mother’s horse but when she died my step dad sold him to one of my mother’s friends, luckily they still let me treat him like my horse but it’s still not the same as it once was. I missed my old life when everything was so much simpler and so much happier. Tears ran down my cheeks as I thought of the old days, the days when my mother was alive. I looked into Mace’s dark brown eyes and I saw all of those happy moments when me and my mother were with him. Those times when we rode him down the river and he always used to act up when a boat went passed and how my mother used to hit her head on the tree branches as he jumped about. I remembered that time when he tried to run away from a noise and accidentally hit me and made me fly into a giant muddy puddle and my mother almost fell off him because she was laughing so hard. I remembered the time all three of us won our first competition. I remembered all of those fun times when the ground was covered with ice and me and my mother kept falling over while we were trying to empty the wheel barrows. In his eyes I saw my past and I knew that my mother was alive within those eyes. Suddenly I felt a vibration in my jean’s pocket. I checked the caller ID on my phone and noticed it was Luke. A smile crept across my face as I answered the phone. ‘Hello gorgeous, what’s up?’ I asked while still stroking Mace who was trying to eat my phone at this point. ‘I was just wondering if you’re going to the social tonight,’ he replied, sounding hopeful. ‘I’m sorry I don’t feel up to it, I might just spend the night at home.’ ‘But the new girl is going and you might stand a chance with her, I mean if she gets drunk...’Luke sad in a playful manner, he was such a pervert. He was always making sexual innuendoes and always made it sound as if the whole meaning of life was sex. Most people found this weird but I knew that he was only joking, I mean Luke was even a virgin, which proved that he didn’t really care. ‘Luke you know I’m not that type of girl.’ ‘Oh come on please go. Savannah will be there and she’ll definitely get drunk and we can watch her do embarrassing things again like we did last time. It will be awesome.’ ‘Wait! Savannah is going?! And Joy will be there?’ I shouted, causing Mace to jump away from me a little and snort. I stroked him on the nose to say sorry and he quickly came back to my side and started rummaging through my pockets to see if he could find any horse treats. ‘Yes Savannah and Joy will be there.’ ‘I’m going Luke. I’ll meet you outside of Jayjay’s at 8 o’clock sharp.’ ‘GREAT! I’ll see you there,’ he said before hanging up the phone. I glanced at my watch and cursed under my breath as I noticed it was already quarter to five. I gave Mace a kiss on the nose before sprinting towards the gate. I ran the rest of the way home and almost collapsed in a heap as soon as I got through the front door. I was walking through to the utility room to get Echo’s crickets when a noticed a piece of paper was stuck to the fridge, it was a note from my step dad saying her wouldn’t be home tonight. I just shrugged before throwing the piece of paper in the trash. The rest of the night was like a blur because I was doing things so quickly. I had to feed Echo, walk Shadow and then feed and clean him, have a shower, make myself some dinner, get ready and then walk the hour walk to Jayjay’s. I was amazed that I actually managed to get all of this done by eight o’clock. I arrived at Jayjay’s at about five to eight and Luke was nowhere to be seen so I had to stand outside in the cold wearing only a red and black lace corset top, a black short skirt, long gothic lace gloves and flat open top shoes. The outfit was topped off with a velvet black chocker with a hanging red heart and some Celtic ear rings. I was freezing. The walk to Jayjay’s wasn’t too bad as I kept myself warm by moving about but when I was just standing there waiting for Luke, the cold really hit me hard. I would have brought a coat but I didn’t see the point considering it got way too hot inside of Jayjay’s. Finally I saw Luke’s dad’s car pull up in the bus stop and out came Luke, dressed in blue skinny jeans, a white shirt and a loose blue tie, the exact same outfit he wore the last time and the time before that and the time before that and well, you get the idea. ‘So you ready to get totally smashed?’ Luke asked me, with a massive grin on his face. ‘You know I’ll only ever let myself get slightly drunk Luke, I’m not an alcoholic like you,’ I replied before nudging him in a playful manner. He nudged me back and then the next thing I knew we were racing up the stairs into Jayjay’s. As soon as I entered I was deafened by the volume of the music, they were playing Michael Jackson’s ‘Beat it’. Luke ordered two bottle of WKD while I searched the room for either Joy or Savannah. I’d texted Luke the whole story while I was getting ready because I knew that I would need some back up if a confrontation with Savannah had to take place. After I had searched the place five times I decided that they definitely hadn’t arrived yet so I decided to just relax, I mean maybe Luke had been wrong and they weren’t even coming tonight. Just as that thought crossed through my mind I saw them walk in TOGETHER! I couldn’t believe it. They were laughing and joking around just like me and Savannah did before we went out. I couldn’t believe that Joy was falling for it. An hour passed and I watched as Savannah got more daring with Joy, which was odd considering Joy hadn’t even drank any alcohol so why would Savannah even try? She didn’t stand a chance or at least that’s what I thought before I looked a little closer. Savannah was backing Joy into a corner and I knew for a fact that was not good. I had to do something but what? I looked at my full bottle of WKD and an idea instantly hit me. Luke looked at me suspiciously...I swear he knew me too well. In no time at all we had formulated a plan that would hopefully make everything look like an accident but I had a funny feeling that no matter what we said, Savannah would not see it that way. We slowly made our way through the crowd of drunk dancing teenagers towards the corner where beauty and the beast were. As soon as we were close enough we started dancing, just like everyone else in the room. We tried to make as much noise as we could to get Savannah’s attention....And it worked. Savannah turned round after recognising mine and Luke’s laughter. Luke winked at me which was the single to put the plan into action. Within seconds I ‘accidentally’ tripped on Luke’s leg and my WKD flew out of its bottle and landed all over Savannah. She screamed in shock and anger. I could feel myself wanting to laugh but I had to restrain it and act all apologetic, but Luke luckily didn’t and I could hear him burst into fits of laughter behind me. I turned around to hit him on the arm to make it appear like I believed this was not a situation that should be laughed at, but when I turned around to look at Savannah a hand collided with my cheek, sending me flying into the wall. ‘Savannah! Why did you do that?! It was just an accident and she said sorry!’ Yelled Joy as she helped me get back to my feet. ‘I’m sorry Joy, I just lost my temper. Jade, would you like to accompany me to the little girls’ room?’ Savannah asked with a menacing grin on her face. I knew then that this was about to get ugly but I guess I knew that it would ever since I decided to protect Joy from this monster. I slowly nodded my head, already accepting my fate. Savannah snatched my arm and dragged my reluctant body to the toilets. She threw me inside one of the cubicles and then locked the door behind us. I just stood there, staring into her wrathful eyes. I was ready for whatever she was about to dish out. ‘Look b***h! I know that you didn’t spill your drink on me by accident! I know you are trying to keep me away from Joy! But let me tell you it is not going to work. I AM going to win her over! I AM going to get what I want out of her! And there is nothing, I repeat NOTHING, you can do to stop me!’ ‘Are you sure there’s nothing I can do?’ I asked before grabbing her by the hair on the top of her head and shoving her head into the toilet. I quickly pulled the chain with my other hand and watched as Savannah’s head got drenched in toilet water. I couldn’t believe how good this felt. For over a year I had lived in fear of Savannah, she had controlled me and I had been a tiny pathetic little mouse to her that was too scared to stand up for herself, but today the tides turned. Today I was the one holding the power. Today I was the one who was in control. I was no longer scared of her, after all she couldn’t hurt me anymore then she already had. I had to stop her in order to save Joy from suffering from the same pain Savannah caused me. That cause got rid of all my fear. That cause made me strong. As soon as the water stopped gushing into the toilet I pulled out Savannah’s head. She gasped from shock and horror from what had just been done to her. Savannah collapsed to the floor, gripping the toilet like a five year old grips a teddy bear when they’re scared. I knelt on the floor in front of her and whispered in her ear, ‘You no longer have the power Savannah and I am no longer going to be a silent mouse. I care about Joy and I am not going to let her suffer because of you. So you had better back off! Because if you don’t this little war is going to get uglier.’ Savannah just stared at me in disbelief, I could see all the emotions captured in her eyes; fear, confusion, anger, astonishment, shock, the list was endless. I grinned in satisfaction before striding out of the cubicle, leaving Savannah alone with her thoughts. © 2010 Wolfs-echo |
Added on March 10, 2010 Last Updated on March 10, 2010 Author![]() Wolfs-echoUnited KingdomAboutMy name is Nicole and I'm 17 years old. I live in England but I've always wanted to go to America. I love animals, in fact I'm a vegetarian for this very reason, and one of my favourite hobbies is ho.. more..Writing